@article{rafsan_haque_shah_sagues_ding_ferraris_kolar_2024, title={Poultry litter-derived biochar for supercapacitor applications}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nxener.2024.100171}, DOI={10.1016/j.nxener.2024.100171}, journal={Next Energy}, author={Rafsan, Nur-Al-Sarah and Haque, Syed Fahad Bin and Shah, Sanjay and Sagues, Joe and Ding, Ran and Ferraris, John and Kolar, Praveen}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @article{patil_sharara_shah_kulesza_classen_2023, title={Impacts of utilizing swine lagoon sludge as a composting ingredient}, volume={327}, ISSN={0301-4797}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116840}, DOI={10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116840}, abstractNote={Lagoon sludge, a byproduct of swine operations in the Southeast United States, poses a management challenge due to its high mineral and metal content. Composting is a low-cost, scalable technology for manure management. However, limited information is available on composting swine lagoon sludge in terms of recipes, greenhouse gas emissions and end-product quality. Moreover, due to its high Zn and Cu content, high inclusion of sludge in composting recipes can potentially inhibit the process. To address these knowledge gaps, in-vessel aerated composting (0.4 m3each) was carried out to evaluate impacts of sludge inclusion, at 10% (Low Sludge, LS-Recipe) and 20% (High sludge, HS-Recipe) wet mass-basis, on composting process and end-product quality. Comparable maximum temperatures (74 ± 2.7 °C, 74.9 ± 2.9 °C), and organic matter loss were observed in both recipes. Similarly, sludge inclusion ratio had no significant impact on cumulative GHG emissions. The global warming potential (20-year GWP) for swine lagoon sludge composting using LS and HS recipes was observed to be 241.9 (±13.3) and 229.9 (±8.7) kg CO2-e/tDM respectively. Both recipes lost 24–28% of initial carbon (C) and 4–15% of nitrogen (N) respectively. Composting and curing did not change water-extractable (WE) phosphorus (P) concentrations while WE Zn and Cu concentrations decreased by 67–74% and 55–59% respectively in both recipes. End compost was stable (respiration rates <2 mgCO2-C/g OM/day) with germination index >93 for both recipes.}, journal={Journal of Environmental Management}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Patil, Piyush and Sharara, Mahmoud and Shah, Sanjay and Kulesza, Stephanie and Classen, John}, year={2023}, month={Feb}, pages={116840} } @article{uemura_shah_regmi_grimes_wang-li_2023, title={LOW-COST CALIBRATION METHOD FOR THE INFRARED CAMERA}, volume={39}, ISSN={["1943-7838"]}, DOI={10.13031/aea.15546}, abstractNote={ Highlights Simple, low-cost infrared camera calibration method proposed. Calibration equation can improve accuracy for a narrower range of surface temperature. Infrared camera moderately sensitive to both emissivity and reflected air temperature. Abstract. Infrared (IR) or thermal cameras are being increasingly used in livestock research and management. An IR camera’s accuracy is specified over its entire surface temperature measurement range, whereas in livestock research and management, a narrower range suffices. A camera’s accuracy could be higher in a narrower range of temperatures. Hence, a novel low-cost method was used to calculate the FLIR E8 camera’s accuracy in a range of 24°C to 37°C, representative of surface temperature of poultry birds. Sensitivity analyses were also performed to evaluate the impact of three user specified parameters, namely, emissivity (e), distance between camera and surface (d), and reflected air temperature (tair). A linear regression model was used to correct the camera’s absolute error of 2.8°C (greater than its published error). However, the camera possessed precision and hence, repeatability. The IR camera was moderately sensitive to e, and slightly sensitive to tair and d, but its error could increase with the difference between the measured and assumed tair values. Attention is required to accurately characterize e and tair. This simple calibration method can reduce cost and could improve accuracy in a narrower temperature range than the IR camera’s published range, which could be useful for applied research. Keywords: Absolute error, Accuracy, Emissivity, Heat stress, IR, Precision, Reflected air temperature, Sensitivity analysis.}, number={5}, journal={APPLIED ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE}, author={Uemura, Derek Koji and Shah, Sanjay B. and Regmi, Prafulla and Grimes, Jesse and Wang-Li, Lingjuan}, year={2023}, pages={529–534} } @article{uemura_regmi_grimes_wang-li_shah_2023, title={Low Airspeed Impacts on Tom Turkey Response to Moderate Heat Stress}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2624-7402"]}, url={https://www.mdpi.com/2624-7402/5/4/121}, DOI={10.3390/agriengineering5040121}, abstractNote={Heat stress is a concern for turkeys in naturally ventilated houses. Chamber and room studies were used to assess heat stress at moderate temperatures (<25 °C) and low airspeeds on grown tom turkeys. In the chamber study, four ventilation rates × two temperatures (thermal comfort and thermal stress, 11 °C above thermal comfort) were applied to 13- to 19-week birds. Very small differences in airspeeds among the four treatments masked subcutaneous, cloacal, and infrared (IR) temperature differences at both temperatures. In the room study, four ventilation rates (0.07 m3·min−1·kg−1 or 100%, 75%, 50%, and 30% or Control) were applied to 21-week toms housed at <23 °C. The Control treatment had significantly higher whole-body and head temperatures vs. the other treatments. Only 100% had higher weight gain vs. 50%; hematology was unaffected by treatment. Higher ventilation rates reduced heat stress due to lower room temperatures, not airspeed differences, which were very low. The low-cost IR camera detected a heat stress difference ≥ 0.8 °C, corresponding to wind chill of 0.8 °C due to an airspeed of 0.8 m·s−1 vs. still air on the USDA broiler wind chill curve. Machine vision combined with IR thermography could alleviate real-time poultry heat stress.}, number={4}, journal={AGRIENGINEERING}, author={Uemura, Derek and Regmi, Prafulla and Grimes, Jesse and Wang-Li, Lingjuan and Shah, Sanjay}, year={2023}, month={Dec}, pages={1971–1988} } @misc{graves_kolar_shah_grimes_sharara_2022, title={Can Biochar Improve the Sustainability of Animal Production?}, volume={12}, ISSN={["2076-3417"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/app12105042}, DOI={10.3390/app12105042}, abstractNote={Animal production is a significant contributor of organic and inorganic contaminants in air, soil, and water systems. These pollutants are present beginning in animal houses and impacts continue through manure storage, treatment, and land application. As the industry is expected to expand, there is still a lack of affordable, sustainable solutions to many environmental concerns in animal production. Biochar is a low-cost, sustainable biomaterial with many environmental remediation applications. Its physicochemical properties have been proven to provide environmental benefits via the adsorption of organic and inorganic contaminants, promote plant growth, improve soil quality, and provide a form of carbon sequestration. For these reasons, biochar has been researched regarding biochar production, and application methods to biological systems have a significant influence on the moisture content, pH, microbial communities, and carbon and nitrogen retention. There remain unanswered questions about how we can manipulate biochar via physical and chemical activation methods to enhance the performance for specific applications. This review article addresses the positive and negative impacts of biochar addition at various stages in animal production from feed intake to manure land application.}, number={10}, journal={APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL}, author={Graves, Carly and Kolar, Praveen and Shah, Sanjay and Grimes, Jesse and Sharara, Mahmoud}, year={2022}, month={May} } @article{wiegert_knauer_shah_2022, title={EVAPORATIVE PAD COOLING IMPACTS ON BARN ENVIRONMENT AND FINISHING PIG PERFORMANCE}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1943-7838"]}, DOI={10.13031/aea.14810}, abstractNote={HighlightsFirst study to evaluate evaporative cool cell pad impacts on finishing pig performance in commercial barnsThe cool cell pad reduced air temperature from 31.5°C by 3.9°C with a cooling efficiency of 52%Cool cell pads improved pig well-being by providing more cooling than sprinklers but pig performance was unaffectedTunnel ventilation (cool cells or sprinklers) improved daily weight gain over natural ventilation with sprinklersAbstract. Since heat stress reduces pig growth, cooling is required to optimize barn environment to maintain performance of modern lean-type swine. Hence, summertime barn environment and finisher pig performance were compared between tunnel ventilated barns with sprinklers (TUNNEL; n=3) and tunnel ventilated barns with evaporative cool cell pads (COOLCELL; n=2). Pig performance was also measured in naturally-ventilated barns with sprinklers and mixing fans (NATURAL; n=4). Evaporative cool cell pad performance was also quantified. Barns with identical dimensions and fully slatted flooring were located at the same commercial production site in eastern North Carolina and were monitored from 2014 to 2016. Barn temperature, relative humidity (RH), temperature-humidity index (THI), and thermal images to assess pig temperature were compared between the COOLCELL and TUNNEL treatments. Average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), pig survival, culls, and medication costs were compared across all three barn types and seasons (SUMMER vs. NON-SUMMER) on 72 batches of pigs (46,459 total pigs). Between 12 noon and 1 p.m., the evaporative cool cell pads reduced temperature by 3.9°C and had a cooling efficiency of 52%. COOLCELL barn temperature and THI were significantly lower and RH was significantly higher than TUNNEL. There were no significant differences in pig performance or pig temperature between TUNNEL and COOLCELL. Pig ADG was significantly higher in TUNNEL and COOLCELL vs. NATURAL. SUMMER FCR and medication cost were significantly improved vs. NON-SUMMER. Despite lack of treatment effect on pig performance, COOLCELL improved thermal comfort vs. TUNNEL. Keywords: Growth, Heat stress, Pig, Temperature-humidity-index.}, number={2}, journal={APPLIED ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE}, author={Wiegert, Jeffery and Knauer, Mark and Shah, Sanjay B.}, year={2022}, pages={351–359} } @article{shah_earnest_oviedo-rondon_kolar_singletary_2022, title={SIMULTANEOUS REDUCTION OF THERMAL STRATIFICATION AND AMMONIA CONCENTRATIONS IN POULTRY HOUSE DURING BROODING AND IN COOL WEATHER}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1943-7838"]}, DOI={10.13031/aea.14862}, abstractNote={HighlightsPen-scale system eliminated thermal stratification while full-scale system reduced thermal stratificationPen-scale system was moderately effective in trapping ammonia and reduced pen ammonia concentrations modestlyAmmonia trapping performance was mainly affected by dust build-upDust build-up was partly mitigated by a shakerCitric acid coated burlap placed upstream of livestock barn exhaust fans may reduce ammonia and dust emissionsAbstract. High ammonia (NH3) concentrations during poultry brooding can reduce bird performance and welfare. Thermal stratification during brooding can increase energy use and reduce bird welfare. A proof-of-concept heat recovery and NH3 control (HRAC) system consisting of a low-cost NH3 filter consisting of citric acid treated burlap placed upstream of a fan was evaluated for its ability to reduce barn NH3 concentration and thermal stratification. In the lab, 5% citric acid on burlap trapped 13 times more NH3 per unit mass of sorbent than activated carbon reported in the literature. Pen-scale and barn-scale HRAC prototypes using 15% citric acid on burlap eliminated and greatly reduced thermal stratification, respectively. The pen-scale HRAC had significant NH3 removal efficiencies ranging from the 17% to 42% in seven of nine events and compared, to the Control pens (no HRAC), significantly reduced floor [NH3] in two of nine events by 26% and 42%. The pen-scale HRAC also reduced footpad dermatitis at 15 d. Performance of the full-scale HRAC was highly variable. Clogging of the filter with particulate matter reduced airflow rates that was partially mitigated using a shaker. A vertical HRAC with a shaker might improve performance. There is need to investigate the effectiveness of 5% citric acid. The citric acid-treated burlap screen placed upstream of barn exhaust fans could reduce dust and NH3 emissions. Keywords: Breakthrough curve, Burlap, Citric acid, Emissions, Energy use, Footpad dermatitis.