@article{chornyak_allen_2022, title={From the Observable to the Explorable: Investigating Creative Research in Design as a Means for Guiding Critical Action}, volume={3}, ISSN={2572-7001}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dialectic.14932326.0003.103}, DOI={10.3998/dialectic.14932326.0003.103}, abstractNote={As design and design research continues to evolve to address increasingly systemic and complex problems, the language of what designers "do" similarly evolves along a spectrum from problemsolving to sense-making. 1 An opportunity also exists within this dialogue to consider new forms of hybrid research methods that complement and support design as an independent domain of knowledge.Creative research -commonly used in the fine arts and humanities to examine how a given individual's or group's use of original ideas or imagination guides the operation of specific methods and offers key insights for gathering a type of data that has wide-ranging advantages in design research.It also provides techniques and perspectives that designers might integrate and build upon as they interrogate various aspects of their decision-making processes -especially as they attempt to dismantle preconceptions and biases regarding findings.By critically assessing a series of case studies, this paper will explore the following questions:• How can creative research help designers identify and formulate critical questions that challenge their own assumptions about what is informing their recommendations for preferred conditions for intervention?• In what ways can the act of play -creating joyful, low-stakes situations where ideas canbe tested in open-ended environments -operate as a condition for creative research to succeed?}, number={1}, journal={Dialectic}, publisher={University of Michigan Library}, author={Chornyak, Brooke and Allen, Tania}, year={2022}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{allen_chornyak_2021, title={Walking the Line: Creative Research as Critical Activity}, booktitle={Design Culture(s): CUMULUS ROMA Conference}, author={Allen, Tania and Chornyak, Brooke}, year={2021}, month={Jun} } @article{allen_queen_gallardo-williams_parks_auten_carson_2019, title={Building a Culture of Critical and Creative Thinking. Creating and Sustaining Higher-Order Thinking as part of a Quality Enhancement Plan}, DOI={10.4995/HEAd19.2019.9536}, abstractNote={Creating and Sustaining Higher-Order Thinking as part of a Quality Enhancement Plan at a US UniversityThe TH!NK initiative at North Carolina State University seeks to bridge the gap between evidence-based research on teaching and actual teaching practices in the classroom. Through this work, the culture of teaching and learning on our campus is being transformed from teacher-centered to student-centered instruction that promotes higher-order thinking across a diverse array of disciplines. Participating faculty engage in intensive faculty development; create discipline-specific classroom activities and assignments; become adept at providing students feedback on their thinking skills; and engage in a learning community to share and provide peer feedback on pedagogical innovations. The primary student learning outcome (SLO) is for students to apply critical and creative thinking skills and behaviors in the process of solving problems and addressing questions. Methods to achieve the institutional transformation include implementation of a comprehensive faculty development focused on the use of evidence-based pedagogy that promotes higher-order thinking, and rigorous outcomes assessment to provide means for continual improvement. The program has expanded into multiple phases, and involves strategies to create a more sustainable culture of critical and creative thinking through formal and informal learning and scholarship.}, journal={5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD'19)}, author={Allen, Tania and Queen, Sara and Gallardo-Williams, Maria and Parks, Lisa and Auten, Anne and Carson, Susan}, year={2019}, pages={1391–1398} } @book{allen_2019, title={Solving Critical Design Problems}, ISBN={9780429398872}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429398872}, DOI={10.4324/9780429398872}, abstractNote={Solving Critical Design Problems demonstrates both how design is increasingly used to solve large, complex, modern-day problems and, as a result, how the role of the designer continues to develop in response. With 13 case studies from various fields, including program and product design, Tania Allen shows how types of design thinking, such as systems thinking, metaphorical thinking, and empathy, can be used together with methods, such as brainstorming, design fiction, and prototyping. This book helps you find ways out of your design problems by giving you other ways to look at your ideas, so that your designs make sense in their setting. Solving Critical Design Problems encourages a design approach that challenges assumptions and allows designers to take on a more critical and creative role. With over 100 images, this book will appeal to students in design studios, industrial and product design, as well as landscape and urban design.}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Allen, Tania}, year={2019}, month={Jun} } @misc{allen_queen_2018, title={Critical Placemaking: towards a more critical engagement for participatory design in the urban environment}, ISSN={2398-3132}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.21606/drs.2018.675}, DOI={10.21606/drs.2018.675}, abstractNote={This paper offers a framework for design research that invites civic participation in the construction of place, and aims to reignite the conversation Nigel Cross raised in 1971 as a part of the first proceeding of the Design Research Society, calling on a need for user participation and intentional boundary-crossing. The need for new methods is no more evident than in the field of urban design. As global populations are migrating at unprecedented rates, new and different ideas and cultures are integrating and colliding at a high velocity. Additionally, the digital tools we use to understand and navigate urban environments as physical place, cultural space and social territory offer a new “place” and opportunities to rethink the role of the planner and designer in the process. This paper introduces the basis for novel forms of participatory design research that build on elements of placemaking, participatory design, co-creation and critical action to engage in a mutually critical and evaluative process between designers and users through the mapping process.}, journal={DRS2018: Catalyst}, publisher={Design Research Society}, author={Allen, Tania and Queen, Sara Glee}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @inproceedings{allen_queen_2018, title={DIY Cartography: Mapping as Analytic, Synthetic and Formative Design Research Tool}, booktitle={Design Communication Association}, author={Allen, Tania and Queen, Sara}, year={2018}, month={Oct} } @book{fox_allen_2017, place={Chapel Hill, NC.}, title={Homeplace: A Conversation Guide for Six Communities, Rebuilding After Hurricane Matthew}, publisher={Coastal Dynamics Lab & Hurricane Matthew Disaster Recovery and Resilience Initiative}, author={Fox, Andrew and Allen, Tania}, year={2017} } @article{allen_queen_2015, title={Beyond the Map: Unpacking Critical Cartography in the Digital Humanities}, volume={49}, number={3}, journal={Visible Language}, author={Allen, Tania and Queen, Sara}, year={2015}, month={Dec}, pages={78–99} } @inproceedings{allen_2015, title={Studying Design: Exploring the Drivers of Design Theory and Practice}, booktitle={National Conference on the Beginning Design Students}, author={Allen, Tania}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{allen_2014, title={Maps, Mapping and Cultural Identity: Implications for Design}, booktitle={Infrastructural Worlds Symposium}, publisher={Duke University Department of Cultural Anthropology}, author={Allen, Tania}, year={2014}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{allen_2013, title={Design Writing: Reflection, Inquiry, Critique}, booktitle={National Conference on the Beginning Design Students}, author={Allen, Tania}, year={2013} } @article{queen_allen_russo_2013, title={Mapping Focus}, volume={2}, ISSN={2154-8676 2154-8684}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.18848/2154-8676/cgp/v02i04/53673}, DOI={10.18848/2154-8676/cgp/v02i04/53673}, number={4}, journal={Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies}, publisher={Common Ground Research Networks}, author={Queen, Sara and Allen, Tania and Russo, Marc E.}, year={2013}, pages={49–64} } @article{allen_2010, title={The Blessing and the Curse of Graduate School}, journal={AIGA VOICE}, author={Allen, Tania}, year={2010}, month={Aug} }