2020 report

Fermi Gases in Bichromatic Superlattices

By: J. Thomas n

Source: ORCID
Added: February 7, 2021

The purpose of the program is the broad study of designer materials made of ultra-cold atoms and light, which provides new paradigms for emulating exotic layered systems. Bichromatic superlattices enable control and study of both dimensionality and dispersion in layered, strongly correlated Fermi gases, to model high-temperature superfluidity/superconductivity. Most layered materials are quasi-two-dimensional, neither two-dimensional, like a sheet, nor three-dimensional, like a gas, but somewhere in between. In quasi-2D layers with an unequal number of spin-up and spin-down electrons, particularly strong attraction between pairs of electrons with opposite spins is predicted to achieve the highest possible superconducting transition temperatures. To understand these materials, we emulate them with a layered, ultra-cold Fermi gas of 6Li atoms, magnetically tuned near a collisional (Feshbach) resonance, where precise control of the attraction, spin-composition, dimensionality and dispersion provides new tests of theory. The primary goals are of the program are: (1) Elucidation of the effects of dimensionality and confining potential shape on the enhancement of high-temperature superfluidity in a layered, strongly correlated Fermi gases; (2) Control of dispersion and the study of tunable Dirac points in one dimension.