}, number={2}, journal={APPLIED ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and Earnest, Kathleen and Oviedo-Rondon, Edgar O. and Kolar, Praveen and Singletary, Isaac}, year={2022}, pages={375–386} } @article{yu_shah_knauer_boyette_stikeleather_2021, title={Comprehensive Evaluation of a Landscape Fabric Based Solar Air Heater in a Pig Nursery}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1996-1073"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/en14217258}, DOI={10.3390/en14217258}, abstractNote={Supplementing fossil fuels with solar air tempering for brooding young livestock could reduce energy use and improve indoor air quality. Metal transpired solar collectors (TSC) are effective but too expensive for heating livestock buildings. An inexpensive 12.7 m2 dark grey landscape-fabric-based transpired solar collector (fTSC) was evaluated in a swine nursery with two herds of pigs. A fraction of the fTSC area was underlain with phase change material (PCM) to store excess heat. The Test room with the fTSC was compared with an adjacent identical Control room, each with 120 piglets. The fTSC provided supplemental heating, e.g., with a suction velocity (Vs) of 0.027 m/s during a 9 h period, air temperature was increased by 11.6 °C (mean irradiance of 592 W/m2). Between 4 pm and 9 pm that same day, the PCM increased air temperature by 3.9 °C. The fTSC did not reduce propane use or improve pig performance. Higher Vs, operational changes and controller modifications could improve system performance and reduce cost. Modeling could be used to optimize PCM use. Hence, this very low-cost fabric-based solar air heater offers potential for considerable reduction in heat energy use in livestock barns.}, number={21}, journal={ENERGIES}, author={Yu, Li and Shah, Sanjay B. and Knauer, Mark T. and Boyette, Michael D. and Stikeleather, Larry F.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @article{wang_dai_man_li_jiang_liu_xiao_shah_2021, title={Dynamics and Treatability of Heavy Metals in Pig Farm Effluent Wastewater by Using UiO-66 and UiO-66-NH2 Nanomaterials as Adsorbents}, volume={232}, ISSN={["1573-2932"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11270-021-05229-6}, number={7}, journal={WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION}, author={Wang, Leiping and Dai, Xiaorong and Man, Zun and Li, Jianrong and Jiang, Yifeng and Liu, Dezhao and Xiao, Hang and Shah, Sanjay}, year={2021}, month={Jul} } @article{shah_mckettrick_najafian_grimes_2021, title={Impact of microbial waste additives and glucose on ammonia emissions from broiler litter in the lab}, volume={56}, ISSN={["1532-4117"]}, DOI={10.1080/10934529.2021.1886776}, abstractNote={Abstract Ammonia (NH3) produced inside livestock houses can adversely affect animal welfare and performance and degrade the environment. In broiler houses, NH3 levels are mitigated by applying acidifiers to the litter but acidifiers provide short-term NH3 suppression requiring heavy or repeated applications. Microbial additives may provide longer-term NH3 control through nitrogen (N) immobilization and nitrification. The objective of this 50-d lab study was to evaluate the impact of two microbial additives (Environoc 301 and Environoc 501), 2% glucose, and distilled water (control) treatments applied to broiler litter on NH3 emissions and litter properties. During the first 34 d, glucose significantly but modestly reduced NH3 emissions vs. the other treatments which were not significantly different from one-another. For the entire study, when glucose was excluded (due to lost replicates), the three treatments were not significantly different. The unreplicated glucose treatment had higher final litter nitrate concentration than the other treatments. Litter properties were unaffected by the two microbial additive and control treatments. The effectiveness of glucose in reducing NH3 emission could have been due to greater N immobilization and nitrification vs. the other treatments. More research on cost-effective labile carbon sources and higher application rates to achieve greater NH3 reduction is required.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and McKettrick, Will and Najafian, Adib and Grimes, Jesse}, year={2021}, month={Mar}, pages={454–459} } @article{karoshi_kolar_shah_gilleskie_2020, title={Recycled eggshells as precursors for iron-impregnated calcium oxide catalysts for partial oxidation of methane}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2197-4365"]}, DOI={10.1186/s40643-020-00336-4}, abstractNote={AbstractThere is a significant interest in converting eggshells into value-added products. Therefore, the goal of this research is to synthesize and study iron-impregnated eggshells as a catalyst for partial oxidation of methane. The objectives of this research were to test the effects of iron loading, flow rate, oxygen concentration, and temperature on methane oxidation. The catalysts were synthesized using ferric chloride hexahydrate at various loadings and tested in a heated stainless-steel reactor under different experimental conditions. The reaction products included C2–C7 hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide depending on the reaction conditions. Results indicated that iron loading beyond 5 wt% caused a decrease in methane conversion. A decrease in oxygen concentration enhanced methane conversion with a substantial drop in the production of CO2. Besides, an increase in temperature resulted in a decrease in methane conversion with a simultaneous increase in the production of CO2 via overoxidation. The reusability experiments indicated that the catalyst was active for four reaction cycles. Our results indicate that eggshells can be used as catalyst support for methane partial oxidation and can simultaneously solve the waste disposal problems faced by the poultry industry.}, number={1}, journal={BIORESOURCES AND BIOPROCESSING}, author={Karoshi, Gourishankar and Kolar, Praveen and Shah, Sanjay B. and Gilleskie, Gary}, year={2020}, month={Aug} } @article{karoshi_kolar_shah_gilleskie_2020, title={Valorization of Eggshell Waste into Supported Copper Catalysts for Partial Oxidation of Methane}, volume={14}, ISSN={["2008-2304"]}, DOI={10.1007/s41742-019-00238-0}, number={1}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH}, author={Karoshi, Gourishankar and Kolar, Praveen and Shah, Sanjay Bikram and Gilleskie, Gary}, year={2020}, month={Feb}, pages={61–70} } @article{ajami_shah_wang-li_kolar_castillo_2019, title={Windbreak Wall-Vegetative Strip System to Reduce Air Emissions from Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Barns: Part 2—Swine House Evaluation}, volume={230}, ISSN={0049-6979 1573-2932}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4335-2}, DOI={10.1007/s11270-019-4335-2}, number={12}, journal={Water, Air, & Soil Pollution}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Ajami, Ali and Shah, Sanjay B. and Wang-Li, Lingjuan and Kolar, Praveen and Castillo, Miguel S.}, year={2019}, month={Dec}, pages={289} } @article{ajami_shah_wang-li_kolar_castillo_2019, title={Windbreak Wall-Vegetative Strip System to Reduce Air Emissions from Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Barns—Part 3: Layer House Evaluation}, volume={230}, ISSN={0049-6979 1573-2932}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4345-0}, DOI={10.1007/s11270-019-4345-0}, number={12}, journal={Water, Air, & Soil Pollution}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Ajami, Ali and Shah, Sanjay B. and Wang-Li, Lingjuan and Kolar, Praveen and Castillo, Miguel S.}, year={2019}, month={Dec} } @article{ajami_shah_stikeleather_2019, title={Windbreak Wall-vegetative Strip System to Reduce Air Emissions from Mechanically-Ventilated Livestock Barns – Part 1: CFD Modeling}, volume={230}, ISSN={0049-6979 1573-2932}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4333-4}, DOI={10.1007/s11270-019-4333-4}, number={12}, journal={Water, Air, & Soil Pollution}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Ajami, Ali and Shah, Sanjay B. and Stikeleather, Larry F.}, year={2019}, month={Dec} } @article{eberle_martin_shah_malheiros_livingston_anderson_2018, title={A novel non-invasive method for evaluating electroencephalograms on laying hens}, volume={97}, ISSN={0032-5791}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pex391}, DOI={10.3382/ps/pex391}, abstractNote={Abstract The use of electroencephalograms (EEG) to study the avian brain relative to behavior was conducted as early as the 1960's. EEG readings, combined with visual cues, provide the ability to elucidate and correlate behaviors to neurological and physiological changes in a chicken. The use of EEG recordings in animal models require access to the brain to implant electrodes. Having the ability to observe EEG activity on sensible birds without surgical implantation could broaden the research in this area and give further insight related to the hen's state of awareness. The development, construction, and implementation of a minimally invasive EEG electrode placement method is described. After implementation, test animals were exposed to extreme environmental stressors as part of a concurrent depopulation methods study and EEG placement withstood the condition changes and corresponding animal physical activity. Sixteen white commercial laying hens had three monopolar 32‐gauge needle electrodes inserted subcutaneously and secured to their head and body. Electrodes were attached to a pre‐amplifier which transferred EEG signals to a laptop based recording system. Once the electrodes were in place, the hens were placed in individual treatment/observation chamber then various environmental stressors were applied. Verification that the observed brainwave activity was neural and not muscular was done using a photic stimulation validation test. Behavior observations were recorded to correlate sensible and insensible brainwave activity. The validation test and behavior observations demonstrated the method was successful in measuring EEG in sensible laying hens. The use of a non‐surgical method for recording EEG will broaden research capabilities and enhance the understanding of a hen's response its environment, eliminate the need for invasive surgical procedures, and minimizes the confounding components of anesthesia, brain surgery, and recovery. With further refinements, the method could open new avenues in avian behavioral and physiological research.}, number={3}, journal={Poultry Science}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Eberle, Krista N and Martin, Michael P and Shah, Sanjay and Malheiros, Ramon D and Livingston, Kimberly A and Anderson, Kenneth E}, year={2018}, month={Mar}, pages={860–864} } @article{eberle-krish_martin_malheiros_shah_livingston_anderson_2018, title={Evaluation of Ventilation Shutdown in a Multi-level Caged System}, volume={27}, ISSN={1056-6171 1537-0437}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/japr/pfy036}, DOI={10.3382/japr/pfy036}, abstractNote={SUMMARY In 2015, the United States experienced an extensive outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza resulting in the depopulation of 42.1 million commercial egg‐laying hens. Existing mass depopulation methods in multilevel caged systems utilized throughout the egg industry provide a challenge for producers and emergency personnel. An alternative depopulation method with potential for use in the egg industry is ventilation shutdown (VSD), which uses a combination of increasing heat and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels to promote death by hyperthermia and hypoxia. This proof‐of concept study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of VSD, VSD with supplemental heat (VSDH), and VSD with CO2 (VSDCO2) as alternative mass depopulation methods in a multilevel caged system. Assessment parameters included ambient and core body temperatures, time to death, and survivability. Time to death for VSD, VSDH, and VSDCO2 were 3.75, 2, and 1.5 h, respectively. Survivability in VSD did not meet the flock depopulation standard of 100% lethality. Based on 100% lethality and time to death, VSDH and VSDCO2 are equivalent in their ability to effectively depopulate hens in a multi‐level caged system. Air mixing should be used to prevent stratification of heat or CO2 concentrations between the top and bottom levels of a caged system. While the data emulate a commercial layer environment, application of the techniques in this study still need to be evaluated in a commercial setting.