2024 journal article

Measurement and Temperature Prediction from Ash Disposed in Landfills Using a Quasi-Adiabatic Flow Reactor

Narode, A., Hao, Z., Pourghaz, M., Ducoste, J. J., & Barlaz, M. A. (2024, May 13). ACS ES&T ENGINEERING, Vol. 5.

By: A. Narode n, Z. Hao n, M. Pourghaz n, J. Ducoste n & M. Barlaz n

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Source: ORCID
Added: May 15, 2024

Models that describe heat accumulation in landfills show that ash hydration and carbonation can be a significant source of heat. Ash contains CaO and Ca(OH)2 as well as other oxides and hydroxides that undergo hydration and carbonation reactions. However, there is no data on heat evolution from ash under landfill conditions to parametrize heat accumulation models. The objective of this study was to develop and demonstrate a quasi-adiabatic reactor to measure heat generation from ash under landfill conditions. The reactor method was validated with CaO and Ca(OH)2 and then demonstrated for 6 coal ash and 6 municipal solid waste (MSW) ash samples. Heat recovery in the reactors was ∼104.5% and 106% of theoretical for CaO hydration and Ca(OH)2 carbonation, respectively. The heat generation potential of the ashes varied from 11 to 583 and 78 to 297 J g–1 for coal and MSW, respectively. The wide range demonstrated the uniqueness of each ash. Using the measured rate and extent of heat generation, model simulations showed an insignificant effect on landfill temperatures at 10% ash for most samples, while at 20% ash, two of the coal ashes resulted in predicted temperature increases of 51 and 71 °C relative to the burial of MSW only.