Veronica Augustyn Li, H., Abdelgaid, M., Paudel, J. R., Holzapfel, N. P., Augustyn, V., Mckone, J. R., … Crumlin, E. J. (2025, January 18). Operando Unveiling of Hydrogen Spillover Mechanisms on Tungsten Oxide Surfaces. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Holzapfel, N. P., & Augustyn, V. (2025). Protons undermine lithium-ion batteries with positively disastrous results. NATURE CHEMISTRY, 17(2), 163–164. Chagnot, M., Abello, S., Wang, R., Dawlaty, J., Rodriguez-Lopez, J., Zhang, C., & Augustyn, V. (2024). Influence of Finite Diffusion on Cation Insertion-Coupled Electron Transfer Kinetics in Thin Film Electrodes. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 171(1). Siddiqui, A.-R., N'Diaye, J., Martin, K., Baby, A., Dawlaty, J., Augustyn, V., & Rodriguez-Lopez, J. (2024, January 31). Monitoring SEIRAS on a Graphitic Electrode for Surface-Sensitive Electrochemistry: Real-Time Electrografting. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Saeed, S., Fleischmann, S., Kobayashi, T., Jusys, Z., Mamontov, E., Osti, N. C., … Augustyn, V. (2024, October 8). Oxide Acidity Modulates Structural Transformations in Hydrogen Titanates during Electrochemical Li-Ion Insertion. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Spencer, M. A., Holzapfel, N. P., You, K.-E., Mpourmpakis, G., & Augustyn, V. (2024, March 14). Participation of electrochemically inserted protons in the hydrogen evolution reaction on tungsten oxides. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. Augustyn, V., Cussen, S. A., Kundu, S., Osterloh, F. E., & Unterlass, M. M. (2024, July 11). Promoting your work to the materials community: editor top tips for writing an effective research paper. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A. Ko, J. S., Hamann, T., Fortunato, J., & Augustyn, V. (2024, February 19). Recent Advances in Electrolytes for Enabling Lithium-Ion Batteries across a Wide Temperature Range. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. Holzapfel, N. P., Chagnot, M., Abdar, P. S., Paudel, J. R., Crumlin, E. J., Mckone, J. R., & Augustyn, V. (2024, November 28). Solution-Phase Synthesis of Platinum-Decorated Hydrogen Tungsten Bronzes for Hydrogen Atom Transfer from Oxides to Molecules. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. Fortunato, J., Shin, Y. K., Spencer, M. A. A., Duin, A. C. T., & Augustyn, V. (2023, June 14). Choice of Electrolyte Impacts the Selectivity of Proton-Coupled Electrochemical Reactions on Hydrogen Titanate. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. Fortunato, J., Zydlewski, B. Z., Lei, M., Holzapfel, N. P., Chagnot, M., Mitchell, J. B., … Augustyn, V. (2023, September 1). Dual-Band Electrochromism in Hydrous Tungsten Oxide. ACS PHOTONICS. Tsai, W.-Y., Pillai, S. B. B., Ganeshan, K., Saeed, S., Gao, Y., Duin, A. C. T., … Balke, N. (2023). Effect of Electrode/Electrolyte Coupling on Birnessite (delta-MnO2) Mechanical Response and Degradation. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 15(21), 26120–26127. Hossain, M. S., Romo, A. I. B., Putnam, S. T., Dawlaty, J., Augustyn, V., & Rodriguez-Lopez, J. (2023, May 4). Electrode-Potential-Driven Dissociation of N-Heterocycle/BF3 Adducts: A Possible Manifestation of the Electro-Inductive Effect. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. Mitchell, J. B., Chagnot, M., & Augustyn, V. (2023). [Review of Hydrous Transition Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy and Environmental Applications]. ANNUAL REVIEW OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 53, 1–23. Gittins, J. W., Chen, Y., Arnold, S., Augustyn, V., Balducci, A., Brousse, T., … Forse, A. C. (2023). Interlaboratory study assessing the analysis of supercapacitor electrochemistry data. