2024 journal article

Microbial Communities in Standing Dead Trees in Ghost Forests are Largely Aerobic, Saprophytic, and Methanotrophic


By: M. Carmichael*, M. Martinez*, S. Braeuer & M. Ardon n

topics (OpenAlex): Peatlands and Wetlands Ecology; Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Studies; Coastal wetland ecosystem dynamics
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14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: July 1, 2024

Abstract Standing dead trees (snags) are recognized for their influence on methane (CH 4 ) cycling in coastal wetlands, yet the biogeochemical processes that control the magnitude and direction of fluxes across the snag-atmosphere interface are not fully elucidated. Herein, we analyzed microbial communities and fluxes at one height from ten snags in a ghost forest wetland. Snag-atmosphere CH 4 fluxes were highly variable (− 0.11–0.51 mg CH 4 m −2 h −1 ). CH 4 production was measured in three out of ten snags; whereas, CH 4 consumption was measured in two out of ten snags. Potential CH 4 production and oxidation in one core from each snag was assayed in vitro. A single core produced CH 4 under anoxic and oxic conditions, at measured rates of 0.7 and 0.6 ng CH 4 g −1 h −1 , respectively. Four cores oxidized CH 4 under oxic conditions, with an average rate of − 1.13 ± 0.31 ng CH 4 g −1 h −1 . Illumina sequencing of the V3/V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed diverse microbial communities and indicated oxidative decomposition of deadwood. Methanogens were present in 20% of the snags, with a mean relative abundance of < 0.0001%. Methanotrophs were identified in all snags, with a mean relative abundance of 2% and represented the sole CH 4 -cycling communities in 80% of the snags. These data indicate potential for microbial attenuation of CH 4 emissions across the snag-atmosphere interface in ghost forests. A better understanding of the environmental drivers of snag-associated microbial communities is necessary to forecast the response of CH 4 cycling in coastal ghost forest wetlands to a shifting coastal landscape.