2023 report
Multi-scale fission product release model with comparison to AGR data
TRistructural ISOtropic (TRISO) particle fuel is central to several advanced, high-temperature reactor designs.Each particle consists of a fuel kernel encapsulated by three layers of carbon and ceramics that prevent the release of fission products and ensure physical integrity.Despite outstanding retention properties, fission product release has been observed from intact particles.To better understand and quantify fission product release from TRISO particles, a multiscale, mechanistic model of fission product transport is being developed by the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program.Previous work focused on silver (Ag) transport and improved Ag release predictions.The work described in this report builds on this experience to better understand cesium (Cs) transport in silicon carbide (SiC), the main barrier to the release of fission products.Atomistic simulations provide bulk and grain boundary (GB) Cs diffusivities in SiC, which are used by phase field simulations in the mesoscale code Marmot to determine the temperature, microstructure, and irradiation-dependent Cs diffusivity at the mesoscale in SiC.This approach attributes the different temperature regimes experimentally observed for Cs diffusivities in SiC to a transition from bulk-dominated diffusivity at high temperatures to a GB-dominated regime at low temperatures, providing new insight.The multiscale, mechanistic effective diffusivity is then implemented in the fuel performance code BISON and further validated by comparing Cs release predictions from Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR)-1 and AGR-2 post-irradiation measurements.The new model improves BISON's predictability.This document also reports improvements made on Ag transport modeling by accounting for different GB types having different diffusivities.Moreover, this report details preliminary efforts to model palladium (Pd) attack of the SiC at the mesoscale using a phase field approach.Pd attack and its impact on accelerated Ag transport remains a misunderstood phenomenon, and we use the model to demonstrate that the formation of lamellae that has been observed in experiments can be explained by the reaction of Pd with SiC to form alternating layers of graphite and Pd 2 Si.This effort aims to improve our understanding of the reaction and eventually provide a model for BISON to account for Pd penetration and its effects on fission product release. Accronyms