2024 journal article
Baked sweetpotato textures and sweetness: An investigation into relationships between physicochemical and cooked attributes

Sweetpotato varieties vary greatly in perceived textures and sweetness. This study identified physicochemical factors that influence these attributes in cooked sweetpotatoes. Fifteen genotypes grown on three plots were baked and evaluated by a trained descriptive sensory analysis panel for sweetness and 13 texture attributes. Mechanical parameters were measured by texture profile analysis (TPA); and composition (starch, cell wall material, sugar contents), starch properties (thermal, granule type ratios, granule sizes), and amylase activities were characterized. TPA predicted fracturability and firmness well, whereas starch and sugar contents, B-type starch granule ratio, and amylase activities influenced prediction of mouthfeel textures. Sweetness perception was influenced by perceived particle size and sugar contents; and maltose generation during baking was highly correlated with raw sweetpotato starch content. These relationships between physicochemical sweetpotato properties and baked textures and sweetness could benefit breeders and processors in selecting biochemical traits that result in consumer preferred products.