@inproceedings{she_huang_ni_burgos_2012, title={AC Circulating Currents Suppression in Modular Multilevel Converter}, DOI={10.1109/iecon.2012.6388809}, abstractNote={Modular multilevel converter is a next generation multilevel converters for medium to high voltage conversion applications, such as medium voltage motor drive and high voltage direct current transmission. One potential issue of this type of converter is the AC circulating current, which increases the current stress and brings additional conduction loss to the system. This paper proposes modified control architecture for modular multilevel converters, aiming at suppressing the AC components in the circulating current. Specifically, a proportional-resonant type minor loop is incorporated to regulate the most AC components of the circulating current to zero in addition to the DC regulation loop. The proposed minor loop can also be applied to single phase MMC, which is not available in previous methods. Simulation results for a three-phase MMC operating as an inverter are provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.}, booktitle={38th annual conference on ieee industrial electronics society (iecon 2012)}, author={She, X. and Huang, A. and Ni, X. J. and Burgos, R.}, year={2012}, pages={191–196} } @article{she_huang_wang_burgos_2013, title={Wind Energy System With Integrated Functions of Active Power Transfer, Reactive Power Compensation, and Voltage Conversion}, volume={60}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2012.2216245}, abstractNote={As the power of wind energy system increases, the control of their active and reactive power becomes increasingly more important from a system standpoint given that these are typical frequency and voltage control parameters. In this paper, a family of wind energy systems with integrated functions of active power transfer, reactive power compensation, and voltage conversion is proposed. The proposed wind energy systems using solid-state transformer (SST) can effectively suppress the voltage fluctuation caused by the transient nature of wind energy without additional reactive power compensator and, as such, may enable the large penetration of wind farm (WF) into the power grid. To this end, a simulation study for WF driven by squirrel-cage induction generators is presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system. In addition, a modular-type high-voltage and high-power three-phase SST topology is presented for the proposed system, and its basic building block, which is a single-phase SST, is analyzed. The functions of SST in the presented wind energy system are verified in a single-phase laboratory prototype with scaled-down experiments. Lastly, cost issue of the proposed technology is analyzed with comparison to the traditional one.}, number={10}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, author={She, Xu and Huang, Alex Q. and Wang, Fei and Burgos, Rolando}, year={2013}, month={Oct}, pages={4512–4524} }