}, number={4}, journal={The Journal of Applied Poultry Research}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Eberle-Krish, Krista N and Martin, Michael P and Malheiros, Ramon D and Shah, Sanjay B and Livingston, Kimberly A and Anderson, Kenneth E}, year={2018}, month={Jul}, pages={555–563} } @article{poole_shah_grimes_boyette_stikeleather_2018, title={Evaluation of a novel, low-cost plastic solar air heater for turkey brooding}, volume={45}, ISSN={0973-0826}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.esd.2018.04.004}, DOI={10.1016/j.esd.2018.04.004}, abstractNote={Solar heat could displace fossil fuel to reduce energy cost for brooding livestock and poultry. A transpired solar collector (TSC), consisting of a perforated dark-colored metal surface, can provide considerable heating but metal TSCs (mTSCs) are expensive. Since a perforated black plastic sheet will be less-expensive, a plastic TSC (pTSC) was evaluated. The 1.49 m2 pTSC (porosity of 1.2%) supplemented a propane heater in a room housing 240 turkey poults; an adjacent room without a pTSC, with 240 poults was the control. Monitoring was performed over two flocks of poults. A custom-built controller bypassed the pTSC during nighttime or when the room did not require heating to bring in fresh air. The pTSC gave a maximum temperature rise of 25.4 °C at a solar irradiance (I) of 882 W/m2 and suction velocity (Vs) of 0.033 m/s over 15 min. Over 178 h of operation, with an average I of 668 ± 295 W/m2 and average Vs of 0.036 m/s, the pTSC increased air temperature by an average of 8.1 ± 4.2 °C. Probably due to higher ventilation rate and an oversized propane heater, propane use was not reduced in the Test room with the pTSC vs. the Control room. The Test room had lower CO2 and CO concentrations due to higher ventilation, which may have improved turkey performance. The metal TSC gave a slightly higher temperature rise at a lower Vs but the less-expensive pTSC could be a more cost-effective solar air heater that could readily be scaled up for agricultural and other applications in many parts of the world. Scale-up considerations seem feasible and are presented for a 10,000-poult brooder barn.}, journal={Energy for Sustainable Development}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Poole, Mark R. and Shah, Sanjay B. and Grimes, Jesse L. and Boyette, Michael D. and Stikeleather, Larry F.}, year={2018}, month={Aug}, pages={1–10} } @article{poole_shah_boyette_grimes_stikeleather_2018, title={Evaluation of landscape fabric as a solar air heater}, volume={127}, ISSN={0960-1481}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2018.05.045}, DOI={10.1016/j.renene.2018.05.045}, abstractNote={Solar heating has great potential to displace fossil fuels in agricultural and industrial space heating. The conventional metal transpired solar collectors (mTSC) is highly-efficient but its high cost has impeded its adoption. While the plastic TSC (pTSC) would be less-expensive than the mTSC, it requires perforation. Since a high absorptance, non-woven landscape fabric is widely available and inexpensive, it could be cost-effective solar collector. The landscape fabric collector (fTSC) was compared with mTSC (anodized aluminum) and pTSC for temperature rise (ΔT) and efficiency (η) at two suction velocities (Vs). The mTSC and pTSC had porosity of 1.2% while the fTSC had a porosity of 80%. At 0.047 m/s, the fTSC produced higher average ΔT (by at least 2 °C) and average η (by at least 10%) than the mTSC and pTSC that were similar in performance. At the higher Vs of 0.060 m/s, the fTSC slightly outperformed the mTSC while the pTSC had the lowest ΔT and η. Superior performance of the fTSC was likely due to lower energy losses than the other two collectors as was indicated by its scanning electron microscope images. Modeling the fTSC as a simplified packed bed may be appropriate and challenges have been identified. Practical scale-up suggestions are provided. The fTSC is the least expensive solar air heater for space heating.}, journal={Renewable Energy}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Poole, Mark R. and Shah, Sanjay B. and Boyette, Michael D. and Grimes, Jesse L. and Stikeleather, Larry F.}, year={2018}, month={Nov}, pages={998–1003} } @article{poole_shah_boyette_stikeleather_cleveland_2018, title={Performance of a coupled transpired solar collector—phase change material-based thermal energy storage system}, volume={161}, ISSN={0378-7788}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.12.027}, DOI={10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.12.027}, abstractNote={The transpired solar collector (TSC) is a low-cost technology for heating ventilation air for mainly for use in industrial and agricultural applications. Storing the excess energy generated during daytime in phase change material (PCM) could improve the economics of using TSCs. Since energy generated for storage could be increased by using a two-stage TSC (with a glazing) vs. a one-stage TSC, first, the thermal performance of the two configurations were compared. Then, performance of the PCM-based thermal energy storage (TES) unit coupled to a TSC was evaluated. At a suction velocity of 0.023 m/s, the one-stage TSC produced a 2 °C higher temperature rise and 8% higher efficiency than the two-stage TSC. The one-stage TSC was coupled to a TES unit packed with 80 kg of salt-hydrate type PCM (specific energy of ∼185 kJ/kg). When evaluated at four airflow rates, the TES unit stored between 76 and 107% of its theoretical heat storage capacity and provided tempered air 4 °C warmer than ambient air during nighttime. While residual energy (for daytime heating) increased with airflow rate, energy charged or discharged was unaffected. Over a week, the TSC-TEC stored 34% of the total useful energy produced for nighttime use, with a potential to displace 1.35 kg of liquefied natural gas. Replacing the expensive metal TSC with a perforated plastic TSC and a simpler TES design would improve the economics of storing solar energy for use after sundown.}, journal={Energy and Buildings}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Poole, Mark R. and Shah, Sanjay B. and Boyette, Michael D. and Stikeleather, Larry F. and Cleveland, Tommy}, year={2018}, month={Feb}, pages={72–79} } @article{zhu_kolar_shah_cheng_lim_2018, title={Simultaneous mitigation of p- cresol and ammonium using activated carbon from avocado seed}, volume={9}, ISSN={2352-1864}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/J.ETI.2017.10.006}, DOI={10.1016/J.ETI.2017.10.006}, abstractNote={Avocado seed was used as a precursor to prepare an activated carbon (AAC-MA) via physiochemical activation with methanesulfonic acid. The AAC-MA was systematically tested in batch systems for the removal of p-cresol (single-solute) and p-cresol and ammonium (binary solute). It was found that the kinetic data of p-cresol adsorption conformed to a pseudo-second-order model suggesting a predominantly chemisorption process. Additionally, the equilibrium data of p-cresol adsorption in a single solute system were found to follow Redlich–Peterson isotherm. Data analysis of the binary solute studies indicated that extended Langmuir isotherm was the most suitable to describe adsorption of p-cresol and ammonium on AAC-MA. It is also observed that the presence of ammonium did not affect adsorption of p-cresol. On the other hand, presence of p-cresol negatively influenced adsorption of ammonium. Our research suggests that AAC-MA can potentially serve as a waste management tool for mitigation of ammonium and p-cresol from aqueous systems.}, journal={Environmental Technology & Innovation}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Zhu, Yiying and Kolar, Praveen and Shah, Sanjay B. and Cheng, Jay J. and Lim, P.K.}, year={2018}, month={Feb}, pages={63–73} } @article{shah_lentz_van heugten_currin_singletary_2017, title={Tempering ventilation air in a swine finishing barn with a low-cost earth-to-water heat exchanger}, volume={9}, ISSN={1941-7012}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4979359}, DOI={10.1063/1.4979359}, abstractNote={An earth-to-water heat exchanger (EWHE) can reduce livestock heat stress and also save electricity and water. A 4-kW EWHE system comprising 154 m of a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (35 mm ID) buried in 3.2 m of soil was evaluated for its ability to provide cooling to 60 pigs in a finishing barn in Raleigh, NC. A low-cost tube-and-fin heat exchanger was used to exchange energy between water (38 l/min) and air (0.58 to 1.22 m3/s). After 8 h of cooling, at 1.22 m3/s, the temperature change (ΔT), energy produced (qh), and coefficient of performance (COP) were as high as 3 °C, 4.3 kW, and 8.2, respectively. After 12 h of continuous operation for air tempering during winter, |ΔT|, |qh|, and COP were 2.2 °C, 3.4 kW, and 6.7, respectively. While the EWHE pens were slightly warmer than the Control pens cooled with stir fans and sprinklers on very hot days, pig performance in the EWHE pens was unaffected. The EWHE reduced the electricity use by >50% and eliminated the sprinkling water use. Burying plastic pipes in slinky coils instead of using double pass rigid PVC pipes could improve system performance as would wetting the soil around the pipes. In addition to being sustainable, the EWHE could be cost-effective for zone-cooling of high-value pigs as well as greenhouse cooling in many parts of the world.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy}, publisher={AIP Publishing}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and Lentz, Zachary A. and van Heugten, Eric and Currin, Richard D., Jr. and Singletary, Isaac}, year={2017}, month={Mar}, pages={023901} } @article{zhu_kolar_shah_cheng_lim_2016, title={Avocado seed-derived activated carbon for mitigation of aqueous ammonium}, volume={92}, ISSN={0926-6690}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/J.INDCROP.2016.07.016}, DOI={10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.07.016}, abstractNote={There is a significant interest in value-addition of agricultural residues. In the present research, a novel avocado seed-activated carbon prepared from methanesulfonic acid (denoted as AAC-MA) was systematically tested as an adsorbent for removal of ammonium for the first time. SEM characterization technique was employed to identify the structural and morphological properties of the prepared carbon. The effects of pH, adsorbent dosage, initial NH4+ concentrations, and contact time on ammonium removal from aqueous solution were also investigated. Moreover, different kinetic and isotherm models were fit to the experimental data to gain a better understanding of the efficiency and applicability of the adsorption system. The pseudo-second order kinetic model was found to best describe the ammonium adsorption. The equilibrium data were found to conform best to Langmuir isotherm model with a theoretical maximum adsorption capacity of 5.4 mg g−1 at 25 °C. The results clearly suggested that the novel avocado-derived can potentially mitigate ammonium from aqueous systems.}, journal={Industrial Crops and Products}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Zhu, Yiying and Kolar, Praveen and Shah, Sanjay B. and Cheng, Jay J. and Lim, P.K.}, year={2016}, month={Dec}, pages={34–41} } @article{lin_shah_wang-li_oviedo-rondón_post_2016, title={Development of MOS sensor-based NH3 monitor for use in poultry houses}, volume={127}, ISSN={0168-1699}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2016.07.033}, DOI={10.1016/j.compag.2016.07.033}, abstractNote={To ensure poultry performance and welfare, ammonia (NH3) concentrations inside poultry houses have to be within acceptable limits; this requires regular NH3 monitoring. While there are low-cost, portable NH3 measuring devices have drawbacks. Due to its low cost, long lifetime, and short response time, a metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) sensor was used to develop a handheld NH3 monitor for use in poultry houses. Since the MOS sensor is affected by humidity and temperature, collocating relative humidity (RH) and temperature sensors with the MOS NH3 sensor and applying temperature and RH compensations greatly improved its performance. Compared to the boric acid scrubber, using broiler litter exhaust gas as the NH3 source, the relative error (RE) and coefficient of variation (CV) of the monitor averaged 7%, comparable to research-grade instruments. The monitor was more accurate than the electrochemical sensor and required less frequent purging. The response time of the unit was ∼1.5 min, the total mass was <1.4 kg while material cost was <$430. Hence, in addition to being convenient, the monitor provided accurate and precise measurements. With further refinements, the monitor has the potential to be used in poultry houses to control ventilation rates as a component of precision livestock farming to improve poultry performance and welfare.