Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - 1958 Smetana, F. O. (1958). Design of aerodynamic static pressure compensation for service aircraft. Proceedings of I.S.A. fourth national flight test instrumentation symposium. Pittsburgh : I.S.A. Smetana, F. O. (1958). Investigation of free-stream and stagnation pressure measurement from transonic and supersonic aircraft. Final report. WADC Technical Report, (April). Final report: Investigation of circulation control. (1958). USCEC Report, 49-101. Smetana, F. O., & Wilbur, P. C. (1958). A furtherstudy ofangle-of-attack, angle-of-sideslip, pitot-static probes. Supplement I: Calibration of the USCEC head at transonic speeds. WADC Technical Report, (June). Smetana, F. O., & Headley, J. W. (1958). A further study of angle-ofattack, angle-of-sideslip, pitot-static probes. WADC Technical Report, (June).