2017 article
CATview: The Colored and Aligned Texts Tool by M. Pöckelmann, Paul Molitor, and Jörg Ritter
Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, Vol. 6, pp. 163–166.
CATview, developed within the Semi-Automatical Difference Analysis of Complex Text Variants (SaDA) project at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, is a JavaScript component that can be added to a digital edition to visualize the correspondence among parallel witnesses.
(via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: August 14, 2023
CATview, developed within the Semi-Automatical Difference Analysis of Complex Text Variants (SaDA) project at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, is a JavaScript component that can be added to a digital edition to visualize the correspondence among parallel witnesses. The tool allows developers to add a simplified representation of the witnesses' alignment to the interface of a website, offering a quick, useful visual overview of similarities and divergences, and facilitating easy navigation of the edition.