}, journal={Computers and Electronics in Agriculture}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Lin, Tianheng and Shah, Sanjay B. and Wang-Li, Lingjuan and Oviedo-Rondón, Edgar O. and Post, Justin}, year={2016}, month={Sep}, pages={708–715} } @article{jia_wang_yuan_shah_shi_meng_ju_yang_2016, title={N2O EMISSION AND NITROGEN TRANSFORMATION IN CHICKEN MANURE AND BIOCHAR CO-COMPOSTING}, volume={59}, ISSN={["2151-0040"]}, DOI={10.13031/trans.59.11685}, abstractNote={This study examined the effect of biochar addition on nitrous oxide (N2O) emission and nitrogen (N) transformation in co-composting of biochar and chicken manure. Compared with the control (no biochar), addition of 20% biochar resulted in a 59.8% decrease in the major peak of N2O emission. Ammonium (NH4+-N) and nitrate (NO3--N) contents in the final product with 20% biochar addition increased by 67.3% and 66.7%, respectively, compared to the control. Turning frequency (TF), the primary parameter of aeration and temperature control in the biochar-manure co-composting process, was also investigated. Results indicated that less frequent turning (e.g., turning every seven days) promoted NH4+-N and NO3-N retention but increased peak N2O emission by 58.1% compared with daily turning. Overall, biochar can be an ideal bulking agent for stabilizing N-rich materials to minimize N2O emission and, with proper aeration, can enhance nitrogen retention based on this laboratory study.}, number={5}, journal={TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE}, author={Jia, X. and Wang, M. and Yuan, W. and Shah, S. and Shi, W. and Meng, X. and Ju, X. and Yang, B.}, year={2016}, pages={1277–1283} } @article{shivkumar_wang-li_shah_stikeleather_fuentes_2016, title={Performance analysis of a poultry engineering chamber complex for animal environment, air quality, and welfare studies}, volume={59}, number={5}, journal={Transactions of the ASABE}, author={Shivkumar, A. P. and Wang-Li, L. and Shah, S. B. and Stikeleather, L. F. and Fuentes, M.}, year={2016}, pages={1371–1382} } @article{zheng_li_shah_li_2016, title={Removal of Ammonia and Airborne Culturable Bacteria by Proof-of-Concept Windbreak Wall with Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed Water Spray for a Layer Breeding House}, volume={32}, ISSN={0883-8542 1943-7838}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.13031/aea.32.11509}, DOI={10.13031/aea.32.11509}, abstractNote={Abstract. Air contaminants emitted from animal buildings may harm the environment and public health. A windbreak wall with slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) sprayed downwind of the exhaust fans offers a potential approach for the removal of some of these air contaminants, including ammonia and airborne culturable bacteria (CB). This study was conducted to investigate the removal efficiency of ammonia and airborne CB by a proof-of-concept windbreak wall with SAEW spray for a layer breeding house. A windbreak wall with spraying system was placed downwind of an exhaust fan. Tap water and SAEW, a novel environment-friendly disinfectant, were used in the spraying system. Separate sampling manifolds for ammonia and airborne CB were placed at the inlet and the outlet of the windbreak wall, respectively, for ammonia and CB sampling. The windbreak wall with water spray and 70 mg L -1 (available chlorine concentration) SAEW spray both significantly reduced ammonia emissions from the house though the removal was small. The 70 mg L -1 SAEW spray showed a numerically higher ammonia removal efficiency (13.2%) than water spray (8.8%), but no significant difference was found (p = 0.13). The windbreak wall with 70 mg L -1 and 100 mg L -1 SAEW spray both significantly and moderately reduced airborne CB emission from the layer breeding house (p}, number={3}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, publisher={American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)}, author={Zheng, Weichao and Li, Zonggang and Shah, Sanjay B. and Li, Baoming}, year={2016}, month={Jun}, pages={393–399} } @article{shah_marshall_matthis_2016, title={Transpired solar wall for tempering air in a swine nursery in a humid subtropical climate}, volume={32}, DOI={10.13031/aea.32.11098}, abstractNote={Abstract. Propane use in livestock barns can be reduced by tempering the incoming fresh air with the transpired solar wall (TSW). A TSW [40.9 m2 (440 ft2) suction velocity of 0.049 m s-1 or (9.64 ft min-1)] that tempered}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Marshall, T.K. and Matthis, S.}, year={2016}, pages={115–123} } @article{hood_shah_kolar_li_stikeleather_2015, title={Biofiltration of Ammonia and GHGs from Swine Gestation Barn Pit Exhaust}, volume={58}, ISSN={2151-0032 2151-0040}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.13031/trans.58.10949}, DOI={10.13031/trans.58.10949}, abstractNote={ Abstract. Livestock barn emissions can affect public health, the environment, and quality of life. While these emissions can be mitigated using several methods, exhaust air treatment may be required in some situations. Biofiltration is one of the most cost-effective exhaust air treatment methods. In a biofilter, polluted air passes through a moist medium (e.g., compost) where the water-soluble gases are dissolved and then degraded by microorganisms into harmless or less harmful compounds. In this study, a downflow biofilter using a compost and wood chip medium was evaluated over summer, fall, and winter (August 2010 to January 2011) for its ability to mitigate emissions of ammonia (NH3) and three greenhouse gases (GHGs): methane (CH4), nitrous dioxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Biofilter medium properties were analyzed at the beginning and twice during the study. Changes in medium properties and CO2 data indicated greater heterotrophic microbial activity during summer through fall and greater autotrophic activity during fall through winter. Regardless of empty bed residence time (EBRT) (5.3 to 26 s), NH3 removal efficiency (RE) was about 90% with inlet concentrations of ≤1.1 mg m-3. With higher NH3 loading rates, the RE may differ from this study. In fall, CH4 RE was 49% (EBRT = 26 s) but only 13% in summer (EBRT = 13 s). Nitrous oxide RE varied in a narrow range of 14% to 18% over the study. In summer, CO2 removal was negligible but was 15% in fall and 34% in winter. While a compost based medium may be more effective for CH4 and N2O mitigation, a wood chip based medium would be more economical. Care should be taken when using a photoacoustic sensor for high-frequency and low-concentration NH3 measurements.}, number={3}, journal={Transactions of the ASABE}, publisher={American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)}, author={Hood, Matthew C. and Shah, Sanjay B. and Kolar, Praveen and Li, Lingjuan Wang and Stikeleather, Larry}, year={2015}, month={Jun}, pages={771–782} } @article{karoshi_kolar_shah_gilleskie_das_2015, title={Calcined eggshell as an inexpensive catalyst for partial oxidation of methane}, volume={57}, ISSN={["1876-1089"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jtice.2015.05.025}, abstractNote={Calcined eggshell was evaluated as an inexpensive catalyst for selective oxidation of methane. Experiments were conducted using a packed bed reactor to determine the effects of oxygen on methane ratio (1, 3 and 7), flow rate (0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 L/min), and temperature (650, 700, and 750 °C) on methane conversion and selectivity. Our results suggested that partial oxidation of methane on calcined eggshell yielded higher hydrocarbons (C2–C7) via oxidative coupling with an average fractional methane conversion of ∼30%. Several factors including oxygen concentration, flow rate, and temperature were observed to influence fractional methane conversion and product selectivity. Catalyst characterization showed enhanced porosity and surface area upon calcination due to removal of organics and carbon dioxide. Surface deformation was observed in spent catalyst due to the physical impact of feed gas. Results from this research are expected to add value to eggshells and enhance agricultural waste management opportunities in areas where poultry industry is concentrated.}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS}, author={Karoshi, Gourishankar and Kolar, Praveen and Shah, Sanjay B. and Gilleskie, Gary and Das, Lalitendu}, year={2015}, month={Dec}, pages={123–128} } @article{shah_grimes_oviedo-rondón_westerman_2014, title={Acidifier application rate impacts on ammonia emissions from US roaster chicken houses}, volume={92}, ISSN={1352-2310}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.01.044}, DOI={10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.01.044}, abstractNote={Due to its potential environmental and public health impacts, emissions of ammonia (NH3) as well as several other gases from US livestock farms may be regulated. Broiler houses are important sources of NH3 emissions. However, there are no emissions data from roaster (8–12 wk old broilers, ∼4 kg ea.) houses. Producers treat the litter in broiler houses with acidifiers, such as sodium bisulfate (SBS, NaHSO4) to reduce ammonia production and protect bird health. However, there is very little data on the effect of acidifiers, particularly at high application rates on ammonia emissions. The impact of different SBS application rates [High (0.95–1.46 kg m−2, whole house), Medium (0.73 kg m−2, whole house), Low (0.37–0.49 kg m−2, whole house), and Control (0.37–0.49 kg m−2, brood chamber)] on ammonia emissions was evaluated in commercial roaster houses over 22 months spanning eight flocks. Ammonia emission from each fan was measured with an acid scrubber that operated only when the fan operated. Emissions were calculated using >95% measured data with the rest being estimated using robust methods. Exhaust ammonia–N concentrations were inversely correlated with the SBS application rates. Emission rates on animal unit (AU, where 1 AU = 500 kg live-mass) basis (ER, g d−1 AU−1) were reduced by 27, 13, and 5%, respectively, in the High, Medium, and Low treatments vs. the Control treatment (mean: 100 g d−1 AU−1, range: 86–114 g d−1 AU−1). Emission rates for the Control treatment measured in this study on roasters were mostly higher than ERs in the literature. Differences in ERs are not only due to diet, environmental and management conditions, but also due to measurement methods.}, journal={Atmospheric Environment}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and Grimes, Jesse L. and Oviedo-Rondón, Edgar O. and Westerman, Philip W.}, year={2014}, month={Aug}, pages={576–583} } @article{liang_shah_classen_sharma-shivappa_2014, title={Drying temperature - duration impacts on moisture, carbon, and nitrogen losses from broiler litter}, volume={16}, number={4}, journal={Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal}, author={Liang, Weizhen and Shah, Sanjay B. and Classen, John and Sharma-Shivappa, Ratna}, year={2014}, pages={16–23} } @article{li_wang-li_liu_jayanty_shah_bloomfield_2014, title={Major ionic compositions of fine particulate matter in an animal feeding operation facility and its vicinity}, volume={64}, ISSN={1096-2247 2162-2906}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10962247.2014.942442}, DOI={10.1080/10962247.2014.942442}, abstractNote={Animal feeding operations (AFOs) produce particulate matter (PM) and gaseous pollutants. Investigation of the chemical composition of PM2.5 inside and in the local vicinity of AFOs can help to understand the impact of the AFO emissions on ambient secondary PM formation. This study was conducted on a commercial egg production farm in North Carolina. Samples of PM2.5 were collected from five stations, with one located in an egg production house and the other four located in the vicinity of the farm along four wind directions. The major ions of NH4+, Na+, K+, SO42−, Cl−, and NO3− were analyzed using ion chromatography (IC). In the house, the mostly abundant ions were SO42−, Cl−, and K+. At ambient stations, SO42−, and NH4+ were the two most abundant ions. In the house, NH4+, SO42−, and NO3− accounted for only 10% of the PM2.5 mass; at ambient locations, NH4+, SO42−, and NO3− accounted for 36–41% of the PM2.5 mass. In the house, NH4+ had small seasonal variations indicating that gas-phase NH3 was not the only major force driving its gas–particle partitioning. At the ambient stations, NH4+ had the highest concentrations in summer. In the house, K+, Na+, and Cl− were highly correlated with each other. In ambient locations, SO42− and NH4+ had a strong correlation, whereas in the house, SO42− and NH4+ had a very weak correlation. Ambient temperature and solar radiation were positively correlated with NH4+ and SO42−. This study suggests that secondary PM formation inside the animal house was not an important source of PM2.5. In the vicinity, NH3 emissions had greater impact on PM2.5 formation. Implications The chemical composition of PM2.5 inside and in the local vicinity of AFOs showed the impact of the AFO emissions on ambient secondary PM2.5 formation, and the fate and transport of air pollutants associated with AFOs. The results may help to manage in-house animal facility air quality, and to develop regional air quality control strategies and policies, especially in animal agriculture-concentrated areas.