2013 chapter

VIA - Visualizing Individual Actions to Develop a Sustainable Community Culture through Cycling

In Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions (pp. 316–325).

By: B. Watson n, D. Berube n, N. Hristov*, C. Strohecker*, S. Betz*, L. Allen*, M. Burczyk*, A. Howard* ...

TL;DR: Network members will use new technologies to engage the community about its use of transportation--especially biking--and study how that communication affects sustainability awareness and behavior. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Crossref
Added: August 28, 2020

Improving the sustainability of our society requires significant change in our collective behavior. But today, individuals in our society have no regular way of seeing that collective behavior, or how their own behavior compares to it. We are creating a research network that will study how new technologies such as mobiles and visualization can encourage individuals to change their behavior to improve sustainability. In Winston-Salem NC, network members will use new technologies to engage the community about its use of transportation—especially biking—and study how that communication affects sustainability awareness and behavior.