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 585. Elmanzalawy, M., Innocenti, A., Zarrabeitia, M., Peter, N. J., Passerini, S., Augustyn, V., & Fleischmann, S. (2023, June 13). Mechanistic understanding of microstructure formation during synthesis of metal oxide/carbon nanocomposites. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A. Fleischmann, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Cummings, P. T., Wu, J., Simon, P., … Augustyn, V. (2022, March 17). Continuous transition from double-layer to Faradaic charge storage in confined electrolytes. NATURE ENERGY. Mitchell, J. B., Wang, R., Ko, J. S., Long, J. W., & Augustyn, V. (2022). Critical Role of Structural Water for Enhanced Li+ Insertion Kinetics in Crystalline Tungsten Oxides. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 169(3). Spencer, M. A., Fortunato, J., & Augustyn, V. (2022). Electrochemical proton insertion modulates the hydrogen evolution reaction on tungsten oxides. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 156(6). Fortunato, J., Jordan, J. W., Newton, G. N., Walsh, D. A., & Augustyn, V. (2022). [Review of Electrochemical reactivity of atomic and molecular species under solid-state confinement]. CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 34. Augustyn, V., Hatzell, K. B., Malika Jeffries-EL, Lutkenhaus, J. L., & Stingelin, N. (2022, September 15). Introduction to the special collection in memoriam of Susan A. Odom (16 November 1980-18 April 2021). MATERIALS ADVANCES. Kabra, V., Birn, B., Kamboj, I., Augustyn, V., & Mukherjee, P. P. (2022). Mesoscale Machine Learning Analytics for Electrode Property Estimation. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 126(34), 14413–14429. Nanda, J., & Augustyn, V. (Eds.). (2022). Transition Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage. Saeed, S., Fortunato, J., Ganeshan, K., Duin, A. C. T., & Augustyn, V. (2021). Decoupling Proton and Cation Contributions to Capacitive Charge Storage in Birnessite in Aqueous Electrolytes. CHEMELECTROCHEM, 8(22), 4371–4379. Boyd, S., Ganeshan, K., Tsai, W.-Y., Wu, T., Saeed, S., Jiang, D.-en, … Augustyn, V. (2021, August 2). Effects of interlayer confinement and hydration on capacitive charge storage in birnessite. NATURE MATERIALS. Spencer, M. A., Yildiz, O., Kamboj, I., Bradford, P. D., & Augustyn, V. (2021). Toward Deterministic 3D Energy Storage Electrode Architectures via Electrodeposition of Molybdenum Oxide onto CNT Foams. ENERGY & FUELS, 35(19), 16183–16193. Saeed, S., Boyd, S., Tsai, W.-Y., Wang, R., Balke, N., & Augustyn, V. (2021). Understanding electrochemical cation insertion into prussian blue from electrode deformation and mass changes. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 57(55), 6744–6747. Wang, R., Boyd, S., Bonnesen, P. V., & Augustyn, V. (2020). Effect of water in a non-aqueous electrolyte on electrochemical Mg2+ insertion into WO3. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 477. Fleischmann, S., Spencer, M. A., & Augustyn, V. (2020). Electrochemical Reactivity under Confinement Enabled by Molecularly Pillared 2D and Layered Materials. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 32(8), 3325–3334. Wang, R., Sun, Y., Brady, A., Fleischmann, S., Eldred, T. B., Gao, W., … Augustyn, V. (2021). Fast Proton Insertion in Layered H2W2O7 via Selective Etching of an Aurivillius Phase. ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, 11(1). Boyd, S., Geise, N. R., Toney, M. F., & Augustyn, V. (2020). High Power Energy Storage via Electrochemically Expanded and Hydrated Manganese-Rich Oxides. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, 8. Tsai, W.-Y., Wang, R., Boyd, S., Augustyn, V., & Balke, N. (2021). Probing local electrochemistry via mechanical cyclic voltammetry curves. NANO ENERGY, 81. Fleischmann, S., Mitchell, J. B., Wang, R., Zhan, C., Jiang, D.