2024 journal article

Correcting Edge Defects in Self‐Assembled Monolayers through Thermal Annealing

Correcting Edge Defects in Self-Assembled Monolayers through Thermal Annealing. CHEMPHYSCHEM, 25(22).

By: A. Pauls n, A. Dunnum*, A. Martin n, A. Huth*, C. Du* & M. Thuo n

Source: ORCID
Added: September 15, 2024

Abstract Self‐assembled monolayers (SAMs) are emerging as platform technology for a myriad of applications, yet they still possess varied spatial stability and predictability issues as their properties are heavily dependent on subtle structural features. Reducing entropy within such a system serves as one of many potential solutions to increase order and therefore coherence/precision in measured properties. Here we explore controlled thermal annealing to improve edge disorders in SAMs and significantly reduce data variance. Using both odd‐ and even‐numbered n‐alkanethiol SAMs on Au, we observe statistically significant difference in the contact angles between edge and center. Thermal annealing at 40 °C significantly narrows differences between edges and centre of the SAM, albeit with significant reduction in the parity dependent odd‐even effect. This study provides a pathway to improve SAMs consistency through minimal external perturbation as reflected by the minimization of odd‐even effect as SAMs become increasingly ordered.