Srdjan Lukic Tu, H., Yu, H., Du, Y., Eisele, S., Lu, X., Karsai, G., & Lukic, S. (2024, March 28). An IoT-Based Framework for Distributed Generic Microgrid Controllers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 3. Alam, M. D., Rahman, M. M., Husain, I., & Lukic, S. (2024). Circulating Power and Winding Current Minimization in a Triple Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Optimized Leakage Inductance Design. 2024 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC, pp. 474–480. Tu, H., Yu, H., & Lukic, S. (2024). Dynamic Nonlinear Droop Control (DNDC): A Novel Primary Control Method for DC Microgrids. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 39(9), 10934–10949. Bhadani, R., Banik, S., Tu, H., Lukic, S., & Karsai, G. (2024). Model-based Design Tool for Cyber-physical Power Systems using SystemC-AMS. PROCEEDINGS THE 6TH WORKSHOP ON DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR CPS AND IOT, DESTION 2024, pp. 55–61. Montes, O. A., Dadzie, D., Lukic, S., & Tu, H. (2024). Multisampling with Sigma-Delta ADCs for Medium-Voltage Cascaded H-Bridge Converters. ENERGIES, 17(23). Ghosh, P., Barua, N., Krentz, T., Karsai, G., Dubey, A., & Lukic, S. (2023). Distributed Control Application for Smart Grids using RIAPS. 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART COMPUTING, SMARTCOMP, pp. 186–188. Tu, H., Yu, H., & Lukic, S. (2023). Impact of Virtual Inertia on DC Grid Stability With Constant Power Loads. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 38(5), 5693–5699. Awal, M. A., Montes, O. A., Teng, F., Wang, D., Bipu, M. R. H., Yu, W., … Husain, I. (2023). Medium Voltage Solid State Transformer for Extreme Fast Charging Applications. 2023 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC, pp. 1528–1535. Bipu, M. R. H., Dadzie, D., Lukic, S., & Husain, I. (2023). Open Circuit Switch Fault Management Method of a Multi-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter for EV Charging Application. 2023 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC, 2218–2222. Tu, H., Du, Y., Yu, H., Lu, X., & Lukic, S. (2024). Privacy-Preserving Robust Consensus for Distributed Microgrid Control Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 71(4), 3684–3697. Ghosh, P., Tu, H., Krentz, T., Karsai, G., & Lukic, S. (2022). An Automated Deployment and Testing Framework for Resilient Distributed Smart Grid Applications. 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OMNI-LAYER INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (IEEE COINS 2022), pp. 73–78. DSouza, K., Muthukaruppan, V., Yu, H., Baran, M., Lukic, S., & Vukojevic, A. (2022). Assessment of Anti-Islanding Schemes on a Distribution System with High DER Penetration and Dynamic VAR Compensators. 2022 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POWER ELECTRONICS FOR DISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS (PEDG). Feng, H., Won, J., Liang, X., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. (2022). Design and Implementation of DC-Transformer using 10 kV SiC MOSFET for Medium-Voltage Extreme Fast Charger. 2022 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE). Tu, H., Du, Y., Yu, H., Meena, S., Lu, X., & Lukic, S. (2023). Distributed Economic Dispatch for Microgrids Tracking Ramp Power Commands. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 14(1), 94–111. Awal, M. A., Rachi, M. R. K., Yu, H., Husain, I., & Lukic, S. (2023). Double Synchronous Unified Virtual Oscillator Control for Asymmetrical Fault Ride-Through in Grid-Forming Voltage Source Converters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 38(6), 6759–6763. Meena, S., Tu, H., Yu, H., & Lukic, S. (2022). Economic Dispatch in Microgrids using Relaxed Mixed Integer Linear Programming. 2022 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE). Ravuri, L., Yu, H., Chatterji, A., Tu, H., & Lukic, S. (2021). A Compact 50kW High Power Density, Hybrid 3-Level Paralleled T-type Inverter for More Electric Aircraft Applications. 2021 IEEE TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION CONFERENCE & EXPO (ITEC), pp. 652–657. Du, Y., Tu, H., Lu, X., Wang, J., & Lukic, S. (2022). Black-Start and Service Restoration in Resilient Distribution Systems With Dynamic Microgrids. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, 10(4), 3975–3986. Awal, M. A., Tu, H., Xu, B., Lukic, S., & Husain, I. (2021). Circulating Reactive Power and Suppression Strategies in DC Power Electronics Networks. 2021 THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC 2021), pp. 796–803. Won, J., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2022). [Review of Optimized Multi-Carrier PWM Strategy and Topology Review for Multi-Cell Series-Parallel Medium-Voltage Rectifier]. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, 10(6), 6770–6783. Feng, H., Teng, F., Montes, O. A., Awal, M. A., Bipu, M. R. H., Husain, I., & Lukic, S. (2022). Passive Capacitor Voltage Balancing of SiC-Based Three-Level Dual-Active-Bridge Converter Using Hybrid NPC-Flying Capacitor Structure. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 37(4), 4183–4194. Du, Y., Tu, H., Lu, X., & Lukic, S. (2021). Privacy-Preserving Distributed Average Observers in Distribution Systems With Grid-Forming Inverters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 12(6), 5000–5010. Feng, H., Dayerizadeh, A., & Lukic, S. M. (2021). A Coupling-Insensitive X-Type IPT System for High Position Tolerance. