2024 journal article

Abduction/Adduction Assistance From Powered Hip Exoskeleton Enables Modulation of User Step Width During Walking


author keywords: Hip; Exoskeletons; Legged locomotion; Behavioral sciences; Torque; Foot; Admittance control; Robotic hip exoskeleton; human-exoskeleton interaction; mediolateral balance assistance; gait stability
TL;DR: Tuning of stiffness in admittance control of a hip exoskeleton, acting in mediolateral direction, can be a viable way for controlling step width in normal walking and pave a new way for future design and control of wearable robotics in enhancing mediolateral walking balance for various rehabilitation applications. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: January 22, 2024

Using wearable robotics to modulate step width in normal walking for enhanced mediolateral balance has not been demonstrated in the field. We designed a bilateral hip exoskeleton with admittance control to power hip abduction and adduction to modulate step width.