2012 journal article

Front-End Design for Compact MIMO Receivers: A Communication Theory Perspective


author keywords: MIMO; antenna arrays; noise figure; receivers; channel capacity
TL;DR: MIMO low-noise design principles from a communication theory perspective are developed by deriving generalizations of SNR and noise factor from various MIMO communication schemes and one result is able to derive optimal matching networks for a bank of uncoupled amplifiers. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

The front-end is a crucial component in modern wireless communication systems. For SISO systems minimizing the front-end noise factor is optimal, and this also applies to MIMO systems with i.i.d. noise. However, for compact MIMO receivers that may exhibit spatially correlated noise, e.g., through antenna mutual coupling, the optimal design procedure is not clear. In this paper we develop MIMO low-noise design principles from a communication theory perspective by deriving generalizations of SNR and noise factor from various MIMO communication schemes. As one result, we are able to derive optimal matching networks for a bank of uncoupled amplifiers.