2024 article
Mitigating Spatial Error in the Iterative Quasi-Monte Carlo (iQMC) Method for Neutron Transport Simulations with Linear Discontinuous Source Tilting and Effective Scattering and Fission Rate Tallies
Pasmann, S., Variansyah, I., Kelley, C. T., & McClarren, R. G. (2024, May 5). NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 5.

The iterative Quasi–Monte Carlo (iQMC) method is a recently proposed method for neutron transport simulations. iQMC can be viewed as a hybrid between deterministic iterative techniques, Monte Carlo simulation, and Quasi–Monte Carlo techniques. iQMC holds several algorithmic characteristics that make it desirable for high-performance computing environments, including an O(N−1) convergence scheme, a ray-tracing transport sweep, and a highly parallelizable nature similar to analog Monte Carlo. While there are many potential advantages of using iQMC, there are also inherent disadvantages, namely, the spatial discretization error introduced from the use of a mesh across the domain.