2011 journal article

Adapting lean manufacturing principles to the textile industry

Production Planning & Control Special Issue on Challenges in Apparel Production, Planning and Control, 22(3), 237–247.

By: G. Hodge n, K. Ross n, J. Joines n & K. Thoney n

author keywords: lean manufacturing; textiles; value stream mapping
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

A research project was conducted to determine which lean principles are appropriate for implementation in the textile industry. Lean manufacturing involves a variety of principles and techniques, all of which have the same ultimate goal: to eliminate waste and non-value-added activities at every production or service process in order to give the most satisfaction to the customer. To stay competitive, many US textile manufacturers have sought to improve their manufacturing processes so that they can more readily compete with overseas manufacturers. This study identifies the different tools and principles of lean. The use of lean manufacturing in the textile industry was examined in this research through interviews, plant tours and case studies. A model for implementing lean tools and principles in a textile environment was developed.