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 68(8), 6917–6926. Li, Z., Motwani, J. K., Zeng, Z., Lukic, S. M., Peterchev, A. V., & Goetz, S. M. (2021). A Reduced Series/Parallel Module for Cascade Multilevel Static Compensators Supporting Sensorless Balancing. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 68(1), 15–24. Lee, K., Kim, H., & Lukic, S. M. (2020). A Rotating Restart Method for Scalar (v/f) Controlled Synchronous Reluctance Machine Drives Using a Single DC-Link Current Sensor. IEEE ACCESS, 8, 106629–106638. Awal, M. A., Bipu, M. R. H., Montes, O. A., Feng, H., Husain, I., Yu, W., & Lukic, S. (2020). Capacitor Voltage Balancing for Neutral Point Clamped Dual Active Bridge Converters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 35(10), 11267–11276. Yu, H., Awal, M. A., Tu, H., Husain, I., & Lukic, S. (2021). Comparative Transient Stability Assessment of Droop and Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator Controlled Grid-Connected Inverters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 36(2), 2119–2130. Awal, M. A., Yu, H., Lukic, S., & Husain, I. (2020). Droop and Oscillator Based Grid-Forming Converter Controls: A Comparative Performance Analysis. FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH, 8. Du, Y., Lu, X., Wang, J., Chen, B., Tu, H., & Lukic, S. (2021). Dynamic Microgrids in Resilient Distribution Systems With Reconfigurable Cyber-Physical Networks. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, 9(5), 5192–5205. Dayerizadeh, A., Feng, H., & Lukic, S. M. (2020). Dynamic Wireless Charging: Reflexive Field Containment Using Saturable Inductors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, Vol. 56, pp. 1784–1792. Vukojevic, A., Lukic, S., & White, L. W. (2020). Implementing an Electric Utility Microgrid: Lessons learned. IEEE ELECTRIFICATION MAGAZINE, 8(1), 24–36. Vukojevic, A., & Lukic, S. (2020). Microgrid Protection and Control Schemes for Seamless Transition to Island and Grid Synchronization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 11(4), 2845–2855. Booth, K., Subramanyan, H., Liu, J., & Lukic, S. M. (2021). Parallel Frameworks for Robust Optimization of Medium-Frequency Transformers. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, 9(4), 5097–5112. Won, J., Jalali, G., Liang, X., Zhang, C., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2019). Auxiliary Power Supply for Medium-Voltage Power Converters: Topology and Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, Vol. 55, pp. 4145–4156. Du, Y., Lu, X., Tu, H., Wang, J., & Lukic, S. (2020). Dynamic Microgrids With Self-Organized Grid-Forming Inverters in Unbalanced Distribution Feeders. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, 8(2), 1097–1107. Tu, H., Feng, H., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. (2019). Extreme Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles: A Technology Overview. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION, 5(4), 861–878. Lukic, S., Onar, O., & Pantic, Z. (2019, December). Guest Editorial Special Issue on High-Power Fast Chargers and Wireless Charging. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION, Vol. 5, pp. 858–860. Awal, M. A., Yu, H., Tu, H., Lukic, S. M., & Husain, I. (2020). Hierarchical Control for Virtual Oscillator Based Grid-Connected and Islanded Microgrids. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 35(1), 988–1001. Lee, K., Ahmed, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2019). Restart Strategy for Scalar (V/f) Controlled Synchronous Reluctance Machine Driving a High-Inertia Load. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, Vol. 55, pp. 3834–3841. Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. (2019). Toward Extreme Fast Charging. IEEE ELECTRIFICATION MAGAZINE, 7(1), 22–31. Tu, H., Du, Y., Yu, H., Lukic, S., Metelko, M., Volgyesi, P., … Karsai, G. (2018). A Hardware-in-the-Loop Real-Time Testbed for Microgrid Hierarchical Control. 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2053–2059. Tu, H., & Lukic, S. (2018). A Hybrid Communication Topology for Modular Multilevel Converter. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2018 IEEE, 3051–3056. Zhang, C., Srdic, S., Lukic, S., Kang, Y., Choi, E., & Tafti, E. (2018). A SiC-Based 100 kW High-Power-Density (34 kW/L) Electric Vehicle Traction Inverter. 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 3880–3885. Yu, H., Tu, H., & Lukic, S. (2018). A passivity-based decentralized control strategy for current-controlled inverters in AC microgrids. Thirty-third annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec 2018), 1399–1406. Tu, H., Du, Y., Yu, H., Lukic, S., Volgyesi, P., Metelko, M., … Karsai, G. (2018). An adaptive interleaving algorithm for multi-converter systems. 2018 9th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), 1–7. Won, J., Jalali, G., Liang, X., Zhang, C., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. (2018). Auxiliary power supply for medium-voltage power electronics systems. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2018 IEEE, 173–179. Long, Q., Du, Y., Lu, J., Lubkeman, D., Lukic, S., Lu, N., & Camilleri, J. S. (2018). Community Microgrid Controller Evaluation using Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed. 2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1–6. Tu, H., Xu, B., Chen, S., Liang, X., Du, Y., & Lukic, S. (2018). Control of Grid-Tied Inverter with L Filter in Weak Grid Considering Grid Impedance and Harmonics. IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 1103–1108. Li, Z., Lizana, R., Lukic, S. M., Peterchev, A. V., & Goetz, S. M. (2019). Current Injection Methods for Ripple-Current Suppression in Delta-Configured Split-Battery Energy Storage. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 34(8), 7411–7421. Li, Z., Lizana, R., Lukic, S. M., Peterchev, A. V., & Goetz, S. M. (2018). Current Injection Methods for Ripple-Current Suppression in Delta-Configured Split-Battery Energy Storage. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. DC Distribution Systems and Microgrids. (2018). In DC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS AND MICROGRIDS (Vol. 115, pp. 1–449). Awal, M. A., Yu, H., Husain, I., Yu, W., & Lukic, S. (2018). Decentralized Synchronization of AC-Stacked Voltage Source Converters. 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4895–4901. Du, Y., Tu, H., Lukic, S., Lubkeman, D., Dubey, A., & Karsai, G. (2018). Development of a Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop Platform for Microgrid Distributed Control Applications. 2018 IEEE Electronic Power Grid (eGrid), 1–6. Dubey, A., Karsai, G., Volgyesi, P., Metelko, M., Madari, I., Tu, H., … Lukic, S. (2019). Device Access Abstractions for Resilient Information Architecture Platform for Smart Grid. IEEE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LETTERS, 11(2), 34–37. Dubey, A., Karsai, G., Volgyesi, P., Metelko, M., Madari, I., Tu, H., … Lukic, S. (2018). Device access abstractions for resilient information architecture platform for smart grid. Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN (United States). Du, Y., Tu, H., & Lukic, S. (2019). Distributed Control Strategy to Achieve Synchronized Operation of an Islanded MG. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 10(4), 4487–4496. Du, Y., Tu, H., Lukic, S., Dubey, A., & Karsai, G. (2018). Distributed Microgrid Synchronization Strategy Using a Novel Information Architecture Platform. 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2060–2066. Du, Y., Lu, X., Wang, J., & Lukic, S. (2019). Distributed Secondary Control Strategy for Microgrid Operation with Dynamic Boundaries. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 10(5), 5269–5282. Du, Y., Lu, X., Wang, J., & Lukic, S. (2018). Distributed Secondary Control Strategy for Microgrid Operation with Dynamic Boundaries. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Du, Y., Tu, H., & Lukic, S. (2018). Distributed control strategy to achieve synchronized operation of an islanded mg. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Jain, R., Lubkeman, D. L., & Lukic, S. M. (2019). Dynamic Adaptive Protection for Distribution Systems in Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, 34(1), 281–289. Du, Y., Lu, X., Wang, J., & Lukic, S. (2018). Dynamic Microgrids with Voltage Unbalance Mitigation Using Distributed Secondary Control. IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 153–158. Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. (2018). Electric vehicle charging infrastructure and dc microgrids. DC Distribution Systems and Microgrids, 115, 189. Booth, K., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. (2018). Modeling and Optimization of 144 kVA Transformer for EV Fast Charger Application. 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), 1–3. Jain, R., Lukic, S., & Lubkeman, D. (2018). Multi-Agent Distributed Service Restoration Scheme for Distribution Systems with Embedded Microgrids. 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1–5. Du, Y., Tu, H., Lukic, S., Lubkeman, D., Dubey, A., & Karsai, G. (2018). Resilient Information Architecture Platform for Smart Systems (RIAPS): Case Study for Distributed Apparent Power Control. 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1–5. Lee, K., Ahmed, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2018). Restart Strategy for Synchronous Reluctance Machine Driving a High Inertia Load. 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4489–4496. Dayerizadeh, A., & Lukic, S. (2018). Saturable inductors for superior reflexive field containment in inductive power transfer systems. Thirty-third annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec 2018), 3183–3188. Hasan, S., Chhokra, A., Dubey, A., Mahadevan, N., Karsai, G., Jain, R., & Lukic, S. (2017). A simulation testbed for cascade analysis. 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 1–5. Tu, H., & Lukic, S. (2017). Comparative study of PES Net and SyCCo bus: Communication protocols for modular multilevel converter. 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1487–1492. Goetz, S. M., Li, Z., Liang, X., Zhang, C., Lukic, S. M., & Peterchev, A. V. (2017). Control of modular multilevel converter with parallel connectivity�Application to battery systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32(11), 8381–8392. Du, Y., Jain, R., & Lukic, S. M. (2017). Effects of battery degradation on economic viability of energy storage systems participating in regulation markets. 