@article{kovner_lublinsky_skokov_zhao_2024, title={Not all that is β0 is β-function: the DGLAP resummation and the running coupling in NLO JIMWLK}, volume={07}, ISSN={["1029-8479"]}, url={http://inspirehep.net/record/2691970}, DOI={10.1007/JHEP07(2024)148}, abstractNote={A bstract We reanalyze the origin of the large transverse logarithms associated with the QCD one loop β function coefficient in the NLO JIMWLK Hamiltonian. We show that some of these terms are not associated with the running of the QCD coupling constant but rather with the DGLAP evolution. The DGLAP-like resummation of these logarithms is mandatory within the JIMWLK Hamiltonian, as long as the color correlation length in the projectile is larger than that in the target. This regime in fact covers the whole range of rapidities at which JIMWLK evolution is supposed to be applicable. We derive the RG equation that resums these logarithms to all orders in α s in the JIMWLK Hamiltonian. This is a nonlinear equation for the eikonal scattering matrix S ( x ). We solve this equation, and perform the DGLAP resummation in two simple cases: the dilute limit, where both the projectile and the target are far from saturation, and the saturated regime, where the target correlation length also determines its saturation momentum.}, number={7}, journal={JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS}, author={Kovner, Alex and Lublinsky, Michael and Skokov, Vladimir V. and Zhao, Zichen}, year={2024}, month={Jul} }