@article{weisler_waghela_granlund_bryant_2021, title={Finite wing lift during water-to-air transition}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2469-990X"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.054002}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.054002}, abstractNote={We report the experimental investigation of lift generation by an initially submerged aspect ratio 4 wing that translates through the water-air interface. Many animals, such as flying fish and diving seabirds, use wings or fins to produce lift forces as they transit the water-air interface, and cross-domain underwater-aerial vehicles were recently demonstrated, but lift production of a wing egressing from water had not yet been quantified. Our results show that the lift history is markedly different for low egress velocities versus high egress velocities, with low velocities exhibiting a large oscillation in lift coefficient and high velocities exhibiting a more linear lift attenuation.}, number={5}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS}, publisher={American Physical Society (APS)}, author={Weisler, W. A. and Waghela, R. and Granlund, K. and Bryant, M.}, year={2021}, month={May} } @article{weisler_miller_jernigan_buckner_bryant_2020, title={Design and testing of a centrifugal fluidic device for populating microarrays of spheroid cancer cell cultures}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1754-1611"]}, DOI={10.1186/s13036-020-0228-6}, abstractNote={Abstract Background In current cancer spheroid culturing methods, the transfer and histological processing of specimens grown in 96-well plates is a time consuming process. A centrifugal fluidic device was developed and tested for rapid extraction of spheroids from a 96-well plate and subsequent deposition into a molded agar receiver block. The deposited spheroids must be compact enough to fit into a standard histology cassette while also maintaining a highly planar arrangement. This size and planarity enable histological processing and sectioning of spheroids in a single section. The device attaches directly to a 96-well plate and uses a standard centrifuge to facilitate spheroid transfer. The agar block is then separated from the device and processed. Results Testing of the device was conducted using six full 96-well plates of fixed Pa14C pancreatic cancer spheroids. On average, 80% of spheroids were successfully transferred into the agar receiver block. Additionally, the planarity of the deposited spheroids was evaluated using confocal laser scanning microscopy. This revealed that, on average, the optimal section plane bisected individual spheroids within 27% of their mean radius. This shows that spheroids are largely deposited in a planar fashion. For rare cases where spheroids had a normalized distance to the plane greater than 1, the section plane either misses or captures a small cross section of the spheroid volume. Conclusions These results indicate that the proposed device is capable of a high capture success rate and high sample planarity, thus demonstrating the capabilities of the device to facilitate rapid histological evaluation of spheroids grown in standard 96-well plates. Planarity figures are likely to be improved by adjusting agar block handling prior to imaging to minimize deformation and better preserve the planarity of deposited spheroids. Additionally, investigation into media additives to reduce spheroid adhesion to 96-well plates would greatly increase the capture success rate of this device. }, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING}, author={Weisler, Warren and Miller, Samuel and Jernigan, Shaphan and Buckner, Gregory and Bryant, Matthew}, year={2020}, month={Mar} } @article{stewart_weisler_anderson_bryant_peters_2020, title={Dynamic Modeling of Passively Draining Structures for Aerial-Aquatic Unmanned Vehicles}, volume={45}, ISSN={["1558-1691"]}, DOI={10.1109/JOE.2019.2898069}, abstractNote={In the design of hybrid unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, buoyancy management and weight are two major factors. Large wing volumes used by unmanned air vehicles to fly efficiently drive vehicle buoyancy up, preventing them from submerging. Heavy active buoyancy control systems can overcome this, but cost weight, energy, and time to transition between underwater operation and flight. An alternative design, consisting of a passively flooding and draining wing, is presented in this paper. Relevant dynamic parameters for a full vehicle dynamic model are identified. A dynamic model of a draining structure is developed and verified experimentally on both a simple cylinder and a full wing structure. With proper tuning, the model captures the salient dynamic behavior of passive draining during vehicle egress. A prototype unmanned aerial and underwater vehicle was built, flown, and used to collect flight test data. The model is used to accurately predict the takeoff performance of the vehicle. As given, the model can be incorporated into a full vehicle dynamic model to aid in the design, simulation, and control of hybrid unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles with passively draining components.}, number={3}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING}, author={Stewart, William and Weisler, Warren and Anderson, Mark and Bryant, Matthew and Peters, Kara}, year={2020}, month={Jul}, pages={840–850} }