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1–5. Jain, R., Du, Y., Lukic, S., & Lubkeman, D. (2017). Fault identification in distribution systems using maximum overlap wavelet decomposition. 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1–6. Du, Y., Tu, H., Lukic, S., Lubkeman, D., Dubey, A., & Karsai, G. (2017). Implementation of a distributed microgrid controller on the resilient information architecture platform for smart systems (riaps). 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1–6. Liang, X., Zhang, C., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2018). Predictive Control of a Series-Interleaved Multicell Three-Level Boost Power-Factor-Correction Converter. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 33(10), 8948–8960. Ahmed, S., Kibok, L. E. E., & Lukic, S. (2017, December). Restart strategy for synchronous reluctance machines. Eisele, S., Dubey, A., Karsai, G., & Lukic, S. (2017). Transactive energy demo with RIAPS platform. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 91–91. Lee, K., Ahmed, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2017). Universal Restart Strategy for Scalar (V/f) Controlled Induction Machines. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, Vol. 53, pp. 5489–5495. Lee, K., Ahmed, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2017). Universal restart strategy for scalar (V/f) controlled induction machines. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53(6), 5489–5495. Eisele, S., Dubey, A., Karsai, G., & Lukic, S. (2017). WiP Abstract: Transactive Energy Demo with RIAPS Platform. 2017 ACM/IEEE 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 91–92. Srdic, S., Liang, X. Y., Zhang, C., Yu, W., & Lukic, S. (2016). A SiC-based high-performance medium-voltage fast charger for plug-in electric vehicles. 2016 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 1–6. Srdic, S., Zhang, C., Liang, X. Y., Yu, W., & Lukic, S. (2016). A SiC-based power converter module for medium-voltage fast charger for plug-in electric vehicles. Apec 2016 31st annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition, 2714–2719. Du, Y., Jain, R., & Lukic, S. M. (2016). A novel approach towards energy storage system sizing considering battery degradation. 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1–8. Lee, K., Lukic, S., & Ahmed, S. (2016). A universal restart strategy for induction machines. 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1–6. Etemadrezaei, M., & Lukic, S. M. (2016). Coated-Strand Litz Wire for Multi-Megahertz Frequency Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 52(8). Goetz, S. M., Li, Z., Liang, X., Zhang, C., Lukic, S. M., & Peterchev, A. V. (2017). Control of Modular Multilevel Converter With Parallel Connectivity-Application to Battery Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 32(11), 8381–8392. Etemadrezaei, M., & Lukic, S. M. (2016). Multilayer Tubular Conductor for High Q-Factor Wireless Power Transfer System Resonators. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, Vol. 52, pp. 4170–4178. Etemadrezaei, M., & Lukic, S. M. (2016). Multilayer Tubular Conductor for HighQ-Factor Wireless Power Transfer System Resonators. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52(5), 4170–4178. Goetz, S. M., Li, Z., Peterchev, A. V., Liang, X., Zhang, C., & Lukic, S. M. (2016). Sensorless scheduling of the modular multilevel series-parallel converter: enabling a flexible, efficient, modular battery. 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2349–2354. Lee, K., Ahmed, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2016). Universal Restart Strategy for High-Inertia Scalar-Controlled PMSM Drives. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, Vol. 52, pp. 4001–4009. Lee, K., Ahmed, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2016). Universal restart strategy for high-inertia scalar-controlled pmsm drives. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52(5), 4001–4009. Lee, K., Lukic, S., & Ahmed, S. (2015). A universal restart strategy for permanent magnet synchronous machines. 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 373–380. Jain, R., Lukic, S. M., Chhokra, A., Mahadevan, N., Dubey, A., & Karsai, G. (2015). An improved distance relay model with directional element, and memory polarization for TCD based fault propagation studies. 2015 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1–6. Etemadrezaei, M., & Lukic, S. (2015). Multi-layer tubular conductor for high Q-factor wireless power transfer system resonators. 2015 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 3111–3118. Lukic, S., Pantic, Z., & Kibok, L. E. E. (2015, December). Systems and methods for wireless power transfer. Lukic, S. (2014). Making the case for dynamic wireless charging. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conferenc. Bai, S., & Lukic, S. (2014). Modular design of cascaded H-bridge for community energy storage systems by using secondary traction batteries. 2014 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition-APEC 2014, 3297–3304. Pantic, Z., Lee, K., & Lukic, S. M. (2014). Multifrequency Inductive Power Transfer. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 29(11), 5995–6005. Etemadrezaei, M., & Lukic, S. M. (2014). Optimization of foil conductor layout in inductive power transfer system resonators. 