@article{epps_delgado-licona_yang_kim_volk_han_jun_abolhasani_2023, title={Accelerated Multi-Stage Synthesis of Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots in Modular Flow Reactors}, volume={1}, ISSN={["2365-709X"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202201845}, DOI={10.1002/admt.202201845}, abstractNote={AbstractDevelopment and scalable nanomanufacturing of high‐quality heavy metal‐free quantum dots (QDs) with high‐dimensional experimental design spaces still remain a challenge. In this work, a universal flow chemistry framework for accelerated fundamental and applied studies of heavy metal‐free QDs with multi‐stage chemistries is presented. By introducing flexible time‐ and temperature‐to‐distance transformation using modular fluidic blocks, an in‐flow synthetic route of InP QDs with the highest reported first excitonic absorption peak to valley ratio is unveiled  with a reaction time one order of magnitude faster than batch reactors. The flexible time‐ and temperature‐to‐distance transformation as an enabling factor for generalization of flow reactors toward the accelerated discovery, development, and nanomanufacturing of high‐quality emerging nanomaterials for next‐generation energy, display, and chemical technologies is discussed.}, journal={ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES}, author={Epps, Robert W. and Delgado-Licona, Fernando and Yang, Hyeyeon and Kim, Taekhoon and Volk, Amanda A. and Han, Suyong and Jun, Shinae and Abolhasani, Milad}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{tomhon_han_lehmkuhl_appelt_chekmenev_abolhasani_theis_2021, title={A Versatile Compact Parahydrogen Membrane Reactor}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1439-7641"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85118185085&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1002/cphc.202100667}, abstractNote={AbstractWe introduce a Spin Transfer Automated Reactor (STAR) that produces continuous parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP), which is stable for hours to days. We use the PHIP variant called signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE), which is particularly well suited to produce continuous hyperpolarization. The STAR is operated in conjunction with benchtop (1.1 T) and high field (9.4 T) NMR magnets, highlighting the versatility of this system to operate with any NMR or MRI system. The STAR uses semipermeable membranes to efficiently deliver parahydrogen into solutions at nano to milli Tesla fields, which enables 1H, 13C, and 15N hyperpolarization on a large range of substrates including drugs and metabolites. The unique features of the STAR are leveraged for important applications, including continuous hyperpolarization of metabolites, desirable for examining steady‐state metabolism in vivo, as well as for continuous RASER signals suitable for the investigation of new physics.}, number={24}, journal={CHEMPHYSCHEM}, author={TomHon, Patrick M. and Han, Suyong and Lehmkuhl, Soren and Appelt, Stephan and Chekmenev, Eduard Y. and Abolhasani, Milad and Theis, Thomas}, year={2021}, month={Oct} } @article{campbell_han_marre_abolhasani_2021, title={Continuous Flow Solar Desorption of CO2 from Aqueous Amines}, volume={9}, ISSN={["2168-0485"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08600}, DOI={10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08600}, abstractNote={Recovery of captured carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered the most energy-intensive stage of postcombustion CO2 capture strategies by aqueous amines. In response, an optically transparent flow reactor with continuous in operando CO2 collection using light-absorbing, graphite-titania composite microparticles is developed for the energy-efficient solar desorption of CO2 from saturated aqueous amine absorbents. The synthesized graphite-titania composite microparticles are demonstrated to be a more effective packing material for continuous CO2 solar desorption in the packed-bed flow reactor compared to other candidates, including titania and carbon black. The effect of continuous and discrete parameters, including irradiance, residence time, amine concentration, and amine chemical structure on the efficiency of solar-enabled CO2 desorption using the developed continuous flow strategy with the graphite-titania composite microparticle packing is studied in detail. Furthermore, the potential for the implementation of a control strategy by adjusting the aqueous amine stream flow rate to achieve constant CO2 desorption efficiency with dynamic solar irradiance is discussed. Finally, the continuous CO2 desorption stability over an extended period of time (12 h) is examined with an average single-pass efficiency of 64%.