2006 journal article

Mitigating impacts to Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii Sarg.): a case study of transplanting an endangered shrub

CASTANEA, 71(4), 265–271.

By: R. Braham n, C. Murray & M. Boyer*

TL;DR: Whether Michaux's sumac can be successfully transplanted both from above-ground shoots with roots and from roots-only, whether direct out-planting or recovery in a greenhouse prior to out- Planting provided higher survivorship, and whether transplanting is viable for mitigation are determined. (via Semantic Scholar)
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UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
15. Life on Land (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

As part of a mitigation plan, we transplanted a clone of the endangered Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii) from an imperiled site to two lightly-forested sites. Using hand trowels, we removed 96 above-ground shoots with adjacent roots and 120 m of connecting root material. We wanted to determine whether Michaux's sumac can be successfully transplanted both from above-ground shoots with roots and from roots-only, whether direct out-planting or recovery in a greenhouse prior to out-planting provided higher survivorship, and whether transplanting is viable for mitigation. Planting above-ground shoots with roots and roots-only gave similar first-year survivorship both in the forest and in the greenhouse. Allowing plants to recover in a greenhouse prior to out-planting gave higher survivorship after one year. After 7–8 years, the number of above-ground shoots at the two sites increased to 203 and 262, an increase of 37 and 219% respectively, indicating that transplanting is a viable option for mitigation.