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 876–883. Pantic, Z., Lee, K., & Lukic, S. M. (2015). Receivers for Multifrequency Wireless Power Transfer: Design for Minimum Interference. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, 3(1), 234–241. Akin, B., Balamurali, A., Bhavaraju, V., Bunzel, S., Cairoli, P., Carnicero, A., … others. (2013). 2013 Index IEEE Electrification Magazine Vol. Cryogenics, 40, 56. Hong, D., Bai, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2014). Closed-Form Expressions for Minimizing Total Harmonic Distortion in Three-Phase Multilevel Converters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 29(10), 5229–5241. Pantic, Z., & Lukic, S. (2013). Computationally-Efficient, Generalized Expressions for the Proximity-Effect in Multi-Layer, Multi-Turn Tubular Coils for Wireless Power Transfer Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 49(11), 5404–5416. Lukic, S., & Pantic, Z. (2013). Cutting the cord: Static and dynamic inductive wireless charging of electric vehicles. IEEE Electrification Magazine, 1(1), 57–64. Ravey, A., Wang, R., Lukic, S., & Miraoui, A. (2013). Distance estimation algorithm for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle control strategy. 2013 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1–4. Lee, K., Pantic, Z., & Lukic, S. (2013). Field containment in dynamic wireless charging systems through source-reciever interaction. 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 3658–3663. Pantic, Z., Lee, K., & Lukic, S. (2013). Inductive power transfer by means of multiple frequencies in the magnetic link. 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2912–2919. Bai, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2013). New Method to Achieve AC Harmonic Elimination and Energy Storage Integration for 12-Pulse Diode Rectifiers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 60(7), 2547–2554. Lee, K., Pantic, Z., & Lukic, S. M. (2014). Reflexive Field Containment in Dynamic Inductive Power Transfer Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 29(9), 4592–4602. Dubey, A., Karsai, G., Mahadevan, N., Srivastava, A., Liu, C. C., & Lukic, S. (2013). Understanding Failure Dynamics in the Smart Electric Grid. NSF Energy Cyber Physical System Workshop, Washington DC. Bai, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2013). Unified Active Filter and Energy Storage System for an MW Electric Vehicle Charging Station. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 28(12), 5793–5803. Bai, S., & Lukic, S. (2012). A 12-pulse diode rectifier with energy storage integration and high power quality on both ac and dc side. 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4042–4048. Du, Y., Huang, A. Q., Wang, M., & Lukic, S. M. (2012). A novel high step-up ratio bi-directional DC-DC converter. 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 524–531. Huq, K. M. M., Baran, M. E., Lukic, S., & Nare, O. E. (2012). An energy management system for a community energy storage system. 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2759–2763. Ravey, A., Blunier, B., Lukic, S., & Miraoui, A. (2012). Control strategy of fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle based on driving cycle recognition. 2012 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1–5. Lomaskin, M., Bai, S., & Lukic, S. (2012). Current sharing control for cascaded H-bridge applied to secondary use batteries in Community Energy Storage systems. 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2107–2111. Wang, R., & Lukic, S. M. (2012). Dynamic programming technique in hybrid electric vehicle optimization. 2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, 1–8. Etemadrezaei, M., & Lukic, S. M. (2012). Equivalent complex permeability and conductivity of litz wire in wireless power transfer systems. 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 3833–3840. Pantic, Z., & Lukic, S. M. (2012). Framework and topology for active tuning of parallel compensated receivers in power transfer systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27(11), 4503–4513. Zhou, X., Yu, X., Lukic, S., & Huang, A. (2012). LCL filter utilized in battery charging applications to achieve compact size and low ripple charging. 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 660–665. Pantic, Z., Heacock, B., & Lukic, S. (2012). Magnetic link optimization for wireless power transfer applications: modeling and experimental validation for resonant tubular coils. 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 3825–3832. She, X., Huang, A. Q., Lukic, S., & Baran, M. E. (2012). On integration of solid-state transformer with zonal DC microgrid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 3(2), 975–985. Du, Y., Lukic, S. M., Jacobson, B. S., & Huang, A. Q. (2012). Single-Phase Electronics-Modulation Technique to Reverse Power Flow for the Isolated Series Resonant DC-DC CorTverter With Clamped Capacitor Voltage. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59(12), 4617. Wang, M., Du, Y., Lukic, S., & Huang, A. Q. (2012). Small-signal analysis and modeling of the Dual Active Half Bridge converter. 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1833–1837. Chen, W., Huang, A., Lukic, S., Svensson, J., Li, J., & Wang, Z. (2011). A comparison of medium voltage high power DC/DC converters with high step-up conversion ratio for offshore wind energy systems. 