2003 journal article
Origin and extent of resistance to fipronil in the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera : Blattellidae)

Fipronil, a phenylpyrazole insecticide, was made available in 1999 in bait formulations for use against the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.). We have investigated resistance to Þpronil in the descendants of cockroaches collected just before, or contemporaneously with, the introduction of Þpronil baits. Cockroaches were obtained in two types of settings: homes that either had or had not been serviced by a pest management professional while occupied by their current residents. Thorough inspections by us turned up no evidence that Þpronil had been used in any of the homes, and in addition, no residents claimed to have used baits containing Þpronil. Resistance to Þpronil was detected by topically dosing adult males with the LC99 of Þpronil, the value of which was determined in a doseÐresponse assay with males of an insecticide-susceptible strain. Fewer than 99 of 100 males of all Þeld-collected strains died within 72 h of being treated. Moreover, substantial numbers of males survived doses three and 10-fold greater than the LC99. Regression analysis showed that 67% of the variation in the percentage of males that died after being treated with Þpronil was explained by a linear relationship with the percentage that died after being treated with dieldrin. Therefore, it appears that resistance to Þpronil in German cockroachesÑwhose ancestors had never been exposed to itÑis attributable to enduring resistance to the cyclodienes, which were formerly used for cockroach control and have a similar mode of action as Þpronil. Lastly, we found that insects resistant to topically administered Þpronil were likewise resistant, and to a similar degree, to ingested Þpronil.