2020 article

Mesh-Sequenced Realizations for Evaluation of Subgrid-Scale Models for Turbulent Combustion

Edwards, J. R., & Nielsen, T. B. (2020, November). AIAA JOURNAL, Vol. 58, pp. 4878–4892.

By: J. Edwards n & T. Nielsen*

Source: Web Of Science
Added: February 8, 2021

This paper develops a new approach for analysis of subgrid closures for turbulent combustion as modeled using direct quadrature (finite-rate chemistry) techniques. The approach, termed multiresolution analysis through mesh-sequenced realizations (MRA-MSR), conducts simultaneous, constrained large-eddy simulations on a set of hierarchically coarsened meshes. The availability of underlying fine-mesh (subgrid) data corresponding to coarse-mesh locations allows a clearer assessment of the effects of unresolved fluctuations on apparent reactivity. A key to MRA-MSR is the correlation of eddy structures at coarser mesh levels, which is facilitated by the transfer of filtered fine-mesh velocity information. A seven-mesh MRA-MSR hierarchy using three resolution levels is applied to one of the Sydney bluff-body stabilized methane–hydrogen flames. Analysis of the simultaneously evolved data at different resolution levels reveals several interesting trends. First, at high Damköhler numbers, there is clear evidence of attenuation of apparent reactivity due to the effects of unresolved fluctuations. Secondly, single-point, single-time filtered density functions of a normalized subgrid Damköhler number show a characteristic beta probability density function (PDF) form and display evidence of scale similarity. Interrogation of the MRA-MSR database also shows that the recently-proposed least-squares minimization (LSM) turbulence–chemistry interaction model can account for the observed diminishment in reactivity at high Damköhler numbers but cannot reduce scatter significantly. A new form of the LSM model, which makes use of the normalized subgrid Damköhler number beta PDF distribution, performs slightly better than the original model, illustrating the potential of MRA-MSR both in assessing existing closure concepts and in developing new ones.