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 584–589. Pantic, Z., Bai, S., & Lukic, S. (2011). A new tri-state-boost-based pickup topology for inductive power transfer. 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 3495–3502. Wirasingha, S. G., Lukic, S. M., Rodriguez, F., Antoniou, A. I., & Emadi, A. (2011). Adaptive control for hybrid electric vehicles. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 3(2), 99–122. Rodriguez, F., Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2011, June). Adaptive control strategy and method for optimizing hybrid electric vehicles. Bai, S., & Lukic, S. (2011). Design considerations for DC charging station for plug-in vehicles. 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1–6. Rodriguez, F., Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2011, June). Digital control of motor drives. Bai, S., Pantic, Z., & Lukic, S. (2011). Dual-powered track sections for roadway powered electric vehicles. 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1–6. Williamson, S. S., Cassani, P. A., Lukic, S., & Blunier, B. (2011). Energy storage. In Alternative Energy in Power Electronics (pp. 267–315). Butterworth-Heinemann. Chan, I. (2011). Exhibition Committee. Rodriguez, F., Lukic, S. M., Wirasingha, S. G., & Emadi, A. (2011, September). Hybrid electric conversion kit for rear-wheel drive, all wheel drive, and four wheel drive vehicles. Du, Y., Lukic, S. M., Jacobson, B. S., & Huang, A. Q. (2012). Modulation Technique to Reverse Power Flow for the Isolated Series Resonant DC-DC Converter With Clamped Capacitor Voltage. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 59(12), 4617–4628. She, X., Lukic, S., Huang, A. Q., Bhattacharya, S., & Baran, M. (2011). Performance evaluation of solid state transformer based microgrid in FREEDM systems. Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 182–188. Vazquez, S., Lukic, S., Galvan, E., Franquelo, L. G., Carrasco, J. M., & Leon, J. I. (2011). Recent advances on energy storage systems. IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 4636–4640. Wang, R., & Lukic, S. M. (2011). Review of driving conditions prediction and driving style recognition based control algorithms for hybrid electric vehicles. 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1–7. Du, Y., Lukic, S., Jacobson, B., & Huang, A. (2011). Review of high power isolated bi-directional DC-DC converters for PHEV/EV DC charging infrastructure. 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 553–560. Bai, S., Pantic, Z., & Lukic, S. (2010). A comparison study of control strategies for ZVS resonant converters. IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 256–262. Shao, B., Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2010). A digital current control for switched reluctance motor drives. 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1163–1168. She, X., Lukic, S., & Alex, Q. H. (2010). DC zonal micro-grid architecture and control. IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2988–2993. Li, Y.-L., He, Z.-Y., Sun, Y., Dai, X., Chen, B. M., Davoudi, A., … others. (2010). Design and optimization of circular magnetic structures for lumped inductive power transfer systems. Information Technology Journal, 12(9), Pages-452. Vazquez, S., Lukic, S. M., Galvan, E., Franquelo, L. G., & Carrasco, J. M. (2010). Energy Storage Systems for Transport and Grid Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 57(12), 3881–3895. Du, Y., Wang, M., Meitl, R. T., Lukic, S., & Huang, A. Q. (2010). High-frequency high-efficiency DC-DC converter for distributed energy storage modularization. IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 1832–1837. White, L. W., Lukic, S. M., & Bhattacharya, S. (2010). Investigations into the minimization of electrical costs for traction-type elevators. 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 4285–4292. Pantic, Z., Ballal, S., & Lukic, S. (2010). New method for current and voltage measuring offset correction in an induction motor sensorless drive. 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 23–30. Pantic, Z., Bhattacharya, S., & Lukic, S. (2010). Optimal resonant tank design considerations for primary track compensation in inductive power transfer systems. 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 1602–1609. Bai, S., Yu, D., & Lukic, S. (2010). Optimum design of an EV/PHEV charging station with DC bus and storage system. 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 1178–1184. Govindaraj, A., King, M., & Lukic, S. M. (2010). Performance characterization and optimization of various circuit topologies to combine batteries and ultra-capacitors. IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 1850–1857. Lukic, S., & Emadi, A. (2010, December). Power management for multi-module energy storage systems in electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles. Du, Y., Zhou, X., Bai, S., Lukic, S., & Huang, A. (2010). Review of Non-isolated Bi-directional DC-DC Converters for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charge Station Application at Municipal Parking Decks. 