2019 journal article

From Mechanics to Meaning


By: A. Summerville*, C. Martens n, S. Harmon*, M. Mateas*, J. Osborn*, N. Wardrip-Fruin*, A. Jhala n

author keywords: Answer set programming (ASP); automated game analysis; proceduralist readings
TL;DR: This work formalizes proceduralist argumentation as a logic program that performs static reasoning over game specifications to derive higher level meanings, as part of Gemini, a bidirectional game analysis and generation system. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
4. Quality Education (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: April 2, 2019

While generative approaches to game design offer great promise, systems can only reliably generate what they can “understand,” which is often represented in a limited, implicit form in hand-crafted evaluation functions or constructive rules. Proceduralist readings, a semiformal approach for interpreting the meaning of a game based on its underlying processes and interactions in conjunction with aesthetic and cultural cues, offer a novel, systematic approach to game understanding. We formalize proceduralist argumentation as a logic program that performs static reasoning over game specifications to derive higher level meanings, as part of Gemini, a bidirectional game analysis and generation system.