@article{liao_ttofali_slotkowski_denny_cecil_leenay_keung_beisel_2019, title={Modular one-pot assembly of CRISPR arrays enables library generation and reveals factors influencing crRNA biogenesis}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2041-1723"]}, DOI={10.1038/s41467-019-10747-3}, abstractNote={AbstractCRISPR-Cas systems inherently multiplex through CRISPR arrays—whether to defend against different invaders or mediate multi-target editing, regulation, imaging, or sensing. However, arrays remain difficult to generate due to their reoccurring repeat sequences. Here, we report a modular, one-pot scheme called CRATES to construct CRISPR arrays and array libraries. CRATES allows assembly of repeat-spacer subunits using defined assembly junctions within the trimmed portion of spacers. Using CRATES, we construct arrays for the single-effector nucleases Cas9, Cas12a, and Cas13a that mediated multiplexed DNA/RNA cleavage and gene regulation in cell-free systems, bacteria, and yeast. CRATES further allows the one-pot construction of array libraries and composite arrays utilized by multiple Cas nucleases. Finally, array characterization reveals processing of extraneous CRISPR RNAs from Cas12a terminal repeats and sequence- and context-dependent loss of RNA-directed nuclease activity via global RNA structure formation. CRATES thus can facilitate diverse multiplexing applications and help identify factors impacting crRNA biogenesis.}, journal={NATURE COMMUNICATIONS}, author={Liao, Chunyu and Ttofali, Fani and Slotkowski, Rebecca A. and Denny, Steven R. and Cecil, Taylor D. and Leenay, Ryan T. and Keung, Albert J. and Beisel, Chase L.}, year={2019}, month={Jul} } @article{luo_jackson_denny_tokmina-lukaszewska_maksimchuk_lin_bothner_wiedenheft_beisel_2016, title={The CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complex in Escherichia coli accommodates extended RNA spacers}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1362-4962"]}, DOI={10.1093/nar/gkw421}, abstractNote={Bacteria and archaea acquire resistance to foreign genetic elements by integrating fragments of foreign DNA into CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) loci. In Escherichia coli, CRISPR-derived RNAs (crRNAs) assemble with Cas proteins into a multi-subunit surveillance complex called Cascade (CRISPR-associated complex for antiviral defense). Cascade recognizes DNA targets via protein-mediated recognition of a protospacer adjacent motif and complementary base pairing between the crRNA spacer and the DNA target. Previously determined structures of Cascade showed that the crRNA is stretched along an oligomeric protein assembly, leading us to ask how crRNA length impacts the assembly and function of this complex. We found that extending the spacer portion of the crRNA resulted in larger Cascade complexes with altered stoichiometry and preserved in vitro binding affinity for target DNA. Longer spacers also preserved the in vivo ability of Cascade to repress target gene expression and to recruit the Cas3 endonuclease for target degradation. Finally, longer spacers exhibited enhanced silencing at particular target locations and were sensitive to mismatches within the extended region. These findings demonstrate the flexibility of the Type I-E CRISPR machinery and suggest that spacer length can be modified to fine-tune Cascade activity.}, number={15}, journal={NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH}, author={Luo, Michelle L. and Jackson, Ryan N. and Denny, Steven R. and Tokmina-Lukaszewska, Monika and Maksimchuk, Kenneth R. and Lin, Wayne and Bothner, Brian and Wiedenheft, Blake and Beisel, Chase L.}, year={2016}, month={Sep}, pages={7385–7394} }