2010 TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC), pp. 1145–1151. Du, Y., Zhou, X., Bai, S., Lukic, S., & Huang, A. (2010). Review of non-isolated bi-directional DC-DC converters for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charge station application at municipal parking decks. 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1145–1151. Franquelo, L. G., Lukic, S. M., Vazquez, S., & Atcitty, S. (2010, December). SPECIAL SECTION ON ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS: INTERFACE, POWER ELECTRONICS, AND CONTROL. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, Vol. 57, pp. 3878–3880. Mulhall, P., Lukic, S. M., Wirasingha, S. G., Lee, Y.-J., & Emadi, A. (2010). Solar-assisted electric auto rickshaw three-wheeler. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59(5), 2298–2307. Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2010). State-Switching Control Technique for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives: Theory and Implementation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 57(9), 2932–2938. Lukic, S. M., Saunders, M., Pantic, Z., Hung, S., & Taiber, J. (2010). Use of inductive power transfer for electric vehicles. IEEE PES General Meeting, 1–6. Pantic, Z., Bai, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2011). ZCS LCC-Compensated Resonant Inverter for Inductive-Power-Transfer Application. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 58(8), 3500–3510. Zhou, X., Lukic, S., & Huang, A. (2009). A comparison of converter topologies for vehicle-to-grid applications: Three-leg converter versus H-bridge converter. 2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 3711–3716. Govindaraj, A., Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2009). A novel scheme for optimal paralleling of batteries and ultracapacitors. 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 1410–1416. Du, Y., Bian, X., Lukic, S., Jacobson, B. S., & Huang, A. Q. (2009). A novel wide voltage range bi-directional series resonant converter with clamped capacitor voltage. 2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 82–87. Rodriguez, F., Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2009, August). Adaptive control strategy and method for optimizing hybrid electric vehicles. Zhou, X., Lukic, S., Bhattacharya, S., & Huang, A. (2009). Design and control of grid-connected converter in bi-directional battery charger for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle application. 5th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC '09, 1716–1721. Rodriguez, F., Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2009, January). Digital control of motor drives. Li, J., Huang, A., Bhattacharya, S., & Lukic, S. (2009). ETO Light multilevel converters for large electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle drives. 5th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC '09, 1455–1460. Kulshrestha, P., Swaminathan, K., Chow, M.-Y., & Lukic, S. (2009). Evaluation of ZigBee communication platform for controlling the charging of PHEVs at a municipal parking deck. 2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1211–1214. Rodriguez, F., Lukic, S. M., Wirasingha, S. G., & Emadi, A. (2009, September). Hybrid electric conversion kit for rear-wheel drive, all wheel drive, and four wheel drive vehicles. Pantic, Z., Bai, S., & Lukic, S. M. (2009). Inductively coupled power transfer for continuously powered electric vehicles. 2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1271–1278. Wang, L., Govindaraj, A., Lukic, S., & Chow, M.-Y. (2009). Intelligent Battery Management System for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of the FREEDM Systems Center Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, USA. Kulshrestha, P., Wang, L., Chow, M.-Y., & Lukic, S. (2009). Intelligent energy management system simulator for PHEVs at municipal parking deck in a smart grid environment. 2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1–6. Zhou, X., Wang, G., Lukic, S., Bhattacharya, S., & Huang, A. (2009). Multi-function bi-directional battery charger for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle application. 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2009, 3930–3936. Li, J., Bhattacharya, S., Lukic, S., & Huang, A. Q. (2009). Multilevel active NPC converter for filterless grid-connection for large wind turbines. 2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics. Lukic, S., Bhandwale, A., & Emadi, A. (2009). Novel digital control of conventional electric motor drives for home appliances. International Journal of Power Electronics, 2(1), 16–35. Hutchinson, S., Baran, M., & Lukic, S. (2009). Power supply for an electric vehicle charging system for a large parking deck. 2009 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1–4. Mulhall, P., Lukic, S. M., Wirasingha, S. G., Lee, Y.-J., & Emadi, A. (2009). Solar/battery electric auto rickshaw three-wheeler. 2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 153–159. Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2008). Charging Ahead. IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE, 2(4), 22–U75. Lukic, S., Mulhall, P., & Emadi, A. (2008). Energy Autonomous Solar/ battery Auto Rickshaw. Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles, 6(2), 1135–1143. Lukic, S. M., Cao, J., Bansal, R. C., Rodriguez, F., & Emadi, A. (2008). Energy storage systems for automotive applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55(6), 2258–2267. Lukic, S., & Emadi, A. (2008, September). Power management for multi-module energy storage systems in electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles. Lukic, S. (2007). Advanced state switching control techniques for switched reluctance motor(SRM) drives. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 69. Mulhall, P., Naviwala, M., Lukic, S. M., Braband, J., & Emadi, A. (2007). Entrepreneurial projects program at Illinois Institute of Technology: solar/battery hybrid three-wheel auto rickshaw for India. 2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 682–689. Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2007). State switching digital control technique for switched reluctance motor drives. 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference, 2, 1332–1337. Lukic, S. M., Mulhall, P., Choi, G., Naviwala, M., Nimmagadda, S., & Emadi, A. (2007). Usage pattern development for three-wheel auto rickshaw taxis in India. 2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 610–616. Williamson, S., Lukic, M., & Emadi, A. (2006). Comprehensive drive train efficiency analysis of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles based on motor-controller efficiency modeling. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 21(3), 730–740. Lukic, S. M., Wirasingha, S. G., Rodriguez, F., Cao, J., & Emadi, A. (2006). Power management of an ultracapacitor/battery hybrid energy storage system in an HEV. 2006 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1–6. Williamson, S. S., Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2006). SPECIAL ISSUE PAPERS-Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles-Comprehensive Drive Train Efficiency Analysis of Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles Based on Motor-Controller Efficiency Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 21(3), 730–740. Emadi, A., & Rajashekara, K. (2005). Guest Editorial Special Section on Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 54(3), 761–762. Emadi, A., Rajashekara, K., Williamson, S. S., & Lukic, S. M. (2005). Topological overview of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicular power system architectures and configurations. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 54(3), 763–770. Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2004). Effects of drivetrain hybridization on fuel economy and dynamic performance of parallel hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 53(2), 385–389. Lukic, S. M. (2004). Low Voltage (42V) Electrical Power System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Illinois Institute of Technology. Lukic, S. M., Khateeb, S. A., Al-Hallaj, S., Selman, JR, & Emadi, A. (2003). 2003-01-2289 On the Suitability of a New High-Power Lithium Ion Battery for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications. SAE SP, 49–54. Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2003). Effects of electrical loads on 42V automotive power systems. SAE Technical Paper. Lukic, S. M., & Emado, A. (2003). Modeling of electric machines for automotive applications using efficiency maps. Proceedings: Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Technology Conference (Cat. No. 03CH37480), 543–550. Lukic, S. M., Khateeb, S. A., Al-Hallaj, S., Selman, JR, & Emadi, A. (2003). On the suitability of a new high-power lithium ion battery for hybrid electric vehicle applications. SAE Technical Paper. Onoda, S., Lukic, S. M., Nasiri, A., & Emadi, A. (2002). A PSIM-based modeling tool for conventional, electric, and hybrid electric vehicles studies. Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference, 3, 1676–1680. Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2002). Advantages of hybrid electric vehicles with parallel drivetrain configurations. Proc. 2002 Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Expo. Duo, S., Koo, G., Shechtman, S., Kohanim, S., Gangireddy, S., Rodriguez, F., … Dubanski, D. (2002). Design and Simulation of Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (Spring 2002) IPRO 326. Lukic, S. M., & Emadi, A. (2002). Performance analysis of automotive power systems: effects of power electronic intensive loads and electrically-assisted propulsion systems. Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference, 3, 1835–1839. Ahluwalia, A., Aoulkadi, M., Bauman, C., Bertoluzzo, M., Binder, A., Boglietti, A., … others. 2008 Index IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Vol. 2. Reviews of" Electrical Drives and Magnetic Components"(Boldea, 59, 60. Minteer, T. M., Sugahara, K., Pantic, Z., Lukic, S., Vanherpe, L., Zickler, T., … others. 5387 Magnetostatic Stress: Insightful Analysis and Manipulation of Maxwell�s Stress Equation for Magnetostatics. Lukic, S. M., Emadi, A., Boglietti, A., Cavagnino, A., Ferraris, L., & Lazzari, M. Departments and columns. Booth, K., Srdic, S., & Lukic, S. Multi-Objective Optimization of Magnetics for Power Electronic Converters. Huang, A., Husain, I., Bhattacharya, S., Burgos, R., Cheng, P.-T., Omekand, A. M., … others. Organizational Committee. Emadi, A., Rajashekara, K., Williamson, S. S., Lukic, S. M., Koot, M., Kessels, J. T. B. A., … others. SPECIAL SECTION ON HYBRID ELECTRIC AND FUEL CELL VEHICLES.