2024 conference paper
Universal scaling and the asymptotic behaviour of Fourier coefficients of the baryon-number density in QCD
PoS, LATTICE2023, 167.
We discuss the scaling of the Yang-Lee singularity (YLs) and show how the universal scaling can be used to locate phase transitions in QCD. We describe two complementary methods to extract the location of the Yang-Lee singularity from lattice QCD data of the baryon-number density and higher order cumulants of the baryon number, obtained at imaginary chemical potential. The first method (multi-point Pade resummation) is used to determine the Roberge-Weiss phase transition temperature. Our continuum extrapolated result is $T_{RW}=211.1\pm3.1$ MeV. The second method is based on the asymptotic behaviour of the Fourier coefficients of the baryon-number density. We discuss the derivation of a fitting function and demonstrate that the procedure can successfully locate the YLs in the Quark Meson model.