}, number={6}, journal={ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING}, publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)}, author={Campbell, Zachary S. and Han, Suyong and Marre, Samuel and Abolhasani, Milad}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={2570–2579} } @article{han_ramezani_tomhon_abdel-latif_epps_theis_abolhasani_2021, title={Intensified continuous extraction of switchable hydrophilicity solvents triggered by carbon dioxide}, volume={23}, ISSN={["1463-9270"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1039/D1GC00811K}, DOI={10.1039/d1gc00811k}, abstractNote={An intensified continuous flow strategy is developed and utilized for scalable extraction of switchable hydrophilicity solvents triggered by carbon dioxide.}, number={8}, journal={GREEN CHEMISTRY}, publisher={Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)}, author={Han, Suyong and Ramezani, Mahdi and TomHon, Patrick and Abdel-Latif, Kameel and Epps, Robert W. and Theis, Thomas and Abolhasani, Milad}, year={2021}, month={Apr}, pages={2900–2906} } @article{han_ibrahim_abolhasani_2021, title={Intensified recovery of switchable hydrophilicity solvents in flow}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1364-548X"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1039/D1CC03819B}, DOI={10.1039/d1cc03819b}, abstractNote={Intensified continuous extraction and recovery of switchable hydrophilicity solvents is presented, offering an energy-efficient solvent utilization strategy for green synthesis.}, journal={CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS}, publisher={Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)}, author={Han, Suyong and Ibrahim, Malek Y. S. and Abolhasani, Milad}, year={2021}, month={Sep} } @article{bateni_epps_abdel-latif_dargis_han_volk_ramezani_cai_chen_abolhasani_2021, title={Ultrafast cation doping of perovskite quantum dots in flow}, volume={4}, ISSN={["2590-2385"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matt.2021.04.025}, DOI={10.1016/j.matt.2021.04.025}, abstractNote={Among all-inorganic metal halide perovskite quantum dots (PQDs), cesium lead chloride (CsPbCl3) with its large band-gap energy is an excellent candidate for enhancement of PQD radiative pathways through incorporation of additional internal energy transfer within its exciton band gap. In this study, we introduce a post-synthetic chemistry for ultrafast metal cation doping of CsPbCl3 QDs with a high degree of tunability, using a model transition metal impurity dopant, manganese. Due to the fast nature of the post-synthetic metal cation-doping reaction, an engineered time-to-space transformation strategy is employed to unravel the kinetics and fundamental mechanism of the doping process. Using a modular microfluidic platform equipped with a translational in situ absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy probe, we propose a heterogeneous surface-doping mechanism through a vacancy-assisted metal cation migration. The developed in-flow doping strategy can open new avenues for on-demand optoelectronic properties tuning and scalable precision synthesis of high-quality metal cation-doped PQDs.}, number={7}, journal={MATTER}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Bateni, Fazel and Epps, Robert W. and Abdel-latif, Kameel and Dargis, Rokas and Han, Suyong and Volk, Amanda A. and Ramezani, Mahdi and Cai, Tong and Chen, Ou and Abolhasani, Milad}, year={2021}, month={Jul}, pages={2429–2447} } @article{abdel-latif_epps_bateni_han_reyes_abolhasani_2021, title={Self-Driven Multistep Quantum Dot Synthesis Enabled by Autonomous Robotic Experimentation in Flow}, volume={3}, ISSN={["2640-4567"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202000245}, DOI={10.1002/aisy.202000245}, abstractNote={Identifying the optimal formulation of emerging inorganic lead halide perovskite quantum dots (LHP QDs) with their vast colloidal synthesis universe and multiple synthesis/postsynthesis processing parameters is a challenging undertaking for material‐ and time‐intensive, batch synthesis strategies. Herein, a modular microfluidic synthesis strategy, integrated with an artificial intelligence (AI)‐guided decision‐making agent for intelligent navigation through the complex colloidal synthesis universe of LHP QDs with 10 individually controlled synthesis parameters and an accessible parameter space exceeding 2 × 107, is introduced. Utilizing the developed autonomous microfluidic experimentation strategy within a global learning framework, the optimal formulation of LHP QDs is rapidly identified through a two‐step colloidal synthesis and postsynthesis halide exchange reaction, for 10 different emission colors in less than 40 min per desired peak emission energy. Using two in‐series microfluidic reactors enables continuous bandgap engineering of LHP QDs via in‐line halide exchange reactions without the need for an intermediate washing step. Using an inert gas within a three‐phase flow format enables successful, self‐synchronized continuous delivery of halide salt precursor into moving droplets containing LHP QDs, resulting in accelerated closed‐loop formulation optimization and end‐to‐end continuous manufacturing of LHP QDs with desired optoelectronic properties.}, number={2}, journal={ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Abdel-Latif, Kameel and Epps, Robert W. and Bateni, Fazel and Han, Suyong and Reyes, Kristofer G. and Abolhasani, Milad}, year={2021}, month={Feb} }