@article{trovagunta_marquez_tolosa_barrios_zambrano_suarez_pal_gonzalez_hubbe_2024, title={Lignin self-assembly phenomena and valorization strategies for pulping, biorefining, and materials development: Part 1. The physical chemistry of lignin self-assembly}, volume={332}, ISSN={["1873-3727"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cis.2024.103247}, DOI={10.1016/j.cis.2024.103247}, abstractNote={Physical chemistry aspects are emphasized in this comprehensive review of self-assembly phenomena involving lignin in various forms. Attention to this topic is justified by the very high availability, low cost, and renewable nature of lignin, together with opportunities to manufacture diverse products, for instance, polymers/resins, bioplastics, carbon fibers, bio-asphalt, sunscreen components, hydrophobic layers, and microcapsules. The colloidal lignin material, nanoparticles, and microstructures that can be formed as a result of changes in solvent properties, pH, or other adjustments to a suspending medium have been shown to depend on many factors. Such factors are examined in this work based on the concepts of self-assembly, which can be defined as an organizing principle dependent on specific attributes of the starting entities themselves. As a means to promote such concepts and to facilitate further development of nano-scale lignin products, this article draws upon evidence from a wide range of studies. These include investigations of many different plant sources of lignin, processes of delignification, solvent systems, anti-solvent systems or other means of achieving phase separation, and diverse means of achieving colloidal stability (if desired) of resulting self-assembled lignin structures. Knowledge of the self-organization behavior of lignin can provide significant structural information to optimize the use of lignin in value-added applications. Examples include chemical conditions and preparation procedures in which lignin-related compounds of particles organize themselves as spheres, hollow spheres, surface-bound layers, and a variety of other structures. Published articles show that such processes can be influenced by the selection of lignin type, pulping or extraction processes, functional groups such as phenolic, carboxyl, and sulfonate, chemical derivatization reactions, solvent applications, aqueous conditions, and physical processes, such as agitation. Precipitation from non-aqueous solutions represents a key focus of lignin self-assembly research. The review also considers stabilization mechanisms of self-assembled lignin-related structures.}, journal={ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE}, author={Trovagunta, Ramakrishna and Marquez, Ronald and Tolosa, Laura and Barrios, Nelson and Zambrano, Franklin and Suarez, Antonio and Pal, Lokendra and Gonzalez, Ronalds and Hubbe, Martin A.}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @misc{hubbe_trovagunta_zambrano_tiller_jardim_2023, title={Self-assembly Fundamentals in the Reconstruction of Lignocellulosic Materials: A Review}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1930-2126"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.15376/biores.18.2.hubbe}, DOI={10.15376/biores.18.2.hubbe}, abstractNote={This review article considers processes by which the main components of wood have been reported to arrange themselves into various kinds of organized structures, at least to a partial extent. The biosynthesis of wood provides the clearest examples of such self-organization. For example, even before a cellulose macromolecule has been completely synthesized in a plant organism, the leading parts of the polymer chains already will have assembled themselves into organized crystals, i.e., nano-fibrils. This review then considers a challenge that faces industrial engineers: how to emulate the great success of natural systems when attempting to achieve favorable materials properties, process efficiency, and environmental friendliness when developing new engineered wood structures, barrier films, and other desired products composed of lignocellulosic materials. Based on the reviewed literature, it appears that the main chemical components of wood, even after they have been isolated from each other, still have a remnant of their initial tendencies to come back together in a somewhat non-random fashion, following mechanisms that can be favorable for the production of engineered materials having potentially useful functions.}, number={2}, journal={BIORESOURCES}, publisher={BioResources}, author={Hubbe, Martin A. and Trovagunta, Ramakrishna and Zambrano, Franklin and Tiller, Phoenix and Jardim, Juliana}, year={2023}, month={May}, pages={4262–4331} } @article{trovagunta_hubbe_2023, title={Suberin as a Bio-based Flame-Retardant?}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1930-2126"]}, DOI={10.15376/biores.18.3.4388-4391}, abstractNote={Fire hazard is a constant risk in everyday life with the use of combustibles such as polymeric materials, wood, and fabrics, to name a few. Halogenated compounds have been widely used as efficient flame-retardants, often being applied as coatings or impregnations. With growing environmental concerns and regional bans on the use of halogenated flame-retardant compounds, bio-based alternatives are garnering significant research interest. Naturally occurring materials such as eggshells, DNA, and certain proteins have developed a self-defense mechanism against fire over millions of years of evolution. Cork, a naturally occurring biological tissue in outer bark, is of interest as it is often used as a heat shield and moisture repellent, specifically in spacecraft. A deeper look into the chemical structure of cork indicates the presence of suberin, a bio-polyester group that makes up as much as 40% of its chemical composition. These bio-polyester groups play a key role as a protective barrier between the plant and the surrounding external environment. Thus, the role of suberin in plants could be mimicked for the design of biobased flame-retardant materials.}, number={3}, journal={BIORESOURCES}, publisher={BioResources}, author={Trovagunta, Ramakrishna and Hubbe, Martin A.