2023 journal article
Evaluation of wave-induced instability of nearly saturated sandy slopes under partially undrained condition: A case study of landslide in Fraser River delta front

A significant amount of Methane gas in soil deposits at Fraser River Delta (FRD), Canada, was identified as it adversely impacted the stability of the sloping seabed in the area under waves and tides. In this study, an integrated FEM model is utilized to investigate the instability of FRD front due to 1985 storm waves. Despite earlier studies that focused only on the role of residual pore pressure reached at late wave cycles in inducing the slide of FRD front (using empirical correlations), the transient response of sediments at early wave cycles is considered herein. The effect of coupled-flow-and-deformation processes within the sediments on the extent of the sliding plane is considered. For wave-seabed interaction modeling, Biot’s poroelasticity and linear wave theory are employed to represent the fluid and seabed domains, respectively. The slide evaluation of the sloping seabed is conducted using Strength Reduction Technique with Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The results indicate that the storm waves cause a shallow slide within the slope, and the proximity of the unsaturated layer to mudline exacerbated the instability condition. Moreover, instantaneous liquefaction zones are found to emerge away from the slope; thus, they may not lead to an exacerbated sliding of the slope.