2011 journal article

Microbial UV fluence-response assessment using a novel UV-LED collimated beam system

WATER RESEARCH, 45(5), 2011–2019.

By: C. Bowker*, A. Sain, M. Shatalov & J. Ducoste*

author keywords: Disinfection; UV; LED; Water treatment; CFD
MeSH headings : Bacteriophage T7 / growth & development; Bacteriophage T7 / radiation effects; Disinfection / instrumentation; Disinfection / methods; Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation; Escherichia coli / growth & development; Escherichia coli / radiation effects; Levivirus / growth & development; Levivirus / radiation effects; Ultraviolet Rays; Virus Inactivation / radiation effects; Water Microbiology; Water Purification / instrumentation; Water Purification / methods
TL;DR: A research study to determine the ultraviolet (UV) fluence-response of several target non-pathogenic microorganisms to UV light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) by performing collimated beam tests found differences may have been caused by a departure from the time-dose reciprocity law due to microbial repair mechanisms. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

A research study has been performed to determine the ultraviolet (UV) fluence-response of several target non-pathogenic microorganisms to UV light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) by performing collimated beam tests. UV-LEDs do not contain toxic mercury, offer design flexibility due to their small size, and have a longer operational life than mercury lamps. Comsol Multiphysics was utilized to create an optimal UV-LED collimated beam design based on number and spacing of UV-LEDs and distance of the sample from the light source while minimizing the overall cost. The optimized UV-LED collimated beam apparatus and a low-pressure mercury lamp collimated beam apparatus were used to determine the UV fluence-response of three surrogate microorganisms (Escherichia coli, MS-2, T7) to 255 nm UV-LEDs, 275 nm UV-LEDs, and 254 nm low-pressure mercury lamps. Irradiation by low-pressure mercury lamps produced greater E. coli and MS-2 inactivation than 255 nm and 275 nm UV-LEDs and similar T7 inactivation to irradiation by 275 nm UV-LEDs. The 275 nm UV-LEDs produced more efficient T7 and E. coli inactivation than 255 nm UV-LEDs while both 255 nm and 275 nm UV-LEDs produced comparable microbial inactivation for MS-2. Differences may have been caused by a departure from the time-dose reciprocity law due to microbial repair mechanisms.