2000 journal article

A unified loading parameter for creep-crack growth


By: W. Wang*, F. Yuan n & Y. Takao*

author keywords: creep-crack growth; time-dependent fracture; unified loading parameter; path-independent integral; experimental method
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

This paper presents a unified loading parameter JT for creep–crack growth. The parameter JT is a path–independent integral and is derived through an energy analysis based on an assumption that a small creep deformation dominant region exists around the crack tip. The relationship between JT and existing path–independent or path–dependent integrals for special creep–crack growth problems is examined. Existing path–independent or path–dependent integrals for special cases of short or long time are included in JT. The present path–independent integral JT is not limited to any specified constitutive relations except for a small region close to the crack tip, and then it is valid for general creep materials. Energy analysis shows that JT possesses a definite physical meaning and can be used as a loading parameter to characterize the crack growth in time–dependent materials, such as metal under various high–temperature environments and other rate–sensitive materials. In fact, the JT is a kind of J–type integral for creep materials and it also has an intimate relation with existing C(t) and C* integrals. An experimental procedure for evaluating JTas well as C* is discussed.