Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - 1973 Smetana, F. O., & Knepper, D. P. (1973). Toward simpler techniques for the prediction of lift, drag, and moment characteristics of airfoils at transonic speeds. Journal of Aircraft, 10(2), 124–126. Smetana, F. O., Summey, D. C., & Johnson, W. D. (1973). Point and path performance of light aircraft ? a review and analysis. NASA Contractor Report, CR 2272(June). Smetana, F. O., & Fairchild, H. N. (1973). Equilibrium concentrations of N2H4 and its decomposition products at elevated pressures and temperatures, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Report. NASA Contractor Report, CR 135478(May). Smetana, F. O., & Carden, R. K. (1973). An analytical study of the response of a constant-attitude aircraft to atmospheric turbulence. NASA Contractor Report, CR 2204(March). Smetana, F. O., Humphreys, D. E., Montoya, R. J., Rickard, W. W., & Wilkinson, I. E. (1973). A designstudy for a simply-to-fly, constant-attitude aircraft. NASA Contractor Report, CR 2208(March).