Vern Christensen Benson, A. P., Malloy, M. N., Steed, J. R., Christensen, V. L., Fairchild, B. D., & Davis, A. J. (2017). Zona pellucida protein B2 messenger ribonucleic acid expression varies with follicular development and granulosa cell location. POULTRY SCIENCE, 96(9), 3414–3421. Temple, L. M., Miyamoto, D. M., Mehta, M., Capitini, C. M., Von Stetina, S., Barnes, H. J., … Orndorff, P. E. (2010). Identification and Characterization of Two Bordetella avium Gene Products Required for Hemagglutination. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 78(6), 2370–2376. Christensen, V. L. (2009). Development during the first seven days post-hatching. AVIAN BIOLOGY RESEARCH, 2(1-2), 27–33. Fasenko, G. M., Robinson, F. E., & Christensen, V. L. (2009). Effects of long term storage on the egg, embryo and chick. AVIAN BIOLOGY RESEARCH, 2(1-2), 73–79. Cutchin, H. R., Wineland, M. J., Christensen, V. L., Davis, S., & Mann, K. M. (2009). Embryonic development when eggs are turned different angles during incubation. 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M., & Ort, D. T. (2006). Incubator temperature and oxygen concentration at the plateau stage in oxygen consumption affects intestinal maturation of broiler chicks. International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(3), 229. Christensen, V. L. (2005). Artificial insemination (poultry). In C. M. Kahn & S. Line (Eds.), Merck veterinary manual. Whitehouse Station, N.J. : Merck. Christensen, V. L., Fairchild, B. D., Ort, D. T., & Nestor, K. E. (2005). Dam and sire effects on sperm penetration of the perivitelline layer and resulting fecundity of different lines of turkeys. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 14(3), 483–491. Godwin, J. L., Grimes, J. L., Christensen, V. L., & Wineland, M. J. (2005). Effect of dietary phosphorus and phytase levels on the reproductive performance of large white turkey breeder hens. POULTRY SCIENCE, 84(3), 485–493. Christensen, V. L., Wineland, M. J., Ort, D. T., & Mann, K. M. (2005). Eggshell conductance and incubator ventilation as factors in embryo survival and poult quality. International Journal of Poultry Science, 4(11), 818. Suvarna, S., Christensen, V. L., Ort, D. T., & Croom, W. J. (2005). High levels of dietary carbohydrate increase glucose transport in poult intestine. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY, 141(3), 257–263. Christensen, V. L., Wineland, M. J., Yildirum, I., Fairchild, B. D., Ort, D. T., & Mann, K. M. (2005). Incubator temperature and oxygen concentrations during the plateau stage in oxygen uptake affect turkey embryo plasma T4 and T3 concentrations. International Journal of Poultry Science, 4(5), 268. Fairchild, B. D., & Christensen, V. L. (2005). Influence of hen age and number of inseminated sperm on the number of holes hydrolyzed in the inner perivitelline layer of turkey eggs. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 14(3), 576–581. Rivera, R. E., Christensen, V. L., Edens, F. W., & Wineland, M. J. 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Incubator temperature and oxygen concentration at the plateau stage affects intestinal maturation of turkey embryos. International Journal of Poultry Science, 3(6), 378. Christensen, V. L., & Davis, G. S. (2004). Maternal dietary iodide influences turkey embryo thyroid function. International Journal of Poultry Science, 3(9), 550. Suvarna, S., Christensen, V. L., Ort, D. T., & Croom, W. J. (2004). Ontogeny of intestinal glucose transport in heavy and light body weight turkey poults. International Journal of Poultry Science, 3(12), 783. Fasina, Y. O., Garlich, J. D., Classen, H. L., Ferket, P. R., Havenstein, G. B., Grimes, J. L., … Christensen, V. L. (2004). Response of turkey poults to soybean lectin levels typically encountered in commercial diets. 1. Effect on growth and nutrient digestibility. POULTRY SCIENCE, 83(9), 1559–1571. Christensen, V. L., Grimes, J. L., Wineland, M. J., & Davis, G. S. (2003). 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Paternal influences on turkey embryonic growth in the absence of changes in egg weight and eggshell conductance. POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(12), 1810–1816. Fairchild, B. D., & Christensen, V. L. (2000). Photostimulation of turkey eggs accelerates hatching times without affecting hatchability, liver or heart growth, or glycogen content. POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(11), 1627–1631. Christensen, V. L., Donaldson, W. E., Nestor, K. E., & McMurtry, J. P. (1999). Effect of genetics and maternal dietary iodide supplementation on glycogen content of organs within embryonic turkeys. POULTRY SCIENCE, 78(6), 890–898. Christensen, V. L., Donaldson, W. E., Nestor, K. E., & McMurtry, J. P. (1999). Effect of genetics and maternal dietary iodide supplementation on turkey embryonic growth. POULTRY SCIENCE, 78(6), 883–889. Christensen, V. L., Donaldson, W. E., & Nestor, K. E. (1999). Effect of supplemental oxygen on blood plasma organic acids within embryos from selected lines of turkeys. 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