}, number={11}, journal={Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Li, Qian-Feng and Wang-Li, Lingjuan and Liu, Zifei and Jayanty, R.K.M. and Shah, Sanjay B. and Bloomfield, Peter}, year={2014}, month={Oct}, pages={1279–1287} } @article{love_shah_grimes_willits_2014, title={Transpired solar collector duct for tempering air in North Carolina turkey brooder barn and swine nursery}, volume={102}, ISSN={0038-092X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/J.SOLENER.2013.11.028}, DOI={10.1016/j.solener.2013.11.028}, abstractNote={Abstract Transpired solar collector (TSC) ducts were installed at a swine nursery and a turkey brooder farm in eastern North Carolina (NC), USA. Each farm had a Test (TSC duct-equipped) and an identical, adjacent Control treatment. Five swine herds and six turkey brooder flocks were monitored over two heating seasons (2010–2012). Propane uses were reduced by 55 and 27 L/m 2 -yr, respectively, in the swine and turkey barns; reductions were highly variable among herds or flocks and the modest reductions were due to warm weather and use of attic ventilation. Over a 14-d period, both the swine and turkey TSC units increased ambient temperature in the barns by ∼6 °C with a maximum increase of 22.5 °C in the turkey TSC. In the swine and turkey houses, calculated energy additions by the TSC were 433 and 81 MJ/yr-m 2 of collector surface area, or 16 and 3 L/m 2 , respectively, of propane saved. Calculated propane savings were much lower than measured values. Short-term efficiencies were higher in the swine TSC (>61%) vs. the turkey TSC (39–50%) probably due to the lower face velocity of the turkey TSC which increased collector heat losses. While barn CO 2 , RH, and temperature values were unaffected by the TSC, it was unclear why animal performance in the Test treatment was better. Simple payback periods for the TSC ducts at both farms were favorable (}, journal={Solar Energy}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Love, Chris D. and Shah, Sanjay B. and Grimes, Jesse L. and Willits, Daniel W.}, year={2014}, month={Apr}, pages={308–317} } @article{shah_oviedo-rondon_grimes_westerman_campeau_2013, title={Acidifier dosage effects on inside ammonia concentrations in roaster houses}, volume={29}, DOI={10.13031/aea.29.9904}, abstractNote={Abstract. Ammonia (NH 3 ) in broiler houses can degrade bird performance. Acidifier such as, sodium bisulfate (SBS) applied to litter inside broiler houses can reduce NH 3 release and thus improve bird performance. While there are multiple studies on acidifier effects on inside NH 3 concentrations in broiler houses, there are no studies in roaster houses where big broiler birds are grown for 8 to 12 wk. The impact of different SBS application rates - High (1.46 kg/m 2 , whole house), Medium (0.73 kg/m 2 , whole house), Low (0.49 kg/m 2 , whole house), and Control (0.49 kg/m 2 , brood chamber) on inside NH 3 concentrations was evaluated over six flocks of roaster chickens (~4 kg ea.). Ammonia concentrations were measured with acid scrubbers that sampled air at two locations (mid-house, end-house) 0.15 m above the litter. Inside NH 3 concentrations were much higher in the cool-season versus warm-season flocks. Generally, higher acidifier application rates provided better NH 3 suppression. Ammonia concentrations were ≤10 ppm during brooding, as well as for the entire duration of most warm-weather flocks with the High and Medium treatments. In the Low treatment, NH 3 concentrations were ≤25 ppm during brooding but approached or exceeded 25 ppm with the Control treatment. During brooding, the High, Medium, and Low treatments resulted in significantly lower mid-house NH 3 concentrations of 3, 6, and 14 ppm, respectively, versus the Control treatment (24 ppm). For a 62-d flock, mid-house NH 3 concentrations were significantly lower in the High and Medium treatments versus the Control treatment; concentrations in the High, Medium, and Low treatments were reduced by 47%, 32%, and 20%, respectively, versus the Control treatment.}, number={4}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Oviedo-Rondon, E. O. and Grimes, J. L. and Westerman, P. W. and Campeau, D.}, year={2013}, pages={573–580} } @article{liang_classen_shah_sharma-shivappa_2013, title={Ammonia Fate and Transport Mechanisms in Broiler Litter}, volume={225}, ISSN={0049-6979 1573-2932}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11270-013-1812-x}, DOI={10.1007/s11270-013-1812-x}, number={1}, journal={Water, Air, & Soil Pollution}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Liang, Wei-zhen and Classen, John J. and Shah, Sanjay B. and Sharma-Shivappa, Ratna}, year={2013}, month={Dec} } @article{li_wang-li_shah_jayanty_bloomfield_2014, title={Ammonia concentrations and modeling of inorganic particulate matter in the vicinity of an egg production facility in Southeastern USA}, volume={21}, ISSN={["1614-7499"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84895876258&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1007/s11356-013-2417-z}, abstractNote={Ammonia (NH3) is an important base gas and can react with acidic species to form atmospheric aerosols. Due to the rapid growth of poultry and swine production in the North Carolina Coastal Plain, atmospheric NH3 concentrations across the region have subsequently increased. Ammonia concentrations and inorganic particulate matter (PM) at four ambient stations in the vicinity of an egg production facility were measured for 1 year using PM2.5 speciation samplers with honeycomb denuders and ion chromatography (IC). Meanwhile, concentrations of NH3 and inorganic PM in one of the egg production houses were also simultaneously measured using a gas analyzer for NH3 and the filter pack plus IC method for inorganic PM. An equilibrium model-ISORROPIA II was applied to predict the behavior of inorganic aerosols in response to precursor gas concentrations and environmental parameters. Average ambient NH3 concentrations varied from 10.0 to 27.0 μg/m(3), and they were negatively correlated with the distances from the ambient location to the nearest egg production house exhausts. Ambient NH3 concentrations were higher in warm seasons than in cold seasons. Measured NH3 concentrations agreed well with ISORROPIA II model predictions at all sampling stations. For the ambient stations, there was a good agreement in particle phase NH4 (+) between the model simulation and observations. For the in-house station, the model simulation was applied to correct the overestimation of particle phase NH4 (+) due to gas phase NH3 breaking through the denuders. Changes in SO4 (2-), NO3 (-), and Cl(-) yield proportional changes in inorganic PM mass. Due to the abundance of NH3 gas in the vicinity area of the monitored farm, changes in NH3 concentrations had a small effect on inorganic PM mass. Aerosol equilibrium modeling may be used to assess the influence of precursor gas concentrations on inorganic PM formation when the measurements for some species are unavailable.}, number={6}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH}, author={Li, Qian-Feng and Wang-Li, Lingjuan and Shah, Sanjay B. and Jayanty, R. K. M. and Bloomfield, Peter}, year={2014}, month={Mar}, pages={4675–4685} } @article{shah_westerman_grimes_oviedo-rondon_campeau_2013, title={Ancillary effects of different acidifier application rates in roaster houses}, volume={22}, ISSN={1056-6171 1537-0437}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/japr.2012-00693}, DOI={10.3382/japr.2012-00693}, abstractNote={SUMMARY High ammonia levels in broiler houses can reduce bird performance. Broiler producers commonly use acidifiers to reduce ammonia build-up. In addition to improving broiler performance, acidifiers can also provide other ancillary benefits such as reducing propane and electricity use and increasing cake (caked litter) N content. In this 2-yr study involving 9 flocks, 4 levels of an acidifier (sodium bisulfate) were applied to commercial roaster houses in eastern North Carolina. The control treatment had a sodium bisulfate application rate of up to 0.1 lb/ft2 to the brood chamber, whereas the high, medium, and low treatments had application rates of up to 0.3, 0.15, and 0.1 lb/ft2, respectively, to the whole house. No treatment effect was observed on propane or electricity use. However, compared with published studies involving smaller broilers, roasters required lesser amounts of propane and electricity. Linear regressions of propane and electricity use as a function of ambient temperature may help with decision making in roaster production. Brooding accounted for 88% of propane consumption. Reduced pH in the high treatment compared with the other treatments led to significantly higher ammonium concentration in the cake.}, number={3}, journal={The Journal of Applied Poultry Research}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Shah, S. B. and Westerman, P. W. and Grimes, J. L. and Oviedo-Rondon, E. O. and Campeau, D.}, year={2013}, month={Sep}, pages={565–573} } @article{oviedo-rondon_shah_grimes_westerman_campeau_2013, title={Live performance of roasters raised in houses receiving different acidifier application rates}, volume={22}, ISSN={1056-6171 1537-0437}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/japr.2012-00716}, DOI={10.3382/japr.2012-00716}, abstractNote={SUMMARY The reutilization of litter is currently a common practice in broiler production due to several environmental and economic factors. The application of litter amendments in broiler houses is a popular practice that can reduce ammonia emissions from recycled litter by converting them to nonvolatile ammonium. Sodium bisulfate (SBS) is one of the acidifiers frequently used in broiler houses. Broilers raised to 9 wk may require higher acidifier application rates to prevent unhealthy NH3 levels throughout the flock than broilers raised to smaller sizes. A study with 6 flocks of roasters was conducted under commercial conditions to evaluate 4 levels of SBS. In a farm with 8 houses, 4 treatments were evaluated. In the control treatment 0.49 kg/m 2 of SBS was applied to the brood chamber, whereas the low, medium, and high treatments received 0.49, 0.73, and 1.46 kg/m 2 , respectively, in the whole house. Data were obtained as the average of 2 houses with approximately 21,000 broilers per house in each of the 6 flocks evaluated. Results indicated no significant differences due to treatments on final average BW, FCR, mortality, or the majority of condemnation parameters. The significant reductions in NH3 levels observed in the whole flock across all 6 flocks receiving SBS treatments did not significantly improve broiler live performance or affect condemnations at the processing plant.}, number={4}, journal={The Journal of Applied Poultry Research}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Oviedo-Rondon, E. O. and Shah, S. B. and Grimes, J. L. and Westerman, P. W. and Campeau, D.}, year={2013}, month={Nov}, pages={922–928} } @article{liang_shah_classen_sharma-shivappa_2013, title={Modeling Ammonium Adsorption on Broiler Litter and Cake}, volume={224}, ISSN={["0049-6979"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11270-012-1405-0}, number={2}, journal={WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION}, author={Liang, Wei-zhen and Shah, Sanjay B. and Classen, John J. and Sharma-Shivappa, Ratna}, year={2013}, month={Feb} } @article{shah_grimes_oviedo-rondon_westerman_campeau_2013, title={Nitrogen mass balance in commercial roaster houses receiving different acidifier application rates}, volume={22}, ISSN={["1537-0437"]}, DOI={10.3382/japr.2012-00704}, abstractNote={SUMMARY Broiler production has the potential to cause water and air pollution. Acidifiers such as sodium bisulfate (SBS) can reduce ammonia (NH3) emissions from broiler houses; NH3 is an important air pollutant that also affects bird health. Due to their longer grow-outs, roasters may require higher acidifier application rates to prevent unhealthy NH3 levels during the flock than ordinary broilers. Changes in NH3 emission with acidifier use may affect the partitioning of the input nitrogen (N) among the different N output pathways. Accounting for these output pathways through N mass balance provides a complete picture of N as it cycles through the roaster house. In a 2-yr study involving 9 flocks of roasters, 4 levels of SBS were applied to the litter in commercial roaster houses. Whereas the control treatment received up to 0.49 kg/ m 2 to the brood chamber, the high, medium, and low treatments received up to 1.46, 0.73, and 0.49 kg/m 2 , respectively, to the whole house. Ammonia-N emission decreased and N removed in cake and litter increased with SBS application rate. Nitrogen output components were averaged over the 4 treatments and expressed as percent of total N input or per unit mass of live weight (LW). Ammonia-N emission during grow-out, bird N exported, and cake and litter N removed accounted for 17.3% or 11.2 g/kg of LW, 38.9% or 25.1 g/kg of LW, and 22.4% or 14.4 g/kg of LW, respectively. We accounted for 79.1% of the total N inputs, with NH3-N losses during layout probably constituting the bulk of the unaccounted N. In addition to uncertainties in measurements of inputs and outputs, other factors that limited the ability to close the N mass balance were exclusion of feathers during cake and litter sampling, soil N leaching, and nitrous oxide emissions.