2010 review

The rough guide to Bollywood Gold, RGNET 1182CD (various performer)

[Review of ]. Asian Music : Journal of the Society for Asian Music, 41(1), 175–178.

By: A. Arnold*

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

section is performed in irama wilet and rangkep (also with andhegan, and at times even including “naughty” treatment of certain passages led by the drummer). Th e above are not the treatments of wayang accompaniment. Th ere are a few examples of sulukan, a song by the dhalang primarily to set and/or heighten the mood of a scene. For the other wayang music examples, an older dolanan (play song) is given, rather than a newer one, and its use for the clown scene is explained. Two most popular jineman, a genre featuring the melodic dexterity of the pesindhen, are also presented: “Uler Kambang” and “Gathik Glindhing.” About the latter, it was already mentioned in 19th century gamelan literature, thus was not composed by a recent musician as suggested in the liner notes. Th is CD set indeed represents the richness in content of the style, musical treatment, and mood of the gamelan repertoires. A few pieces are highly attached to the court tradition (e.g., “Ela-Ela Kalibeber” and “Laler Mengeng”), but most pieces are well-known in and outside of the court. I have been using this set for listening assignments in my class on Indonesian music and theater, but I reconfi gure the order of the pieces according to the needs of the class. For example, to simulate a typical klenengan, in which mood and pathet (modal) progression is an important aspect of the presentation, I choose the following pieces in order: “Kombang Mara,” “Titipati,” “Gambir Sawit,” “Jineman,” and “Pangkur.” I choose pieces with short gongan structure (“Gegot” and “Subakastawa”) to illustrate gamelan musical structure as well as to explain a variety of musical treatments and rhythmic variety. All in all, Marc Benamou and Rahayu Supanggah should be commended for producing this excellent gamelan box set.