2023 article

Transcriptome features of stone cell development in weevil-resistant and susceptible Sitka spruce

Whitehill, J. G. A., Yuen, M. M. S., Chiang, A., Ritland, C. E., & Bohlmann, J. (2023, July 4). NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Vol. 7.

By: J. Whitehill n, M. Yuen*, A. Chiang n, C. Ritland* & J. Bohlmann*

author keywords: conifer; laser-capture microdissection; lignin; plant-insect interaction; plant resistance; secondary cell wall; spruce; weevil
TL;DR: To learn more about molecular mechanisms of stone cell formation in conifers, laser microdissection and RNA sequencing and light, immunohistochemical, and fluorescence microscopy were used to develop cell-type-specific transcriptomes of developing stone cells from R and S trees. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 7, 2023

Summary Stone cells are a specialized, highly lignified cell type found in both angiosperms and gymnosperms. In conifers, abundance of stone cells in the cortex provides a robust constitutive physical defense against stem feeding insects. Stone cells are a major insect‐resistance trait in Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis ), occurring in dense clusters in apical shoots of trees resistant ( R ) to spruce weevil ( Pissodes strobi ) but being rare in susceptible ( S ) trees. To learn more about molecular mechanisms of stone cell formation in conifers, we used laser microdissection and RNA sequencing to develop cell‐type‐specific transcriptomes of developing stone cells from R and S trees. Using light, immunohistochemical, and fluorescence microscopy, we also visualized the deposition of cellulose, xylan, and lignin associated with stone cell development. A total of 1293 genes were differentially expressed at higher levels in developing stone cells relative to cortical parenchyma. Genes with potential roles in stone cell secondary cell wall formation (SCW) were identified and their expression evaluated over a time course of stone cell formation in R and S trees. The expression of several transcriptional regulators was associated with stone cell formation, including a NAC family transcription factor and several genes annotated as MYB transcription factors with known roles in SCW formation.