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH}, author={Shah, S. B. and Grimes, J. L. and Oviedo-Rondon, E. O. and Westerman, P. W. and Campeau, D.}, year={2013}, month={Sep}, pages={539–550} } @article{shah_yao_osborne_2014, title={Storage Method Impacts on Ammonia Flux from Broiler Cake and Acid Scrubbers for High Ammonia Concentration Measurements}, volume={225}, ISSN={["1573-2932"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11270-013-1840-6}, number={1}, journal={WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and Yao, Haiyan and Osborne, Jason A.}, year={2014}, month={Jan} } @article{shah_kolar_2012, title={Evaluation of additive for reducing gaseous emissions from swine waste}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and Kolar, Praveen}, year={2012}, pages={10–20} } @article{kolar_shah_love_2012, title={Feasibility of extracting ammonia from broiler litter and scale-up considerations}, volume={28}, number={4}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Kolar, P. and Shah, S. B. and Love, C. D.}, year={2012}, pages={577–582} } @article{yao_shah_willits_westerman_li_marshall_2011, title={Ammonia emissions from broiler cake stockpiled in a naturally ventilated shed}, volume={54}, DOI={10.13031/2013.39830}, abstractNote={Due to concerns about the negative environmental impacts of ammonia (NH3), the EPA may soon regulate NH3 emissions from livestock operations, including waste piles. This would require knowledge of NH3 emission rates, but there are very few field-scale studies on emission measurement from broiler waste stockpiles. This is the first study in which short-term NH3 fluxes from broiler cake stockpiled in a shed were measured, taking into account both forced and natural convection. Acid scrubbers were used to measure NH3 concentrations, while the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method and Fick's law of diffusion were used to determine NH3 emissions due to forced and natural convection, respectively. Average daily air temperature and wind speed 0.75 m above the stockpile were 24.9°C and 0.65 m s-1 in summer and 8.5°C and 1.02 m s-1 in winter. Natural convection accounted for <0.01% of total emission, but not isolating gas concentrations during forced convection conditions generally led to overestimation of emission. In summer (7 d), NH3-N emission factors were 17 g m-2 d-1 (stockpile surface area), 30 g m-3 d-1 (stockpile volume), 1.8 g kg-1 N d-1 (initial cake N content), and 11 g AU-1 d-1 (where AU = 500 kg live weight marketed). During the first 7 d of the winter study, the emission factors were 27 g m-2 d-1, 43 g m-3 d-1, 2.1 g kg-1 N d-1, and 18 g AU-1 d-1, respectively. For the 15 d study, the emission factors changed very little. Higher emissions in winter were due to higher wind speeds, broiler cake total Kjeldahl N (TKN), and pH. While air temperature also affected emissions, stockpile temperatures (not measured) due to microbial activity were probably more important. Care should be taken in extrapolating this study's results to other stockpiles due to differences in stockpile dimensions, chemical properties, and environmental conditions.}, number={5}, journal={Transactions of the ASABE}, author={Yao, H. and Shah, Sanjay and Willits, D. H. and Westerman, P. W. and Li, L. W. and Marshall, T. K.}, year={2011}, pages={1893–1904} } @article{shah_workman_yates_basden_merriner_degraft-hanson_2011, title={Coupled biofilter - heat exchanger prototype for a broiler house}, volume={27}, DOI={10.13031/2013.40617}, abstractNote={Biofiltration is effective in reducing air emissions from livestock barns but it increases the production cost. Coupling a biofilter with a heat exchanger may allow waste heat recovery to temper the fresh air going back into the livestock barn when supplemental heating is required. A proof-of-concept coupled biofilter - heat exchanger was evaluated for its ability to reduce ammonia emissions and recover heat in a 5,000-bird broiler house in Wardensville, West Virginia. The heat exchanger plenum was stacked on top of the biofilter with a corrugated aluminum sheet serving as the heat transfer surface. The biofilter was effective in treating very high inlet ammonia concentrations (>96 ppm) with removal efficiencies >79% for empty bed residence times ranging from 4.3 to 29.1 s. Accumulation of sulfur in the medium showed that the biofilter may have been effective in trapping some sulfurous gases emitted from the broiler house. Based on 13.5 h of monitoring, the heat exchanger had heat recoveries of 2.3 to 8.3 kW and overall heat transfer coefficients of 7.37 to 35.30 W m-2 K-1. The heat exchanger's performance was comparable to two commercially-available heat exchangers evaluated in published studies in livestock barns. The biofilter-heat exchanger system can improve air quality and reduce energy use in livestock production where supplemental heating is required but additional design improvements and testing are required for commercial application.}, number={6}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Workman, D. J. and Yates, J. and Basden, T. J. and Merriner, C. T. and deGraft-Hanson, J.}, year={2011}, pages={1039–1048} } @article{li_wang-li_shah_jayanty_bloomfield_2011, title={Fine particulate matter in a high-rise layer house and its vicinity}, volume={54}, number={6}, journal={Transactions of the ASABE}, author={Li, Q. and Wang-Li, L. and Shah, S. B. and Jayanty, R. K. M. and Bloomfield, P.}, year={2011}, pages={2299–2310} } @article{liu_wang-li_beasley_shah_2011, title={Validation and uncertainty analysis of an ammonia emission model for broiler litter}, volume={54}, DOI={10.13031/2013.37096}, abstractNote={A mechanistic emission model was previously developed at laboratory scale to estimate ammonia emission fluxes from broiler litter. The overall model inputs include air temperature, air velocity, and litter properties such as litter nitrogen content, moisture content, and pH. The model outputs are predicted ammonia emission fluxes from litter. Considerable uncertainties may exist in measurement values of model inputs and outputs as well as model parameters. The purpose of this study was to perform model validation in the presence of measurement and model parameter uncertainties. A validation metric based on the mean and covariance in the measurement and in the model parameters was used to validate the ammonia emission model of broiler litter. The core model was validated given the uncertainties in the model prediction due to uncertainties of parameters (the Freundlich partition coefficient Kf and the mass transfer coefficient KG) and the uncertainties in the measurements. The significant level for the core model validation was 17.8%. The Kf submodel was validated at the given uncertainties of pH and temperature, and the significant levels were from 12.0% to 49.4%, which provided high confidence on the Kf submodel. At the given uncertainty levels of air velocity and temperature, the KG submodel passed the validation test (p > 0.05) when air velocities were low and failed the validation test (p < 0.05) when air velocities were high. The failure of the KG submodel at high air velocity levels may have been caused by significant loss of nitrogen and moisture content from the litter surface.}, number={3}, journal={Transactions of the ASABE}, author={Liu, Z. and Wang-Li, L. and Beasley, D. B. and Shah, Sanjay}, year={2011}, pages={1051–1057} } @article{shah_balla_grabow_westerman_bailey_2009, title={Impact of land application method on ammonia loss from hog lagoon effluent}, volume={25}, DOI={10.13031/2013.29236}, abstractNote={Ammonia volatilization during land-application of hog lagoon effluent can adversely affect public health and the environment. Ammonia losses from hog lagoon effluent applied to Coastal Bermudagrass with the drag-hose (two applications) and traveling gun (three applications) were measured in spring and summer of 2006. Ammonia losses during application with the traveling gun were measured with acidified catch cans while losses during (traveling gun) or following (drag-hose) application for up to 96 h was measured with a micrometeorological method, the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method; ammonia-N losses measured with the IHF method and catch cans are not additive. Ammonia-N losses during application with the traveling gun ranged between 3.8% to 9.2% of total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) applied, increasing with wind speed and decreasing relative humidity. For two applications, average ammonia loss with the drag-hose was <25% of the traveling gun. Ammonia-N losses from the traveling gun and drag-hose averaged 46.3% (n = 3) and 5.5% (n = 2), respectively, of the TAN applied. Ammonia-N loss during the first 4 h, as percent of total TAN loss was higher with the traveling gun. Whereas traveling gun ammonia losses were affected more by weather (e.g., relative humidity) and crop height, drag-hose losses were impacted more by effluent properties. Wind speed measurement contributed to <6% uncertainty in ammonia loss for both systems during one 4-h period. There are also other sources of uncertainty. Results from this study are comparable with published micrometeorological studies on hog lagoon effluent application.}, number={6}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Balla, B. K. and Grabow, G. L. and Westerman, P. W. and Bailey, D. E.}, year={2009}, pages={963–973} } @article{shah_hutchison_hesterberg_grabow_huffman_hardy_parsons_2009, title={Leaching of Nutrients and Trace Elements from Stockpiled Turkey Litter into Soil}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1537-2537"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-66649083862&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.2134/jeq2007.0639}, abstractNote={In addition to nutrients, poultry are fed trace elements (e.g., As) for therapeutic purposes. Although a large proportion of the nutrients are assimilated by the birds, nearly all of the As is excreted. Hence, turkey litter constituents can leach into the soil and contaminate shallow ground water when it is stockpiled uncovered on bare soil. This study quantified the leaching of turkey litter constituents from uncovered stockpiles into the underlying soil. Four stockpiles were placed on Orangeburg loamy sand in summer 2004 for 162 d; 14 d after their removal, four stockpiles were created over the same footprints and left over winter for 162 d. Soil samples at depths of 7.6 to 30.5 cm and 30.5 to 61 cm adjacent to and beneath the stockpiles were compared for pH, electrical conductivity, total C, dissolved organic C, N species, P, water‐extractable (WE)‐P, As, WE‐As, Cu, Mn, and Zn. All WE constituents affected the 7.6‐ to 30.5‐cm layer, and some leached deeper; for example, NH4+–N concentrations were 184 and 62 times higher in the shallow and deep layers, respectively. During winter stockpiling, WE‐As concentrations beneath the stockpiles tripled and doubled in the 7.6‐ to 30.5‐cm and 30.5‐ to 61‐cm layers, respectively, with WE‐As being primarily as As(V). Heavy dissolved organic C and WE‐P leaching likely increased solubilization of soil As, although WE‐As concentrations were low due to the Al‐rich soil and low‐As litter. When used as drinking water, shallow ground water should be monitored on farms with a history of litter stockpiling on bare soil; high litter As; and high soil As, Fe, and Mn concentrations.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and Hutchison, Kimberly J. and Hesterberg, Dean L. and Grabow, Garry L. and Huffman, Rodney L. and Hardy, David H. and Parsons, James T.