2024 article

Leveraging Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for System Suitability Testing of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Platforms

Kibbe, R. R., Sohn, A. L., & Muddiman, D. C. (2024, September 3). JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, Vol. 9.

By: R. Kibbe n, A. Sohn n & D. Muddiman n

author keywords: mass spectrometry imaging; machine learning; quality control; system suitability testing; IR-MALDESI
Source: Web Of Science
Added: September 23, 2024

Quality control and system suitability testing are vital protocols implemented to ensure the repeatability and reproducibility of data in mass spectrometry investigations. However, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) analyses present added complexity since both chemical and spatial information are measured. Herein, we employ various machine learning algorithms and a novel quality control mixture to classify the working conditions of an MSI platform. Each algorithm was evaluated in terms of its performance on unseen data, validated with negative control data sets to rule out confounding variables or chance agreement, and utilized to determine the necessary sample size to achieve a high level of accurate classifications. In this work, a robust machine learning workflow was established where models could accurately classify the instrument condition as clean or compromised based on data metrics extracted from the analyzed quality control sample. This work highlights the power of machine learning to recognize complex patterns in MSI data and use those relationships to perform a system suitability test for MSI platforms.