2023 journal article

Effective toluene removal from aqueous solutions using fast pyrolysis-derived activated carbon from agricultural and forest residues: Isotherms and kinetics study

HELIYON, 9(5).

topics (OpenAlex): Adsorption and biosorption for pollutant removal; Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Processes; Zeolite Catalysis and Synthesis; Catalysis and Hydrodesulfurization Studies; Catalytic Processes in Materials Science
Source: ORCID
Added: April 28, 2023

In this study, the production and characterization of activated carbons (ACs) from agricultural and forest residue using physical activation are discussed. Biomass-based biochars produced during fast pyrolysis process is introduced as alternative precursors to produce AC and the integrated process for the co-production of porous adsorbent materials from biochar via the fast pyrolysis process is suggested. Moderate surface areas and good adsorption capacities were obtained from switchgrass (SWG) and pine tops (PT) based AC. The surface areas were 959 and 714 m2/g for SWG- and PT-based AC, respectively. The adsorption capacities using toluene as pollutant for two model systems of 180 and 300 ppm were measured and ranged between 441-711 and 432–716 mg/g for SWG-based and PT-based AC, respectively. The nitrogen adsorptive behavior, Lagergren pseudo-second-order kinetic (PSOK) model and kinetics isotherms studies describe a heterogeneous porous system, including a mesoporous fraction with the existence of a multilayer adsorption performance. The presence of micropores and mesopores in SWG- and PT-based AC suggests potential commercial applications for using pyrolytic biochars for AC production.