}, year={2009}, pages={1053–1065} } @article{liu_wang_beasley_shah_2009, title={Modeling ammonia emissions from broiler litter at laboratory scale}, volume={52}, DOI={10.13031/2013.29131}, abstractNote={The objectives of this study were to develop a mechanistic emission model to estimate ammonia flux from broiler litter and to evaluate the model at laboratory scale. In the proposed model, the ammonia flux is essentially a function of the litter's total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) content, moisture content, pH, and temperature, as well as the Freundlich partition coefficient (Kf), mass transfer coefficient (KG), ventilation rate (Q), and emission surface area (A). The Freundlich partition coefficient (Kf) was used as a fitting parameter in the model. A dynamic flow-through chamber system and a wind tunnel were designed to measure ammonia fluxes from broiler litter. The dynamic flow-through chamber experiments evaluated the proposed model with various litter samples under a constant temperature and wind profile. The wind tunnel experiments evaluated the proposed model under various temperatures and wind profiles. Model parameters such as Kf and KG were estimated. The results from the two experiments were consistent with each other. The estimated KG ranged from 1.11 to 27.64 m h-1, and the estimated Kf ranged from 0.56 to 4.48 L kg-1. A regression sub-model was developed to estimate Kf as function of litter pH and temperature, which indicated that Kf increased with increasing litter pH and decreased with increasing temperature. The proposed model was used to estimate the equilibrium gas phase ammonia concentration (Cg,0) in litter, and the model-predicted values were compared with the observed values. The normalized mean error (NME), the normalized mean square error (NMSE), and fractional bias (FB) were calculated to be 25%, 12%, and -0.3%, respectively, for all 94 measurements, and the model was able to reproduce 80% of the variability of the data. Sensitivity analysis of the model showed that ammonia flux is very sensitive to litter pH and to a lesser extent temperature. The relative sensitivity of pH or temperature increases as the pH or temperature increases.}, number={5}, journal={Transactions of the ASABE}, author={Liu, Z. and Wang, L. and Beasley, D. B. and Shah, Sanjay}, year={2009}, pages={1683–1694} } @article{shah_westerman_munilla_adcock_baughman_2008, title={Design and evaluation of a regenerating scrubber for reducing animal house emissions}, volume={51}, DOI={10.13031/2013.24217}, abstractNote={Animal houses can emit substantial quantities of air pollutants. Compared with other pollutants, ammonia is emitted from animal houses in relatively large quantities and can have adverse public health and environmental impacts. This article describes the development and evaluation of a novel scrubber prototype, consisting of an endless polypropylene screen running in a trough of alum solution, that could be used to reduce ammonia emissions from animal houses. When building exhaust ventilation air contacts the screen, ammonia is dissolved in the aqueous solution on the screen and transported into the trough. Low ammonia concentration ( 66 h of evaluation under low and high concentration conditions, with a weighted average airflow rate of 0.93 m3 s-1 and velocity of 0.52 m s-1, the scrubber reduced ammonia emissions by 58.3%. Compared with commercial spray and packed column scrubbers used in industry, it had a lower pressure drop (~110 Pa). It also had a low water consumption of ~1 mL m-3 treated air. Further evaluation of the scrubber in different types of animal houses and for different pollutants is required. Its design should be improved to increase ammonia removal efficiency and reduce pressure drop, footprint size, and cost. There is also need to model gas transfer in this type of scrubber.}, number={1}, journal={Transactions of the ASABE}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Westerman, P. W. and Munilla, R. D. and Adcock, M. E. and Baughman, G. R.}, year={2008}, pages={243–250} } @article{shah_baird_rice_2007, title={Effect of a metabolic stimulant on ammonia volatilization from broiler litter}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1537-0437"]}, DOI={10.1093/japr/16.2.240}, abstractNote={SUMMARY High NH3 concentrations in broiler and turkey houses can adversely affect bird performance and the environment when exhausted into the atmosphere. Acidifying amendments have been used in poultry houses to reduce NH3 levels, but the acidifiers are caustic and may not be effective for the entire growout of 8 to 9 wk. In this 45-d study, the effect of a metabolic stimulant (biostimulant), Bio-Kat, on exhaust NH3 concentrations from chambers containing broiler litter (supplemented daily with layer manure slurry) was evaluated. Average NH3 concentration in the exhaust air from the chambers containing Bio-Kat-treated litter was reduced by 61% compared with untreated litter. Also, ammoniacal-N concentration in the Bio-Kat-treated litter was double that of untreated litter at the end of the study. The Bio-Kat amendment was most effective during the first 10 to 12 d, and its efficacy decreased over time. Additional work is required to evaluate the more concentrated formulation (for duration of effectiveness and application rate) and identify the proper method of application (i.e., incorporation vs. broadcasting on the surface).}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH}, author={Shah, S. B. and Baird, C. L. and Rice, J. M.}, year={2007}, pages={240–247} } @article{shah_grabow_westerman_2006, title={Ammonia adsorption in five types of flexible tubing materials}, volume={22}, DOI={10.13031/2013.22253}, abstractNote={Five different types of tubing materials, namely, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), high density polyethylene (HDPE), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were evaluated for ammonia adsorption at two nominal ammonia concentration values (1 and 10 ppm) at ~24°C. All tubing sections were 2.5 m in length and 4.76 mm in i.d. except the HDPE which had an i.d. of 4.32 mm. Mass balance was used to determine ammonia (as ammonium-nitrogen (N)) adsorbed on the inside of the tubing versus the total N recovered in the tubing plus the gas scrubbers (primary and secondary). No tubing significantly differed in N adsorption. Averaged for both ammonia concentrations, N adsorption as percent of total N ranged from 0.15% (PVC) to 1.69% (FEP). Hence, the least expensive PVC tubing may represent the best option under conditions similar to those used in this study. The gas scrubber design used in this study had excellent trapping efficiency (>99%).}, number={6}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Grabow, G. L. and Westerman, P. W.}, year={2006}, pages={919–923} } @misc{shah_westerman_arogo_2006, title={Measuring ammonia concentrations and emissions from agricultural land and liquid surfaces: A review}, volume={56}, ISSN={["2162-2906"]}, DOI={10.1080/10473289.2006.10464512}, abstractNote={Abstract Aerial ammonia concentrations (C g) are measured using acid scrubbers, filter packs, denuders, or optical methods. Using C g and wind speed or airflow rate, ammonia emission rate or flux can be directly estimated using enclosures or micrometeorological methods. Using nitrogen (N) recovery is not recommended, mainly because the different gaseous N components cannot be separated. Although low cost and replicable, chambers modify environmental conditions and are suitable only for comparing treatments. Wind tunnels do not modify environmental conditions as much as chambers, but they may not be appropriate for determining ammonia fluxes; however, they can be used to compare emissions and test models. Larger wind tunnels that also simulate natural wind profiles may be more useful for comparing treatments than micrometeorological methods because the latter require larger plots and are, thus, difficult to replicate. For determining absolute ammonia flux, the micrometeorological methods are the most suitable because they are nonintrusive. For use with micrometeorological methods, both the passive denuders and optical methods give comparable accuracies, although the latter give real-time C g but at a higher cost. The passive denuder is wind weighted and also costs less than forced-air C g measurement methods, but it requires calibration. When ammonia contamination during sample preparation and handling is a concern and separating the gas-phase ammonia and aerosol ammonium is not required, the scrubber is preferred over the passive denuder. The photothermal interferometer, because of its low detection limit and robustness, may hold potential for use in agriculture, but it requires evaluation. With its simpler theoretical basis and fewer restrictions, the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method is preferable over other micrometeorological methods, particularly for lagoons, where berms and land-lagoon boundaries modify wind flow and flux gradients. With uniform wind flow, the ZINST method requiring measurement at one predetermined height may perform comparably to the IHF method but at a lower cost.}, number={7}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION}, author={Shah, Sanjay B. and Westerman, Philip W. and Arogo, Jactone}, year={2006}, month={Jul}, pages={945–960} } @article{zeckoski_benham_shah_wolfe_brannan_al-smadi_dillaha_mostaghimi_heatwole_2005, title={Bslc: A tool for bacteria source characterization for watershed management}, volume={21}, DOI={10.13031/2013.19716}, abstractNote={The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program is an integrated watershed assessment and management process designed to address surface water quality impairments. The presence of pathogen indicator bacteria (fecal coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli)) is reported to be the most widespread cause of water quality impairment in the United States. Watershed-scale simulation models, when used in a "what-if" scenario assessment mode, can assist stakeholders and watershed planners in making informed immediate and long-term land-use-based watershed management decisions designed to control bacterial contamination and improve water quality. However, to use such models, accurate characterization of bacteria sources present in a watershed is necessary. The objectives of this article are to describe the process developed and used by the Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies at Virginia Tech to characterize bacterial source inputs needed for a watershed-scale simulation model and to introduce a software tool, the Bacteria Source Load Calculator (BSLC), that aids in the source characterization and TMDL allocation scenario development process. The BSLC uses externally generated inputs, such as land use distribution and livestock, wildlife, and human population estimates, to calculate monthly bacterial land loadings and hourly bacterial stream loadings. The program was developed using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Microsoft Excel. The BSLC and its underlying methodology have been used in the development of 21 bacterial TMDLs in Virginia. The BSLC software greatly simplifies the creation of required data files needed by watershed-scale simulation models and provides consistency in data development and processing.}, number={5}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Zeckoski, R. W. and Benham, B. L. and Shah, Sanjay and Wolfe, M. L. and Brannan, K. M. and Al-Smadi, M. and Dillaha, T. A. and Mostaghimi, S. and Heatwole, C. D.}, year={2005}, pages={879–889} } @article{shah_miller_basden_2004, title={Mechanical aeration and liquid dairy manure application impacts on grassland runoff water quality and yield}, volume={47}, DOI={10.13031/2013.16109}, abstractNote={The runoff water quality and agronomic impacts of mechanical aeration and liquid dairy manure (LDM) application to grassland (orchard grass with 10% to 20% alfalfa) were evaluated in two blocks. Simulated rainfall-generated runoff was collected six times from block A, and natural runoff was collected from block B once. Runoff samples were analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen (NO3 --N), ammoniacal-N, total Kjeldahl N (TKN), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total P, and total suspended solids (TSS). The four treatments applied to the plots were control (CTL, no aeration and no LDM), aeration (AER), LDM application but no aeration (MAN), and aeration plus LDM application (AER+MAN). The plots were harvested three times, and crop yields and crop nutrient (N-P-K) contents were determined. Aeration impact on soil impedance was evaluated with a penetrometer. In one simulated event, AER+MAN significantly reduced runoff, while the other treatments were comparable. Nutrient concentrations in simulated runoff increased with LDM application but were unaffected by aeration. Aeration reduced nutrient loadings of three or more species (not TKN) from manured plots in two of six simulated runoff events but not from non-manured plots. Aeration of manured plots was more effective in reducing DRP losses than other nutrient species. Mean total loadings of all nutrient species in simulated runoff were reduced >26% by AER+MAN vs. MAN. While aeration significantly increased TSS concentrations in simulated runoff, LDM application did not. In one of six simulated events, AER had the highest TSS loadings, while AER+MAN had the lowest, with the two other treatments in between. No treatment effects were observed with natural runoff for any constituent. The MAN treatment significantly increased forage yield in two harvests vs. CTL and AER and in one harvest vs. AER+MAN. Compared with MAN, total forage yields with CTL, AER, and AER+MAN were 78%, 67%, and 81%, respectively. Aeration reduced soil impedance and could improve root penetration in compacted soils.