2023 journal article

Low-density AgriSeq targeted genotyping-by-sequencing markers are efficient for pedigree quality control in Pinus taeda L. breeding


By: Y. Lin n, M. Shalizi n, T. Walker n, E. Lauer, C. Carrasco*, K. Gujjula*, H. Suren*, F. Isik n

author keywords: Genotyping; GBS; Targeted sequencing; SNP array; Genomic relationships; Pedigree errors
TL;DR: The efficiency of an Affymetrix genotyping array (Pita50K) and a targeted Genotyping-by-sequencing (tGBS) panel for estimating genomic relationships and detecting potential pedigree errors in a Pinus taeda L. population is compared. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 7, 2023