2022 conference paper

Effects of Pressure Sensitive Paint on the Dynamics of Half-Inlet Shock Dynamics

AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, 1–13.

By: C. Jenquin n, E. Johnson n & V. Narayanaswamy n

Contributors: C. Jenquin n, E. Johnson n & V. Narayanaswamy n

Source: ORCID
Added: August 5, 2023

This study examined the pressure dynamics within the shock boundary layer interaction (SBLI) region of a steel half-isolator model. The steel model featured a 3D-printed microramp vortex generator (VG) and a compression ramp mounted on the steel half-isolator. The trailing edge of the VG was placed 50mm upstream of the compression ramp's leading edge. On top of this model, both thick and thin coats of homebrew, fast-response pressure sensitive paint (PSP) was applied. The fast-response PSP, imaged at 40kHz, allowed pressure fluctuations to be seen as the boundary layer interacted with the shock structure and with the high-momentum flow from the VG. Using a profilometry analysis, the height of the paint off the model was able to be quantified. The pressure data from the PSP was analyzed around the area of the SBLI, giving insight into how the thickness of the PSP affected the pressure dynamics in the SBLI region. The root mean square results indicate that the thickness of the paint serves to change the location of the shock impingement on the boundary layer.