}, number={3}, journal={Transactions of the ASAE}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Miller, J. L. and Basden, T. J.}, year={2004}, pages={777–788} } @article{shah_wolfe_borggaard_2004, title={Simulating the fate of subsurface-banded urea}, volume={70}, ISSN={["1573-0867"]}, DOI={10.1023/B:FRES.0000045983.33883.37}, number={1}, journal={NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS}, author={Shah, SB and Wolfe, ML and Borggaard, JT}, year={2004}, month={Sep}, pages={47–66} } @article{shah_shamblin_boone_gartin_bhumbla_2004, title={Water quality impacts of different turkey litter application methods}, volume={20}, DOI={10.13031/2013.15893}, abstractNote={The traditional practice of broadcasting poultry litter on the soil surface could result in nutrient loss in runoff. In this study, the runoff water quality impacts of three turkey litter application (4.5 Mg/ha) methods (broadcast, surface band, and incorporated band) were investigated. In the 8-d runoff study, treatments were applied to hydrologically isolated plots and runoff volumes were analyzed for pollutant concentrations over three runoff events (one natural, two simulated). In the natural runoff event, incorporated banding resulted in significantly reduced ammoniacal-nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (P) concentrations as well as total suspended solids (TSS) loadings than the other treatments. In the second (first simulated) runoff event, dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations were significantly lower in runoff from the incorporated band versus broadcast treatment. No treatment effects were observed in the last (second simulated) runoff event probably due to depletion of nutrients from the effective zone of interaction due to the earlier runoff events. Overall, compared with broadcasting, incorporated banding reduced ammoniacal-N, DRP, and TSS loadings by 67%, 73%, and 53%, respectively. Hence, compared with broadcasting, incorporated banding reduced pollutant losses in runoff; however, surface banding did not give any water quality benefits.}, number={2}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Shamblin, M. D. and Boone, H. N. and Gartin, S. A. and Bhumbla, D. K.}, year={2004}, pages={207–210} } @article{shah_basden_bhumbla_2003, title={Bench-scale biofilter for removing ammonia from poultry house exhaust}, volume={38}, ISSN={["0360-1234"]}, DOI={10.1081/pfc-120016608}, abstractNote={A bench‐scale biofilter was evaluated for removing ammonia (NH3) from poultry house exhaust. The biofilter system was equipped with a compost filter to remove NH3 and calcium oxide (CaO) filter to remove carbon dioxide (CO2). Removal of NH3 and CO2 from poultry house exhaust could allow treated air with residual heat to be recirculated back into the poultry house to conserve energy during winter months. Apart from its use as a plant nutrient, NH3 removal from poultry house exhaust could lessen the adverse environmental impacts of NH3 emissions. Ammonia and CO2 were measured daily with gas detector tubes while temperatures in the poultry pen and compost filter were monitored to evaluate the thermal impact of the biofilter on treated air. During the first 37 days of the 54‐day study, exhaust air from 33 birds housed in a pen was treated in the biofilter; for the final 17 days, NH3‐laden exhaust, obtained by applying urea to the empty pen was treated in the biofilter. The biofilter system provided near‐complete attenuation of a maximum short‐term NH3 concentration of 73 ppm. During the last 17 days, with a mean influent NH3 concentration of 26 ppm, the biofilter provided 97% attenuation. The CaO filter was effective in attenuating CO2. Compared with a biofilter sized only for NH3 removal, an oversized biofilter would be required to provide supplemental heat to the treated air through exothermic biochemical reactions in the compost. The biofilter could conserve energy in poultry production and capture NH3 for use as plant nutrient. Based on this study, a house for 27,000 broilers would require a compost filter with a volume of ∼34 m3.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART B-PESTICIDES FOOD CONTAMINANTS AND AGRICULTURAL WASTES}, author={Shah, SB and Basden, TJ and Bhumbla, DK}, year={2003}, pages={89–101} } @article{shah_wolfe_2003, title={Particle size impacts of subsurface-banded urea on nitrogen transformation in the laboratory}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1532-2416"]}, DOI={10.1081/CSS-120020441}, abstractNote={Replacing commercial urea granules (0.01–0.02 g) with urea pellets (1.5 g) could improve crop yield and reduce nitrogen (N) losses into the environment. Since urea particle size affects N transformations and, subsequently, N-loss pathways, laboratory studies were conducted to study the effects of subsurface-banded urea particle size or specific surface area (SSA) effects on dissolution, mechanism of dissolved urea movement, and N mineralization (urea hydrolysis and nitrification). To simulate subsurface banding, urea treatments were applied in a plane beneath the soil to Ross loam soil at volumetric soil moisture content (θv) of 31.4% (34 cbars) in all studies. At 50% dissolution, granules dissolved eight times faster than 1.5-g pellets. Molecular diffusion was likely the predominant mechanism of dissolved urea movement in both pellets and granules. Urea hydrolysis was significantly lower by 3.1% in 1.5-g pellets than in granules after 7 d. At 35 d, nitrification rate of the applied-N was 11% (significantly) lower in 1.5-g pellets than granules. Compared with granules, pellets dissolved slower and inhibited both urease and nitrifier activity to a greater extent; however, nitrification inhibition was likely the predominant mechanism that reduced nitrate availability for both uptake and loss. Hence, when granules and 1.5-g pellets are both subsurface-banded in the soil, slower nitrification in pellets could reduce the potential for N losses. However, greater benefits in terms of increased crop yield and N uptake and, potentially, reduced N losses are likely when surface-broadcast urea granules are replaced with subsurface-applied urea pellets.}, number={9-10}, journal={COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS}, author={Shah, SB and Wolfe, ML}, year={2003}, pages={1245–1260} } @article{shah_bhumbla_basden_lawrence_2002, title={Cool temperature performance of a wheat straw biofilter for treating dairy wastewater}, volume={37}, ISSN={["1532-4109"]}, DOI={10.1081/pfc-120014879}, abstractNote={A wheat straw biofilter was evaluated for attenuating pollutants in dairy (milkhouse and milking parlor) wastewater. During the 14-day study, the biofilter was operated in a sequential aerobic–anaerobic mode in a temperature range of 8–14°C. While the biofilter was very effective (89% removal) in attenuating total suspended solids and moderately effective (76% removal) in attenuating oil and grease, its effectiveness in attenuating chemical oxygen demand was low (37% removal). The biofilter was ineffective in attenuating nitrate, while its effectiveness in attenuating ammonium (20% removal) and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (15% removal) was low. The biofilter was not effective in attenuating ortho-phosphate, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform. Though microbial degradation accounted for some pollutant removal, filtration seemed to be the primary mechanism. Lower temperature of operation and high oil and grease concentration (that reduced nutrient transfer to the biofilm) decreased microbial activity, reducing pollutant attenuation. Biofilter performance could be enhanced by using residual heat in the wastewater to raise the operating temperature of the biofilter and by removing oil and grease prior to applying the wastewater to the biofilter.}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART B-PESTICIDES FOOD CONTAMINANTS AND AGRICULTURAL WASTES}, author={Shah, SB and Bhumbla, DK and Basden, TJ and Lawrence, LD}, year={2002}, pages={493–505} } @article{shah_wolfe_2002, title={Nitrate leaching impact of urea pellets versus granules}, volume={18}, DOI={10.13031/2013.7711}, abstractNote={The impact of urea pellets (1.5 g) versus urea granules (0.01 to 0.02 g) on nitrate (NO3 – ) leaching when nitrogen (N) was subsurface–applied at 184 kg/ha to no–till corn (Zea mays) for silage on a loam soil was evaluated for two seasons. Nitrate–N concentration in leachate samples obtained from tension lysimeters installed at 30– and 120–cm depths and soil inorganic–N amounts in different layers of the root zone (120 cm) were compared to evaluate NO3 – –N leaching from pellets and granules. Also, N amounts removed by the crop from the pellet and granule treatments were used to compare NO3 – –N leaching potential. All treatments were applied in triplicate to plots measuring 4.5 U 4.5 m. While NO3 – –N leaching from the root zone was unaffected by the fertilizer treatment, soil sampling indicated that downward movement of inorganic–N within the root zone was slower from pellets than granules. Since there was little percolation from the root zone due to dry weather conditions during both crop seasons, urea form impact on NO3 – –N leaching could not be evaluated during the crop season. In the first crop season, N removal by crop was unaffected by fertilizer form; in the second season, the corn receiving pellets removed 19% more N than corn receiving granules. Compared with granules, use of pellets resulted in 15% higher corn silage yield in the second season; no fertilizer form impact on yield was evident in the first season. The reasons for greater crop N removal and yield with pellets than granules were unclear. Pellets could reduce N losses into the environment from crops requiring high N application rates, grown in well–drained soils and high precipitation conditions. Reduced N losses could enhance productivity through higher yields or reduced N application.}, number={1}, journal={Applied Engineering in Agriculture}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Wolfe, M. L.}, year={2002}, pages={57–64} } @article{shah_edling_2000, title={Daily evapotranspiration prediction from a Louisiana flooded rice field}, volume={126}, DOI={10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2000)126:1(8)}, abstractNote={During 1995, daily evapotranspiration (\IEt\N) from a flooded rice field was calculated with a water balance equation using measured values of water level, precipitation, irrigation, seepage, and tailwater runoff. Stagewise \IEt\N was 6.3, 8.1, and 6.8 mm/d for the vegetative, flowering, and yield formation stages, respectively; average daily \IEt\N was 6.8 mm/d. Grass reference \IEt\N (\IEt\dr\N) combination models Penman-Monteith, FAO-Penman, and 1963 Penman were evaluated for their capabilities to predict rice \IEt\N using daily weather data. Daily \IEt\dr\N was also calculated by summing up hourly values with the Penman-Monteith method. The Penman-Monteith (daily) method had a coefficient of determination (\iR²) of 63.7%, as compared with 62.9, 60.0, and 61.7% for Penman-Monteith (hourly), FAO-Penman, and 1963 Penman methods, respectively. Crop coefficients (\iK\i\dc) using the Penman-Monteith (daily) model were 1.39, 1.51, and 1.43 for the vegetative, flowering, and yield formation stages, respectively. Developed \IK\dc\N values were verified using limited rice \IEt\N data in 1996. The \IK\dc\N values underpredicted rice \IEt\N by 3.7%, which was acceptable for water management.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering}, author={Shah, Sanjay and Edling, R. J.}, year={2000}, pages={8–13} }