2024 article

Investigation of Protective Coatings for Reducing High-Temperature Oxidation of Steels

Mugale, M., Choudhari, A., Karki, S., Desai, J., Walunj, G., Vukkum, V. B., … Borkar, T. (2024, October 7). JOM.

By: M. Mugale*, A. Choudhari*, S. Karki*, J. Desai*, G. Walunj*, V. Vukkum n, D. Schwam*, R. Gupta n, T. Borkar*

Source: Web Of Science
Added: October 21, 2024

Abstract Oxidation of steel billets during pre-heating at elevated temperatures is a challenge, particularly in the forging industry. There is a need to address this problem by applying effective oxidation-resistant coatings on forging billets. In this investigation, different types of commercially available high-temperature, oxidation-resistant coatings, termed Coating A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, were applied on AISI 4340 low-alloy steel by spraying and dipping at room temperature. The oxidation protection behavior of each coating was studied over a wide range of temperatures and holding times in atmospheric conditions. The weight and height losses caused by oxidation were measured, and the samples were subsequently characterized using XRD and SEM-EDS. The protection mechanisms and anti-oxidation properties of the coatings are discussed in detail. The sample coated with Coating A showed the best protection at all temperatures compared to other coatings. The weight/height loss of Coating A-coated steel samples was reduced by 80–90% compared to an uncoated/bare sample. Coating A not only limited the outward diffusion of iron cations from the substrate but also prevented the inward diffusion of oxygen anions from the atmosphere, resulting in better oxidation resistance. The findings of the study should apply to other steels with similar compositions.