2025 journal article

Establishing an IPM System for Tarnished Plant Bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) in North Carolina


Source: ORCID
Added: February 5, 2025

Prior to 2010, Lygus lineolaris Palisot de Beauvois was a minor pest in North Carolina cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., but became one of the top pests by 2017. This insect was already a persistent pest in other US cotton-producing regions. Initial work focused on addressing near-term management needs and documenting locally relevant ecology and population dynamics of the pest in North Carolina. Landscape factors were found that correlated with tarnished plant bug incidence. Adult numbers tended to be higher in fragmented fields (more field edges) and nymph numbers were higher near field edges. The minimum required sample for estimating tarnished plant bug populations was studied. Thresholds developed in the Midsouth were proven to be useful in a study between both southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. Furthermore, an insecticide application sequence was recommended based on efficacy trials, number of expected insecticides, and preserving beneficial insects early in the season. These were evaluated in a study investigating IPM systems approaches. Finally, new management tactics for tarnished plant bug, such as ThryvOn cotton, are being evaluated. As new management strategies and tactics are developed, they will need to be evaluated for their fit in this IPM system.