2024 journal article

Creep and recovery in dense suspensions of smooth and rough colloids

JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY, 68(2), 205–217.

By: Y. Saraswat n, E. Kerstein n & L. Hsiao n

topics (OpenAlex): Material Dynamics and Properties; Surfactants and Colloidal Systems; Rheology and Fluid Dynamics Studies
Source: ORCID
Added: February 5, 2024

We report the effect of particle surface roughness on creep deformation and subsequent strain recovery in dense colloidal suspensions. The suspensions are composed of hard-spherelike poly(methyl methacrylate) smooth (S) and rough (R) colloids with particle volume fractions ϕS = 0.64 ± 0.01 and ϕR = 0.56 ± 0.01, corresponding to a distance of 3.0% and 3.4% based on their jamming volume fractions (ϕJS=0.66±0.01, ϕJR=0.58±0.01). The suspensions are subject to a range of shear stresses (0.01–0.07 Pa) above and below the yield stress values of the two suspensions (σyS=0.035Pa, σyR=0.02Pa). During creep, suspensions of rough colloids exhibit four to five times higher strain deformation compared to smooth colloids, irrespective of the applied stress. The interlocking of surface asperities in rough colloids is likely to generate a heterogeneous microstructure, favoring dynamic particle activity and percolation of strain heterogeneities, therefore resulting in higher magnitude of strain deformation and an earlier onset of steady flow. Strain recovery after the cessation of stress reveals a nonmonotonic recoverable strain for rough colloids, where the peak recoverable strain is observed near the yield stress, followed by a steep decline with increasing stress. This type of response suggests that frictional constraints between geometrically frustrated interlocking contacts can serve as particle bonds capable of higher elastic recovery but only near the yield stress. Understanding how particle roughness affects macroscopic creep and recovery is useful in designing yield stress fluids for additive manufacturing and product formulations.