2023 article
Metal-Halide Perovskite Lasers: Cavity Formation and Emission Characteristics
Moon, J., Mehta, Y., Gundogdu, K., So, F., & Gu, Q. (2023, July 25). ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 7.

Abstract Hybrid metal‐halide perovskites (MHPs) have shown remarkable optoelectronic properties as well as facile and cost‐effective processability. With the success of MHP solar cells and light‐emitting diodes, MHPs have also exhibited great potential as gain media for on‐chip lasers. However, to date, stable operation of optically pumped MHP lasers and electrically driven MHP lasers—an essential requirement for MHP laser's insertion into chip‐scale photonic integrated circuits—is not yet demonstrated. The main obstacles include the instability of MHPs in the atmosphere, rudimentary MHP laser cavity patterning methods, and insufficient understanding of emission mechanisms in MHP materials and cavities. This review aims to provide a detailed overview of different strategies to improve the intrinsic properties of MHPs in the atmosphere and to establish an optimal MHP cavity patterning method. In addition, this review discusses different emission mechanisms in MHP materials and cavities and how to distinguish them.