}, year={2023}, month={Aug}, pages={4388–4391} } @article{trovagunta_kelley_lavoine_2022, title={Dual-Templating Approach for Engineering Strong, Biodegradable Lignin-Based Foams}, volume={11}, ISSN={["2168-0485"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c04056}, DOI={10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c04056}, abstractNote={Technical lignins are generated as byproducts from the wood pulping industry. Although their estimated annual production amounts to approximately 70 million tons, their exploitation as value-added products remains insignificant. Yet, the diversity in the molecular structure and surface chemistry of technical lignins and their intrinsic role as mechanical support of plants may be an asset to consider in the engineering of plant-inspired materials such as biofoams. Valorization of lignins into solid foams, however, rarely accounts for more than 45–50 wt % of lignins because of their brittle nature. Herein, we report a strategy to develop fully biodegradable lignin-based foams of high stiffness, strength, and toughness that are comparable to, or in some cases exceed, the performance of petroleum-derived foams. A dual-templating approach using ice and cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) as templates was selected to control the porous architecture of the foams made by the assembly of lignin and cellulose in the cell walls. Foams with varying lignin-to-CNF weight ratios showed enhanced structural and mechanical integrity compared with neat lignin and CNF foams. For 80–90 wt % of lignin, a significant increase (+50%) in the foams' compressive performance was observed. Varying the degree of sulfonation of lignin and in turn its chemical interaction with cellulose enabled the generation of biodegradable composite foams with tunable compressive strength. The greater the colloidal stability of the lignin-CNF suspension, the higher the foams' compressive performance. This study thus discusses an engineering approach for the valorization of technical lignins into sustainable foams that have potential as packaging materials and sandwich panels, in which high stiffness, strength, and toughness per unit weight are required.}, journal={ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING}, publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)}, author={Trovagunta, Ramakrishna and Kelley, Stephen S. and Lavoine, Nathalie}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @article{trovagunta_zou_österberg_kelley_lavoine_2021, title={Design strategies, properties and applications of cellulose nanomaterials-enhanced products with residual, technical or nanoscale lignin—A review}, volume={254}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117480}, DOI={10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117480}, abstractNote={With the increasing demand for greener alternatives to fossil-derived products, research on cellulose nanomaterials (CNMs) has rapidly expanded. The combination of nanoscale properties and sustainable attributes makes CNMs an asset in the quest for a sustainable society. However, challenges such as the hydrophilic nature of CNMs, their low compatibility with non-polar matrices and modest thermal stability, slow the development of end-uses. Combination of CNMs with amphiphilic lignin can improve the thermal stability, enhance the compatibility with non-polar matrices and, additionally, endow CNMs with new functionalities e.g., UV shielding or antioxidative properties. This article comprehensively reviews the different design strategies and their influence on properties and applications of CNMs containing lignin in various forms; either as residual lignin, added technical lignin, or nanoscale particles. The review focuses especially on the synergy created between CNMs and lignin, paving the way for new production routes and use of CNM/lignin materials in high-performance applications.}, journal={Carbohydrate Polymers}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Trovagunta, Ramakrishna and Zou, Tao and Österberg, Monica and Kelley, Stephen S. and Lavoine, Nathalie}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={117480} } @article{trovagunta_kelley_lavoine_2021, title={Highlights on the mechanical pre-refining step in the production of wood cellulose nanofibrils}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1572-882X"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-021-04226-6}, DOI={10.1007/s10570-021-04226-6}, number={18}, journal={CELLULOSE}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Trovagunta, Ramakrishna and Kelley, Stephen S. and Lavoine, Nathalie}, year={2021}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{trovagunta_kelley_lavoine_2020, title={Strong, lightweight lignin-based foams}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85103472966&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, booktitle={PEERS/IBBC Virtual Conference 2020}, author={Trovagunta, R. and Kelley, S.S. and Lavoine, N.}, year={2020}, pages={110–118} } @article{lavoine_durmaz_trovagunta_2019, title={Preparation and Properties of Nanopolysaccharides}, volume={15}, ISBN={["978-981-15-0912-4"]}, ISSN={["2195-0652"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0913-1_1}, DOI={10.1007/978-981-15-0913-1_1}, abstractNote={With the raising environmental awareness of the society, the interest in exploiting nanomaterials from renewable resources is rapidly increasing. Renewable nanotechnology not only features the outstanding properties of common synthetic nanomaterials, but also combines renewability, biodegradability and biocompatibility. These past two decades have seen the emergence of so-called nanopolysaccharides, namely nanoscale particles isolated and/or produced from renewable and abundant materials such as cellulose, chitin and starch. These particles are paving the way for the design of high-performance tailored materials, which can address the current environmental and sustainability concerns of our society. Their potential in replacing plastics from petroleum-based polymers is especially the key driver behind this global and raising research effort. This chapter introduces the different preparation routes and main properties of nanopolysaccharides from cellulose, chitin and starch; three of the most abundant biopolymers available and exploited today. This chapter suggests as well potential applications and usages for these nanoparticles, as a preamble of the following next chapters, which will illustrate much more in details how these nanoparticles can change our society of tomorrow.}, journal={ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS FROM NANOPOLYSACCHARIDES}, publisher={Springer Singapore}, author={Lavoine, Nathalie and Durmaz, Ekrem and Trovagunta, Ramakrishna}, year={2019}, pages={1–54} }