2019 journal article
Bra Underwire Customization With 3-D Printing

In the current research, we aimed to investigate whether customized 3-D underwires improve bra performance. The first experiment was designed to study whether customized 3-D printed underwires provide significant benefits over conventional wires. Customized 3-D underwires were produced following individual breast root shapes and compared with conventional underwires through wear trials. According to the empirical data, pressure was significantly reduced with the customized underwire, and performance improvement was more evident with wearing sensations of support and comfort. In the second experiment, we varied the length of the customized underwires and observed how the length of underwires influenced bra performance. More pressure was found in the outer region of the longest underwires than the medium-length wires but support and comfort sensations did not have noticeable changes depending on the wire length. As illustrated in this research, advanced 3-D technologies could contribute to product engineering and customization in the apparel industry.