@article{luan_newman_west_lee_rokkam_2023, title={Efficient Poisson's Ratio Evaluation of Weft-Knitted Auxetic Metamaterials}, volume={3}, ISSN={["2673-7248"]}, url={https://www.mdpi.com/2673-7248/3/3/18}, DOI={10.3390/textiles3030018}, abstractNote={Auxetic metamaterials expand transversely when stretched longitudinally or contract transversely when compressed, resulting in a negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR). Auxetic fabrics are 3D textile metamaterials possessing a unique geometry that can generate an auxetic response with respect to tension. In weft-knitted auxetic fabrics, the NPR property is achieved due to the inherent curling effect of the face and back stitches of the knit loops; they contract in an organized knitting pattern. The traditional method used to evaluate NPR is to measure the lateral fabric deformation during axial tensile testing on a mechanical testing machine, which is time-consuming and inaccurate in measuring uneven deformations. In this study, an efficient method was developed to evaluate the NPR of weft-knitted fabric that can also estimate deformation directionality. The elasticity and extension properties of the weft-knitted fabric can be analyzed immediately following removal from the knitting bed. Five fabrics, all with the same stitch densities (including four auxetic patterns and one single jersey pattern), were designed and produced to validate the proposed method. The use of our estimation method to evaluate the Poisson’s ratio of such fabrics showed higher values compared with the traditional method. In conclusion, the deformation directionality, elasticity, and extensionality were examined. It is anticipated that the proposed method could assist in the innovative development and deployment of auxetic knitted metamaterials.}, number={3}, journal={TEXTILES}, author={Luan, Kun and Newman, Zoe and West, Andre and Lee, Kuan-Lin and Rokkam, Srujan}, year={2023}, month={Sep}, pages={275–286} } @article{luan_kirkwood_newman_west_denhartog_2022, title={New insight into the flexural rigidity of multi-filament yarn}, volume={8}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1177/00405175221114655}, DOI={10.1177/00405175221114655}, abstractNote={ Filament yarn is one of the most widely used soft strands in the textile industry; it exhibits excellent flexibility and is capable of being used in various productions, including knitting, weaving, braiding, sewing, and embroidery. The inherent complex interlacement between fibers, including twist, entanglement, and yarn geometry, often exhibits a nonlinear response to external loads. In addition, the interlacement of fibers also introduces difficulties when accurately measuring the flexural property of multi-filament yarn. In particular, the flexural rigidity of the yarn strongly influences the quality of end products when incorporated into novel textile technologies. In this paper, we developed a three-point bending instrument and a method for measuring the flexural rigidity of filament yarn. A representative point obeyed from Coplan’s construction on the bending constitutive curve was determined to obtain pure flexural rigidity. Furthermore, the bending process and deformations across cross-sections of filament yarns were discussed. The research provides new physical insights into the yarn bending property with the consideration of eliminating the sub-deformation variabilities. The work also paves the way for the accurate and quick measurement of the flexural rigidity of high length-to-width ratio soft materials by a three-point bending method. }, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Luan, Kun and Kirkwood, Elizabeth and Newman, Zoe and West, Andre and DenHartog, Emiel}, year={2022}, month={Aug} }