2023 journal article

Endoparasites of the Corn Snake, <i>Pantherophis guttatus</i> (Linnaeus) (Squamata: Colubridae) from North Carolina, USA


By: J. Flowers n & J. Beane*

author keywords: helminths; Cestoda; Nematoda; Acanthocephala; pentastome; North Carolina; Colubridae; Pantherophis guttatus; Elaphe guttata; corn snake
TL;DR: Twenty-four specimens of Pantherophis guttatus (Linnaeus) (corn snake) from North Carolina were examined for endoparasites, representing 14 new host records and 1 new geographic distribution record. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: March 18, 2024

Twenty-four specimens of Pantherophis guttatus (Linnaeus) (corn snake) from North Carolina were examined for endoparasites. Fourteen species of helminths (2 cestodes, 10 nematodes, 2 acanthocephalans) and 1 pentastome are reported, representing 14 new host records and 1 new geographic distribution record. No trematodes were found, and the salvaged tapeworms were morphologically unidentifiable. Capillaria colubra, at 63%, was the most prevalent helminth, followed by Strongyloides serpentis and immature physalopterid larvae, each at 29%. Two uncommon finds for North Carolina snakes were the pentastome, Porocephalus crotali, and the trichostrongylid nematode, Oswaldocruzia sp.