2011 journal article

Producing superior composites by winding carbon nanotubes onto a mandrel under a poly(vinyl alcohol) spray

CARBON, 49(14), 4786–4791.

By: W. Liu n, X. Zhang*, G. Xu*, P. Bradford n, X. Wang n, H. Zhao n, Y. Zhang*, Q. Jia* ...

Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

A simple method for processing high-performance carbon nanotube (CNT)/poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) composites by coupling the spraying of a PVA solution with the continuous winding of CNT sheets from an array onto a rotating mandrel is reported. This method allows the CNT composites to have a high CNT volume fraction, while having a high degree of alignment, long CNTs, and good integration with the matrix, which are extremely difficult to realize simultaneously by other processes. As a result, the composites have a toughness, strength and electrical conductivity up to 100 J/g, 1.8 GPa and 780 S/cm, respectively. Such a one-step synthesis process is promising for industrial productions and also works for different types of polymers.