-en, Presser, V., & Augustyn, V. (2020). [Review of Pseudocapacitance: From Fundamental Understanding to High Power Energy Storage Materials]. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 120(14), 6738–6782. Lynch, B. B., Kelliher, A. P., Anderson, B. D., Japit, A., Spencer, M. A., Rizvi, M. H., … Tracy, J. B. (2021). Sulfidation and selenidation of nickel nanoparticles. CARBON ENERGY, 3(4), 582–589. Mitchell, J. B., Geise, N. R., Paterson, A. R., Osti, N. C., Sun, Y., Fleischmann, S., … Augustyn, V. (2019). Confined Interlayer Water Promotes Structural Stability for High-Rate Electrochemical Proton Intercalation in Tungsten Oxide Hydrates. ACS Energy Letters, 2805–2812. Spencer, M. A., & Augustyn, V. (2019). [Review of Free-standing transition metal oxide electrode architectures for electrochemical energy storage]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 54(20), 13045–13069. Fleischmann, S., Sun, Y., Osti, N. C., Wang, R., Mamontov, E., Jiang, D. E., & Augustyn, V. (2020). Interlayer Separation in Hydrogen Titanates Enables Electrochemical Proton Intercalation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(1), 412–421. LeBeau, J. M., Dickey, E. C., Augustyn, V., Hesterberg, D. L., & Brown, A. C. (2018). Acquisition of a microscope for in situ studies of hard and soft matter. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24(S1), 2332–2333. Boyd, S., Dhall, R., LeBeau, J. M., & Augustyn, V. (2018). Charge storage mechanism and degradation of P2-type sodium transition metal oxides in aqueous electrolytes. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 6(44), 22266–22276. Wang, R., Mitchell, J. B., Gao, Q., Tsai, W.-Y., Boyd, S., Pharr, M., … Augustyn, V. (2018). Operando Atomic Force Microscopy Reveals Mechanics of Structural Water Driven Battery-to-Pseudocapacitor Transition. ACS NANO, 12(6), 6032–6039. Augustyn, V., McDowell, M. T., & Vojvodic, A. (2018, November 21). Toward an Atomistic Understanding of Solid-State Electrochemical Interfaces for Energy Storage. JOULE, Vol. 2, pp. 2189–2193. Boyd, S., & Augustyn, V. (2018). [Review of Transition metal oxides for aqueous sodium-ion electrochemical energy storage]. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS, 5(5), 999–1015. Augustyn, V., & Gogotsi, Y. (2017). 2D Materials with Nanoconfined Fluids for Electrochemical Energy Storage. JOULE, 1(3), 443–452. Wang, R., Chung, C.-C., Liu, Y., Jones, J. L., & Augustyn, V. (2017). Electrochemical Intercalation of Mg2+ into Anhydrous and Hydrated Crystalline Tungsten Oxides. Langmuir, 33(37), 9314–9323. Niu, S., McFeron, R., Godinez-Salomon, F., Chapman, B. S., Damin, C. A., Tracy, J. B., … Rhodes, C. P. (2017). Enhanced Electrochemical Lithium-Ion Charge Storage of Iron Oxide Nanosheets. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 29(18), 7794–7807. Daubert, J. S., Wang, R., Ovental, J. S., Barton, H. F., Rajagopalan, R., Augustyn, V., & Parsons, G. N. (2017). Intrinsic limitations of atomic layer deposition for pseudocapacitive metal oxides in porous electrochemical capacitor electrodes. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 5(25), 13086–13097. Mitchell, J. B., Lo, W. C., Genc, A., LeBeau, J., & Augustyn, V. (2017). Transition from Battery to Pseudocapacitor Behavior via Structural Water in Tungsten Oxide. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 29(9), 3928–3937. Augustyn, V. (2017). [Review of Tuning the interlayer of transition metal oxides for electrochemical energy storage]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 32(1), 2–15. Augustyn, V., & Manthiram, A. (2015). Effects of Chemical versus Electrochemical Delithiation on the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity of Nickel-Rich Layered LiMO2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6(19), 3787–3791. Colligan, N., Augustyn, V., & Manthiram, A. (2015). Evidence of Localized Lithium Removal in Layered and Lithiated Spinel Li1–xCoO2(0 ≤x≤ 0.9) under Oxygen Evolution Reaction Conditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(5), 2335–2340. Augustyn, V., Therese, S., Turner, T. C., & Manthiram, A. (2015). Nickel-rich layered LiNi1−xMxO2(M = Mn, Fe, and Co) electrocatalysts with high oxygen evolution reaction activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3(32), 16604–16612. Augustyn, V., & Manthiram, A. (2015). Characterization of Layered LiMO2Oxides for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction of Metal-Air Batteries (M=Mn, Co, Ni). ChemPlusChem, 80(2), 422–427. Come, J., Augustyn, V., Kim, J. W., Rozier, P., Taberna, P.-L., Gogotsi, P., … Simon, P. (2014). Electrochemical Kinetics of Nanostructured Nb2O5Electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161(5), A718–A725. Rauda, I. E., Augustyn, V., Saldarriaga-Lopez, L. C., Chen, X., Schelhas, L. T., Rubloff, G. W., … Tolbert, S. H. (2014). Nanostructured Pseudocapacitors Based on Atomic Layer Deposition of V2O5onto Conductive Nanocrystal-based Mesoporous ITO Scaffolds. Advanced Functional Materials, 24(42), 6717–6728. Augustyn, V., Simon, P., & Dunn, B. (2014). Pseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rate electrochemical energy storage. Energy & Environmental Science, 7(5), 1597. Rauda, I. E., Augustyn, V., Dunn, B., & Tolbert, S. H. (2013). Enhancing Pseudocapacitive Charge Storage in Polymer Templated Mesoporous Materials. Accounts of Chemical Research, 46(5), 1113–1124. Augustyn, V., Come, J., Lowe, M. A., Kim, J. W., Taberna, P.-L., Tolbert, S. H., … Dunn, B. (2013). High-rate electrochemical energy storage through Li+ intercalation pseudocapacitance. Nature Materials, 12(6), 518–522. Augustyn, V., White, E. R., Ko, J., Grüner, G., Regan, B. C., & Dunn, B. (2014). Lithium-ion storage properties of titanium oxide nanosheets. Mater. Horiz., 1(2), 219–223. Rauda, I. E., Buonsanti, R., Saldarriaga-Lopez, L. C., Benjauthrit, K., Schelhas, L. T., Stefik, M., … Tolbert, S. H. (2012). General Method for the Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanocrystal-Based Mesoporous Materials. ACS Nano, 6(7), 6386–6399. Chen, Z., Augustyn, V., Jia, X., Xiao, Q., Dunn, B., & Lu, Y. (2012). High-Performance Sodium-Ion Pseudocapacitors Based on Hierarchically Porous Nanowire Composites. ACS Nano, 6(5), 4319–4327. White, E. R., Singer, S. B., Augustyn, V., Hubbard, W. A., Mecklenburg, M., Dunn, B., & Regan, B. C. (2012). In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Lead Dendrites and Lead Ions in Aqueous Solution. ACS Nano, 6(7), 6308–6317. Augustyn, V., & Dunn, B. (2013). Low-potential lithium-ion reactivity of vanadium oxide aerogels. Electrochimica Acta, 88, 530–535. Hmadeh, M., Lu, Z., Liu, Z., Gándara, F., Furukawa, H., Wan, S., … Yaghi, O. M. (2012). New Porous Crystals of Extended Metal-Catecholates. Chemistry of Materials, 24(18), 3511–3513. Wang, X., Li, G., Chen, Z., Augustyn, V., Ma, X., Wang, G., … Lu, Y. (2011). High-Performance Supercapacitors Based on Nanocomposites of Nb2O5 Nanocrystals and Carbon Nanotubes. Advanced Energy Materials, 1(6), 1089–1093. Kim, J. W., Augustyn, V., & Dunn, B. (2011). The Effect of Crystallinity on the Rapid Pseudocapacitive Response of Nb2O5. Advanced Energy Materials, 2(1), 141–148. Chen, Z., Augustyn, V., Wen, J., Zhang, Y., Shen, M., Dunn, B., & Lu, Y. (2011). High-Performance Supercapacitors Based on Intertwined CNT/V2O5 Nanowire Nanocomposites. Advanced Materials, 23(6), 791–795. Augustyn, V., & Dunn, B. (2010). Vanadium oxide aerogels: Nanostructured materials for enhanced energy storage. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 13(1-2), 130–141.