2022 journal article

Beetle bioluminescence outshines extant aerial predators

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

TL;DR: These ages pre-date the origins of all known extant aerial predators and support much older terrestrial predators as the drivers of terrestrial bioluminescence in beetles, and support the hypothesis that sexual signalling was probably the original function of this signal in aerial fireflies. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2023

We understand very little about the timing and origins of bioluminescence, particularly as a predator avoidance strategy. Understanding the timing of its origins, however, can help elucidate the evolution of this ecologically important signal. Using fireflies, a prevalent bioluminescent group where bioluminescence primarily functions as aposematic and sexual signals, we explore the origins of this signal in the context of their potential predators. Divergence time estimations were performed using genomic-scale datasets providing a robust estimate for the origin of firefly bioluminescence as both a terrestrial and as an aerial signal. Our results recover the origin of terrestrial beetle bioluminescence at 141.17 (122.63–161.17) Ma and firefly aerial bioluminescence at 133.18 (117.86–152.47) Ma using a large dataset focused on Lampyridae; and terrestrial bioluminescence at 148.03 (130.12–166.80) Ma, with the age of aerial bioluminescence at 104.97 (99.00–120.90) Ma using a complementary Elateroidea dataset. These ages pre-date the origins of all known extant aerial predators (i.e. bats and birds) and support much older terrestrial predators (assassin bugs, frogs, ground beetles, lizards, snakes, hunting spiders and harvestmen) as the drivers of terrestrial bioluminescence in beetles. These ages also support the hypothesis that sexual signalling was probably the original function of this signal in aerial fireflies.