2023 journal article

Meta-analysis of genetic diversity and intercolony relatedness among reproductives in commercial honey bee populations


By: D. Tarpy n, J. Caren & D. Delaney*

author keywords: Apis mellifera; breeding; relatedness; social insects; genetic structure
topics (OpenAlex): Plant and animal studies; Insect and Arachnid Ecology and Behavior; Insect and Pesticide Research
TL;DR: A meta-analysis approach to compare the pedigree relationships of honey bee reproductives (queens and their mates) across five different studies and to quantify the overall genetic diversity of breeding populations found the lowest levels of genetic similarity in the outcrossed population and highest levels in the inbred population. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: November 13, 2023

Honey bee colonies are large kin groups, each with a single mother queen and thousands of female workers. Queen bees are highly polyandrous, each mating with an average of approximately 12 drones from other colonies. We used a meta-analysis approach to compare the pedigree relationships of honey bee reproductives (queens and their mates) across five different studies and to quantify the overall genetic diversity of breeding populations. We compared the inferred genotypes of queens and their mates from microsatellite analyses of worker offspring from a feral Africanized honey bee population (which served as a negative control for inbreeding), an experimentally derived population of sister queens (which served as a positive control for inbreeding), and three separate commercially managed populations. We then compared the relatedness of all drones mated to each queen (mate-mate), all queens within each population (queen-queen), each queen with each of her mates (queen-mate), and all drones within each population (drone-drone). We found, as expected, the lowest levels of genetic similarity in the outcrossed population and highest levels of genetic similarity in the inbred population. Levels of genetic similarity among the managed honey bee populations were intermediate but closer to that of the inbred population. Genetic structuring of the entire breeding population resulted in two major subpopulations, likely deriving from breeders on the east and west coast. The effects that these findings have on the overall population genetic diversity of managed honey bees is discussed.