2024 journal article
50 Years of JCR
Journal of Consumer Research.
The inaugural issue of the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) was published 50 years ago, in June 1974.The first issue was eclectic, covering a wide range of topics from consumer economics to psychological theory.This diversity reflected the Journal's broad sponsorship base, including seven of the now eleven sponsoring organizations, and continues to represent the multidisciplinary orientation of the Journal and the field.The then-nascent academic field of consumer research is now a well-established and thriving field due, in large part, to this journal.This 50 th anniversary special issue is a testament to the scholars who have published here over five productive decades.This issue includes conceptual and empirical articles, reviews of research areas and new insights, and historical as well as futuristic perspectives.Some articles reflect on the Journal over the years and the academic discipline of consumer research, considering the relevance, innovativeness, and impact of research in our field.Others explore important consumer theories or emerging marketplace phenomena.We structure the articles using editorial essays on five key JCR themes: consumer information processing and behavioral decision-making (Schmitt), society and culture (Cotte), innovation and emerging topics (Stephen), consumer research methods (Wood), and the Journal itself (Giesler).These essays are based on interviews with prominent consumer scholars who have shaped consumer research and made significant contributions over the years.They provide both a reflection on where we have been and a perspective on where we are going.In looking back at 50 years of research and insight for academic researchers, marketing practitioners, and other stakeholders, we celebrate the diversity of ideas, constructs, and methodologies that characterize our field.In this very special issue, we invite you to join us in the intellectual celebration.